Page 67 of Monsters Before Men

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She was mine, and mine alone.

When it was night in her world, it was day in mine. Now, it was day in her world, and night in mine, so under the coverof darkness, I carried the portal out of the cave, then slowly and carefully, down the mountain and through the deep woods. I reached the village just before dawn and hurried to my hut. There, I placed the portal against a wall, then stepped back to admire it. It was in one piece, and I felt such relief I’d brought it here without damage.

Now, I had to make sure no one entered my hut and saw it. The others knew I liked to be left alone, and while the elders sometimes asked me when I intended to take a mate and build a family, the rest of the villagers were too busy to pay me any mind. I liked to hunt and shared what I hunted. That was enough for them. I was an only child, and my parents had perished in battle. Knowing my sad history, the others expected me to be different, so isolated that I was almost a recluse. That was fine by me. And now that I had a portal that could take me to another world – more specifically, to Heather’s room – I was happy I didn’t have friends and relatives to always inquire about what I was up to.

No one had to know about her, at least not until I could convince her to join me. I likely couldn’t live in her world, since surely her people would not accept me, but my people... They would accept her. She didn’t look scary at all, while to her people, I probably looked like a monster.

But I had to bide my time and learn her language first. Or teach her my language. I was going to visit her every day – or night – and show her what I could do, how I could make her feel. I was going to rut her until she became addicted to me. I’d noticed what my seed did to her when she got a taste of it. It wasn’t something that happened with females on my world. Heather was special, and the way she responded to me made me love her even more.

Yes. I loved her. I loved my Heather.

Chapter 6


Months passed, and my castle was starting to look good. I hired people to clean and got my hands dirty too, but not too much, seeing how I was distracted with other things... ahem... every night. I couldn’t afford to be sore from sweeping and mopping and working in the garden when I knew Hulgan would come and make me sore from... other activities. I forbid the maids from entering my room, of course. I couldn’t risk anyone looking into my closet and finding the portal. Hanging my dresses in front of it had covered it quite effectively, though Hulgan had managed to ruin my favorite dress, desperate to reach the bed, and me in it.

He visited almost every night. When he didn’t visit me, I visited him. It was strange at first, and scary, for sure. Going through the portal felt incredible, like being immersed in a sea of sensation. I could hear in colors and taste sounds. It was impossible to describe. And when I landed on the dirt floor of his hut, I was so dizzy I almost collapsed. I couldn’t understand how he could deal with traveling through the portal so frequently. Probably because he was so big and strong, and I was fragile and easy to break. Maybe it wasn’t even healthy for me to go through the portal too often. I told him that, and to my surprise, he understood.

I spoke his language now, and he spoke mine. Just a few words, simple sentences... It wasn’t easy, but we were both making progress.

On his world, he kept me away from the other orcs. I still called him and his people orcs, even though he told me he didn’t know what I was talking about, and they didn’t identify as that. We kept our relationship secret, just like the portals. I wasn’t ready to move into his hut, and he wasn’t ready to move into my castle. How was he supposed to explain my pale skin and blond hair to his species, and how was I supposed to explain his green skin and sharp tusks to other humans?

It was soon clear to me that Hulgan came from another planet. And that the portals we’d found – because there were, technically, two, and they were connected – were star portals.

He only let me step outside of his hut at night, when everyone was asleep, and I saw that he lived in a village, in a valley surrounded by mountains. It was quite idyllic, and I would’ve loved to explore, but when he said it wasn’t safe for me, I believed him.

He was quite jealous and possessive, too. He wanted to keep me all to myself. When my ex came to see me out of the blue, curious to see what I’d bought with his money, I had been silly enough to tell Hulgan. Just the thought that another man had stepped foot in my home had enraged him. Learning that man was once my husband had only made things worse. He fumed for days.

I still didn’t know how we could make this work. He wanted me to move in with him, but was afraid if other orcs saw me, they would want me or the star portal. And I wasn’t sure I could get used to living in a hut. The castle had all the amenities I needed, and once I introduced Hulgan to hot baths in my claw-foot tub, he had to admit that I had it better than him. And I liked to be comfortable. As the weeks passed and we grew closer, I saw him acclimate to the comfort in my home. The food was a problem, though. He kept insisting that what he hunted on his planet was more delicious than what I bought from the supermarket intown. I didn’t necessarily disagree with him, except I preferred veggies to meat, and wasn’t sure he was ready to learn that about me.

Tonight, I waited for him. It was his turn to visit me, and I took a long bath first, chose a sexy nightgown, and read a few pages as I popped strawberries into my mouth. I heard the portal activating and smiled to myself. I placed my book on the nightstand and ate the last strawberry. Hulgan walked through the doors of my closet, careful not to ruin my dresses. He held a bouquet of wildflowers, and I jumped out of bed to kiss him.

“These are beautiful!”



“Like you.”

I giggled. He knew what beautiful meant. I filled a vase with water, put the flowers in, and placed it on the table next to my laptop. Oh, another thing I didn’t believe I could live without if I were to move into his hut – the Internet.

“I missed you,” I whispered as I threw my arms around his neck.

He lifted me easily, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. He carried me to the bed, and I could feel his hard cock press between my legs. I wanted him so badly. I could never get enough of him. Could never get enough of fucking him until I couldn’t move.

“I want to teach you something new tonight,” I said. He gently laid me down, and I pulled him over me. He was always careful not to crush me, but I loved feeling his weight on me. “I’ll teach you how to say the three words that any woman wants to hear from her man.”

“Teach me.” He kissed my neck, and I had to close my eyes and bite my lip. “Teach me, Heather.”

“Mmm... Oh... Oh, God... It’s hard to think when you do that.” He moved down and nibbled at my collarbone. “Okay, stop for one second, and look at me.”

He complied. I could lose myself in his dark eyes. He looked so scary and brutal, but he was a teddy bear.

“The three words I want to hear from you... are...” I took a deep breath. “I love you.”

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