Page 44 of Demanding Husband

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Paige snatched her arm out of Dino’s grasp. “No,” she spat. “I don’t want to.”

Dino looked at her, frowning. “Are you kidding? After all that money I spent on you at the bar?”

“No,” Paige said again, stumbling in her heels. “I don’t want to fuck you. I want someone else.”

Dino gritted his teeth. “Fine,” he snapped. “I’ll call an escort.”

He opened the hotel room door and stepped inside then slammed it shut behind himself.

Paige found herself alone in the hallway. She placed her hands on either side of her face and gently tapped her skin, trying to sober herself up. She needed to find her way through the halls, so she could get to her room. With her arms stretched out on either side of her, she managed to keep some of her balance, and slowly found her way back to her bed.

As she climbed into the bed covers, she saw Vince’s face behind her eyes, calling out to her. I will have you for myself, she told the mirage. I will. Her eyes slipped closed and she fell asleep with a smile on her lips.

Chapter twenty-six

Serve me

LoreleistoodinKate’sentryway. The perfectly white and clean house was unsettling. The house looked like it was a model, too tidy for humans to actually live in. The call wasn’t entirely unexpected. They had an agreement, after all. Whenever Kate wanted to, she was free to call Lorelei and demand her presence. Butterflies were taking over Lorelei’s stomach as she gazed around. Kate was upstairs, getting changed.

Despite the few boxes littered around the kitchen at the back of the house, it looked like Kate wasn’t moving just yet. Keeping Claire at their house was obviously a conflict of interest for Kate, and it was clear it was keeping her from moving across the country as she had wanted to. That was none of Lorelei’s business. She was here to perform a service, to be a good little slave for Kate, and that was all.

She didn’t know what to do with her body. She tried holding her hands behind her back but that didn’t feel right. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, trying to figure out how to place her body. Still, she felt awkward.

Kate appeared at the top of the stairs, her hand delicately resting on the rail as she floated down. Lorelei couldn’t stop her mouth from popping open in shock. Every time she had seen Kate, she had been wearing a smart suit and high heels. Now, as she walked down the stairs, her body was barely covered: high heels with leather straps that coiled up her legs to her knees, a translucent robe draped around her shoulders, lace underwear covering her breasts and shaven pussy. Lorelei forced her mouth shut. She didn’t want to gawk.

When Kate reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked up at Lorelei with a seductive look in her eyes. Her lips were pursed, her shoulders pushed back, and her body was shifting from side to side.

Lorelei couldn’t bring herself to say anything. She just stared.

“I’m bored,” Kate purred, edging closer to Lorelei. “I want to have some fun.”

Lorelei gulped. Theydidhave the agreement: She was to service Kate whenever she wished.

Everyone was out of town. Lorelei had nothing else to occupy her time. She nodded meekly, turning her eyes down to the ground as a small smile crept over her lips.

“Good,” Kate said gently, reaching for Lorelei’s hand. “Come with me.”

Lorelei allowed herself to be escorted up the stairs into Kate’s bedroom.

Much like the rest of the house, Kate’s bedroom was sterile and white. The carpet, the vanity table, even the bedsheets and headboard. Everything was pure white, almost blinding. Everything, except the little black box perched on the end of the bed. Whatever was inside had been stuffed in leaving a gap. Inside, Lorelei could see a rainbow of toys. She gulped, feeling her skin tighten around her neck. It was clear that Kate meant business. Even Lorelei and Vince didn’t have such a huge collection of sex toys.

Lorelei glanced over her shoulder, to where Kate was closing the bedroom door behind her. There was no denying that Kate was a stunning woman. Her body was taut and showed no signs of age. Her face was spectacular, even without make-up.

Kate moved to Lorelei and put her hands on her shoulders. Her fingers wrapped around the edge of her sweater and gently pulled it down her arms. Goosebumps broke out over Lorelei’s skin, sending tendrils of shivers shooting up and down her limbs. She held completely still, knowing Kate would want complete compliance.

Kate moved to Lorelei’s halter top, her fingers deftly untying the knot at the back of her neck. Every time Kate’s skin brushed against Lorelei’s, she felt shivers spiking down her spine. Her breath was caught in her throat. Her chest heaved. Her head felt like it was underwater, swimming in blackness.

Kate’s fingers roamed her body as if she owned Lorelei. There was a strange tension in the air as Kate circled around her, letting her eyes drift up and down Lorelei’s body.

Cool air rushed over her exposed breasts. She resisted the urge to move her hands up to cover herself, knowing Kate wouldn’t be too happy about that.

“Today,” Kate’s voice purred, “you’re mine.”

Lorelei’s eyes shifted to stare at the floor beneath her and heat rose up into her cheeks.

“Do you understand?” Kate asked, still walking circles slowly around Lorelei. “Nod if you do.”

Lorelei nodded.

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