Page 26 of Room Seventeen

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He caresses me, his seeking fingers passing closer and closer to my back entrance.

Con pops a cap open and I hiss at the feel of cold gel on my ass.

Heat flames through me. Not of pain but of embarrassment. I shouldn’t want this, but it feels so good. I trust them. I’m safe here. Safe with them. I recite the words over and over until air can filter into my lungs.

“Hold her open for me, brother.”

Con’s growl of a voice has me turning to watch him spread gel over the end of the ornamental butt plug. Bastian’s grip on me is tender yet firm.

I hiss out of surprise and I won’t lie. My hands are shaking against Dante’s chest when Con dips the cool silver plug just inside. The pressure is instant as my hole widens over metal. It shouldn’t feel this good. I should be crying and screaming. But I am not.

Deep strokes over my spine soothe the surprise and initial burn as Con goes deeper. The mere sensations of the forbidden pain bring only pleasure.

Another inch and my walls give, allowing him to insert the toy fully to where my body clenches, holding it in place.

I raise a burning gaze to Dante’s only to find fierce pride staring back at me. He cups my face and devours my lips.

“Talk to us,malyshka. How does it feel?”

“We will be landing soon. Please prepare for descent.” The captain’s voice brings me back to reality and what all this means for how tonight will play out.

Dante’s thick accent drips with curiosity. I arch into their strokes and soothing caressing, but all too soon all three back off slowly releasing their hold on me.

I take a deep breath and tell them the truth. “I’ll either love you all by the end of the night or curse the ground you stand on.”



An hour later our limo pulls up outside a place I’ve never heard of before. I take Con’s outstretched hand and follow him through the revolving front doors. A blanket of red carpet stretches out in front of me with leather settee dotting the expansive foyer. What doesn’t have carpet is all marble. Crystal chandeliers hang overhead. There’s no doubt someone with power owns this place and my men are here to meet with them.

A faux raven-haired beauty greets us the second we come out the other side of the revolving door. Her smile is wide, genuine and her hand in mine is soft, but her grip is firm.

Dante and Bastian come up behind me. Cocooned between all three I know I’m safe, but I still get the chills up my spine knowing why the carpet is red. Or at least I think I do and it’s not a comforting thought.

“Welcome to Club Genesis. You slash ’em we stash ’em.”

Con’s face doesn’t even twitch, but I don’t have the same resilience against her brand of humor.

“You’ll have to forgive Con. His humor is as dry as the desert.” I slip my hand into his and he twines our fingers together. Sweet, right? I don’t think so. His hard look aimed my way promises torture in my future.

“My humor is just fine,” he drawls slowly with his accent coming to the forefront. “I was only trying to remember if I slashed the last guy or not. Or if we needed more of a stab and slab kind of service.”

Words roll off his tongue that I’ve never heard before.

I fight a smile and lose. “Con telling jokes…must be a full moon out.”

“No joke,malyshka.” Con winks at me and I know right then and there, if I ever had any doubt, the men I’ve fallen for have a much darker side I’ve yet to see.

And now all I can think about is if I’ve met any of their victims before. The guy who was caught kidnapping young girls for a rival family in their territory? I only heard whispers of him but I heard enough to catch on to his crimes. He visited the men a few times and then suddenlynada.

My mind wanders down those lengthy corridors with various people’s faces popping up in my mind’s eye who have come and gone at their Seattle penthouse.

I let my mind have full reign until Bastian and Dante’s rough rumble of laughter sends goosebumps over my skin. One of the two steps so close to my ass I can practically feel them touching the rose plug…well, inmyrose bud if you know what I mean.

I wait for the wash of heat to cool, but as the seconds tick by and they continue to talk I’m only growing hotter under this dress.

“I knew you guys would be funny. Harlon says my jokes turn people off. I say when you’re in the business we are in, a little dark humor livens up the place.”
