Page 29 of Room Seventeen

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His lips are against my ear when he speaks. “Do you know how gorgeous you look so flushed and horny?”

I turn my head so only he can hear me. “I probably look like an addict thanks to you three.”

He gives me his usual dark chuckle. “Guilty. But don’t you dare come. Not until we make you and that’s going to be later. Much later.”

My heart hits the marble floor and just lays there stunned.

“A while? Like not the second we are in a car?”

His low, gravelly grunt is the right tone to have my clit throbbing with an impending orgasm on top of the one already attacking my insides.

To try and take back a little control, I tune back in on what Harlon is saying, but just barely. His words enter the fog clouding my brain and this just kind of disperses from there.

“We’ve had a lot of unrest among our people with my taking over for my father. We don’t want our enemies knowing we have gained another ally.”

Dante eases the hem of my dress up just enough to run the tips of his finger over the rose’s petals and I swear to God I nearly scream.

Holy Shit. Don’t come. Don’t come.I clench my ass and cross my legs as the men all shake hands.

“Our lips are sealed.”

“Thank you. There’s a driver downstairs waiting to take you anywhere you wish. Enjoy your stay in Chicago.”



“Where to, sir?”

We are in the back of another limo, this one just as spacious and elegant as the last. Large seats, smooth leather, and lots of legroom. Harlon’s driver is about to pull away from Club Genesis when Con instructs him to take us to a hotel for the night.

“The Four Seasons, please.”

They no doubt have a big evening planned where they’ll ravish me in between meetings and then back to Seattle we go in the next day or so.

I chew at the inside of my lip and rub my ass on the seat. It’s delicious and if they catch me, I know I’m in trouble.

My phone vibrates again and I check the screen. A pang of fear races through me, but I quickly dash it away. The men got me this phone and no one outside them has it. I kill the screen and slip it into my bag.

Wait. Four Seasons? Yeah. That’s not going to work for me. “No,” I quickly correct Con with a confident smile and a hand over his knee. “We’ll be spending the evening at Club Sin, please,” I call over his shoulder to the driver. “I believe you know the way. It’s only a few miles from here, right?” It’s a miracle I can keep my voice level.

Step one, complete. Con’s comment about control being an illusion is more right than he knows. I just took theirs and none of them are happy about it.

A pair of kind eyes find me through the rearview where I sit between Bastian and Dante. Con is opposite me, lasering golden eyes my way. If looks alone could peel clothes off a person I would be naked and over his lap getting the spanking of a lifetime right about now. He doesn’t like his word challenged.

Oops. Oh well. This is happening my way and I want to play a little before I have to tell them everything. And I mean everything. Gurgling acid bubbles in the pit of my stomach but I’ve come too far to throw on the brakes now.

“Ma’am. As you wish.” I want to hug the man for not waiting to see what the men would say about my change of plans. I’m sure the hard glare I nailed him with helped make my message clear.

I do wish. “Thank you.”

I raise the tinted visor between us and the driver. I instantly feel the heat in the cabin change from warm to sweltering. I might as well be sitting next to three furnaces.

Night has fallen while we were inside Club Genesis and a few of the brighter glittering lights make it past the shaded windows. There is a lot of people window shopping after getting out of work and before going home. People with normal lives and normal relationships. Every single one of them goes about their business unaware of the torture I am enduring locked inside this car.

Neon blue led lights run along the inside of the roof and give a sensual atmosphere to my temporary prison. Now for step two. Getting them inside and signing on the dotted line.

Three curious gazes track my every movement as I try to relieve a little of the pressure.
