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“She has good taste.” I barely manage a response because his hand has officially slid up my dress and his tongue is sliding across my barely visible cleavage. Bryce lifts his head, looking at me with eyes that are blazing with need and desire.

“She does.” Before I can respond, he captures my mouth, his tongue demanding entry. His mouth ravishes mine and our bodies are flush against each other. His dick is already rock hard and all I can think about is how much I want it right now.

Without thinking too hard about it, I push Bryce back just far enough to give me room to drop to my knees. I don’t care that we’re in my store right now, or that anyone could walk in at any moment. We’re on the other side of a table and bookshelf, so if someone does come in, we’ll know before they’d see us.

I make quick work of undoing his pants and pulling him out. Bryce tries to protest, but I ignore him, needing to taste him. I hold his dick in my hand, and lick the bead of precum from the tip. I let out a low moan when the salty sweet taste hits my tongue.

I circle my tongue around his crown before licking a pay down his shaft.

“Fuck, Morgan. Your mouth is heaven, baby.” I take him all the way down my throat and only stop when I hit the back of my throat, causing me to gag. I pull back, but only for a second before I repeat the action. Once my throat relaxes a little more, I up my pace. Bryce tangles his fingers in my hair, and even though I’m not sure he realizes he’s doing it, he begins to buck his hips. We fall into a mutual rhythm with Bryce basically fucking my face, and me taking every last centimeter he gives me. My nails dig into his thighs and I can feel myself growing wetter with every moan and groan he releases. After a couple minutes, his thrusts become more and more frantic and he lets go of my hair.

“Fuck, baby. I’m gonna- Morgan, babe, I’m gonna cum.” Instead of pulling away, I suck him in deeper, using my hand to jerk him off, milking every last drop from him when he finally lets go and releases into my mouth. Once I’ve swallowed it all down, Bryce grabs onto my arms, hauls me to my feet and kisses me with a heady force.

His hand begins to slide back under my dress just as the bell over the door rings, making him pull away. He looks frustrated and horny and it makes me laugh.

“Still want me to come over when I close?” I ask as he tucks himself away and fixes his pants. He doesn’t answer, only giving me a look that clearly says I’m an idiot if I think he doesn’t want me to. I let out a low laugh as I lean in and give me a quick kiss.

“I’ll see you tonight.”



This week has been perfect. Morgan has spent the night at my apartment every night this week. Going to bed and waking up with her in my arms has been a dream I haven’t allowed myself to have for a long time now. It’s amazing how easily she’s managed to fit into my life. Almost as if she was never out of it. There’s even been a few times that I've caught her sitting out by the pool with Fitzy and my sister drinking martini’s. Every time that’s happened, I’ve had to carry her back to my place because Morgan does not hold her liquor nearly as much as the old lady or my sister, who basically drinks vodka as water half the time.

Today, Morgan is at my parents house with Juliet. The warmth that spread in my chest when Morgan told me that they were spending the day baking has been with me all day. She’s never been a huge lover of Christmas, not that I can blame her, considering her past. The holiday hasn’t always been kind to her, but I’m determined to give her a new perspective on it. My parents love Christmas, and they instilled that love into Juliet and I.

I walk into the jewelry store, already knowing what I’m looking for, so I don’t pay any mind to the sales people that are looking at me with dollar signs in their eyes.

Twenty minutes later, I’m walking out of the store with a small bag in hand. It’s Christmas eve, so the streets and stores are all crowded, but I don’t mind at all. The hustle and bustle is a part of all the fun. The music filtering out onto the sidewalks from the different stores, the ringing bells from the charity Santa’s on the street corners, the over-the-top decorations. It’s all part of the experience of Christmas and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I spend the day shopping, buying gifts for my mom and sister. I begrudgingly buy gifts for my extended family as well, even though I wish more than anything that they weren’t spending Christmas with us. I tell Dad all the time that he’s too damn nice to his siblings and cousins. They’re all assholes and don’t care about anyone but themselves. Yet he still invites them for holidays and sends them Birthday cards every year. Luckily, they don’t always accept his invitations. Unfortunately, this year, they did.

When I finish my shopping, I head back to my apartment, already exhausted from the day. I consider going to my parents house, but I know they won’t be done baking yet. It’s only two in the afternoon, and dinner isn’t until six-thirty, so I know they’ll be baking until at least five.

I plop down on the couch with a loud huff just as my phone chimes with a notification. A Google alert pops up with my name on it and as soon as I open it, my heart drops to my stomach. There’s a photo of Morgan and I kissing on the street and the headline is so cruel, I have to swallow down the bile rising in my throat.

Bryce Richardsonback on the rolls.

What the hellis wrong with people? I read through the article, my stomach twisting more and more with each word read. There’s not a single positive thing said about Morgan. Hell, the only thing even talked about is her weight. Fuck, they even say I should be careful not to be smothered by her thighs. What kind of moron would think that’s a bad thing? If that’s the way I went, I would die a damn happy man.

I close out the article, then send a quick text to my lawyer telling him I want to sue the website before getting up and leaving my apartment.

I race over to my parents, refusing to make the same mistakes I did last year. I don’t know if Morgan has seen the article yet, but either way I’m not going to try and hide it from her. She’s stronger than I gave her credit for last year, and I don’t give a shit what these fuckwads say about her. If they can’t see that my girl is the most beautiful woman in the world, then there’s seriously something wrong with them.

I pull up to my parents house, barely putting the car in park before getting out and hurrying to the house. The sound of laughter and soft talking greets me when I open the front door, which quickly helps calm my nerves. I can hear Morgan and Juliet, clear as day, and whatever they’re talking about has both of them laughing like hyenas.

“I mean, it’s pretty clever.” Morgan says.

“Not very original,” is my sister’s reply. My curiosity has me going straight to the kitchen, and when I get there, they’re both looking at something on a tablet that’s sitting on a stand on the counter. They’re both covered in flour and Christmas songs are playing softly on the speaker. My mother is leaning over, pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven.

It takes a moment before they even notice me, and once they do, they both start cracking up again.

“Oh my gosh, Bryce.” My sister says through peels of laughter. “Did you see this article?” I peek at the tablet and notice right away that they’re looking at the same article I got the alert for earlier.

“This is all bullshit.” Morgan looks at me like I’ve lost my mind, and the look my sister gives me is a mirror image of it.

“Of course it’s bullshit,” Juliet says, as if I’m just a total dumbass. That doesn’t bother me, though. What’s bothering me is the fact that Morgan’s laughter has disappeared and her face has suddenly gone hard.

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