Page 41 of Daddy's Orders

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“Um, it’s kind of a secret,” said Mabel. “A secret surprise. More of a joke if anything. Yes, that’s right. A secret surprise joke.”

“Right, a joke. Yeah, that makes sense, I guess,” said Billie, looking confused. “Didn’t have you down as anyone’s babygirl.”

Mabel laughed nervously. “Nor did I.”

She excused herself as quickly as she could and went for a walk around the lake, trying to clear her head. She hadn’t been able to help herself back there with Billie. She hoped she hadn’t been too obvious. What kind of a person commissions engraved dog tags as a joke?

Ah well. It had been a spur of the moment idea, and a dumb one. Mabel still felt like an awkward teenager around men sometimes. She tried to make out like she had this tough exterior, but really, she had about as much sexual experience as a turnip. A turnip virgin. She had gotten excited for a moment at the thought of giving Rip a present. But engraved dog tags? What was the point of them, when their relationship would likely be over before the silver had even been engraved?

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Rip would definitely think she was coming on too strong with a gift like that.

She sat down at the edge of the lake and took off her shoes and socks. It was hard to get comfy with the chastity belt on, and she kept fidgeting.

Now that she was alone, and feeling silly for the dog tag thing, the chastity belt felt like more of a device for humiliation than titillation.

Shewaschaste. And she was naive, and silly, and at this rate, she always would be.


Rip had jumped off the balcony in the bar twelve times before Brandon Marshall was happy with the shot. Then, he’d had to fall off a horse into a puddle of mud seven times after that.

The good news was that he was getting double the pay now that he was working as a stuntman too.

The bad news was that he was filthy and exhausted and he hadn’t seen Mabel for hours.

“Argh! Get away from me, mud monster!” screamed one of the Littles as he walked past them.

Rip raised his eyebrows in surprise. Only a week ago, the Littles were terrified of him. Now that Mabel was on the scene, they weren’t afraid of anything anymore.

A lesser man might have felt threatened by that. The fact that Mabel had encouraged the Littles to ridicule him. But now that Rip knew everything he knew about Mabel, he felt nothing but pride.

His sweet, sexy, incredible Little had managed the impossible. She had empowered a bunch of scared Littles to feel brave. She had enabled this movie to get made.

Being apart from her today had solidified his feelings. He wasn’t just testing the waters with Mabel. This wasn’t an experiment or a bit of fun or a fling. This was the real deal. He had never felt more sure of anything in all his life.

He went into the temporary shower block for the actors and removed his muddy clothes, getting under the hot steamy water with a satisfied sigh. This felt good. A job he was doing well at. A woman he was into. Living in a town he found himself enjoying more and more each day.

He finished up in the shower and got dressed into his own clothes. Damn, that felt good. He was clean and tired after a good day’s work, and he had a beautiful woman to go home to. A beautiful woman who was no doubt desperate for his cock after a full day in that chastity belt.

Ever since he’d joined the Marines, Rip had been a collector. Maybe it was because he had next to no possessions for so long. Any possessions he did have, he looked after very carefully. Military memorabilia, fetish gear. He’d never used any of it until now. Kept everything locked away, shiny and new. But now, with Mabel, he wanted to connect with everything on a much deeper level. To use things. Toplaywith them.

That’s what having a Little taught you most of all. Life was for living.

He strode back out onto the set, scanning the area in case he caught sight of Mabel. And, amazingly, he did. She was standing talking to Gloria, her gorgeous legs crossed, her hand on her hip, her head cocked. She was a work of art.

As he walked toward her, though, he forgot to look where he was going. That damn muddle he’d just jumped into seven times was right in front of him, and he tripped over a rock and fell into it on his knees.

A few of the Littles began to snicker. He hadn’t minded when they’d joked around with him earlier on, but this felt different. Took him right back to being in the Marines, when Captain James Castor had bullied him so relentlessly.

Faster, Steele, you pussy! You’re too fat to be a Marine!

The relentless name-calling had left a scar on him that felt like it would never heal. There was this one time in the military when there was a bunch of them looking for a lost man in the woods. His team all wanted to go one way. He was convinced they should go in the other direction. Turned out, he was wrong. The man didn’t die, but it was really fucking close. His sergeant told him he was shit at tracking and made him wear a compass around his neck and a sign saying “LOST BOY” for a week. Well, screw him. He was a bully.

These people here were different. Or at least, he thought they were.

“Bit clumsy for a Weapons Master, isn’t he?” one of the Littles said to another, so loudly that everyone could hear.
