Page 65 of Monsters Before Men

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I went into the bathroom and ran myself a hot bath. I needed to wash away all the sinful things the monster had done to me. I was hungry too, but cleaning my hair and skin of his fluids rose to a priority. No time to indulge in a long bath. I dried off quickly, grabbed the first clothes I could find, then headeddownstairs. A cup of coffee and a plate of eggs and bacon later, I was starting to feel like myself again. Most of the pain was gone, too, though the muscles in my thighs still felt like I’d just spent too many hours at the gym. Which was a silly idea... I’d never been a fan of going to the gym. The most I’d done in terms of exercise was Pilates.

“What if he shows up again?” I walked to the foot of the stairs and looked up at the landing of the first floor. “Tonight... What if he shows up again?” And I bit my lower lip as I realized that I, in fact, wanted him to walk through that portal and pin me under him like he’d done the night before. The thought alone got me wet, and I rubbed my thighs together.

“I could get rid of it...” Of the portal. “I could... take it out of the closet, bring it out into the yard, and try to smash it to pieces.” I didn’t know exactly how, or whether it would work, but I owned a hammer, and could give it a try. “Or I could drop it to the bottom of the lake.” The castle wasn’t on the shore of a lake, but there was a lake nearby, and the area was deserted.

I didn’t want to get rid of it, though. Not right now. Not today. I had to see what happened tonight. If he came again...

With that decision made, I spent the rest of the day cleaning and unpacking. I wanted to hire a maid and a gardener, but all I could think about was him. My monster. I couldn’t have anyone in the house while the portal was in my closet, and he could come through it. So, I distracted myself as best as I could, and when the sun set, I retreated to my bedroom.

I waited for him in bed, in a fresh set of pajamas, with the lamp turned on. I wanted to see him clearly this time. Hours went by until it was well past midnight. I thought he wouldn’t come. It was hard to stay awake when the past few days had been so intense, but I fought to keep my eyes open. And when I thought I was being silly, and I should’ve just gone to sleep, Iheard whooshing and felt vibrations, then heard thumping in my closet, and the doors burst open.

I sat up, alert, and watched as he stepped into the light. It was him. The same monster from the night before. And I realized I’d been worried some other monster would visit me tonight. But I recognized him, and he recognized me. Of course. It was me he’d come for.

He rushed to climb into bed with me, but when he pinned me down, I placed both my hands on his strong, wide chest, and firmly looked him in the eyes.


He growled and furrowed his brows.

“No. Not yet. Wait.” Then I pointed at my chest. “Heather. My name is Heather. What is yours?”

He didn’t understand. He pushed me down again, and I resisted. Fortunately, he must have known I wasn’t scared of him and didn’t want to run, so he didn’t use his dagger this time. But he was clearly annoyed that I wasn’t giving in.

“Heather.” I pointed at my chest again, then pointed at his chest. “You?”

“Hulgan,” he growled.

“Hulgan?” The name sounded strange, and I couldn’t imitate the way he’d said it. When I pronounced it, it sounded different. “Hulgan?”

He nodded. And I smiled, triumphant, feeling we’d made progress.

The monster pressed his hand to my chest and said, “Heather,” then to his chest, and said, “Hulgan.”

It was clear. I’d managed to go through to him. That I knew his name and he knew mine proved there could be something between us. He was real; I was real, and this... was also real. As crazy as it seemed!

“Heather,” he whispered in a gentle tone. “Heather.”

I beamed at him. “Yes!”

He leaned in, and I didn’t resist. I thought he would rip off my clothes like before, or go straight to my boobs, which he seemed fascinated by, but he pressed his lips to mine. I felt his tusks press into my cheeks. It made me shudder. My pussy throbbed in anticipation. He kissed me sloppily, and I responded, my tongue trying to tame his as we devoured each other. His hands were on my hips, my arms were around his neck, and soon, he pressed his hard cock right between my legs, where I needed him the most.

“Heather,” he whispered again as he pulled my pants down.

“Hulgan.” And I did something that maybe I shouldn’t have.

I licked one of his tusks.

Chapter 4


He gripped me so tightly that I thought my ribs would break. A deep, lustful growl started in his chest and reverberated through his entire body. I was so close to him, my curves pressed against his taut muscles, that the growl reverberated through me, too. He looked into my eyes, and there was a fire I hadn’t seen before. He squeezed me again, and I mewled in pain.

“N-no... Don’t. That hurts,” I whispered. “Hulgan.” And only when I said his name did he let go and move back to give me space. I rubbed my sides, wincing, then looked up at him, a question in my eyes and on my lips. “What happened? Why did you do that?”

He furrowed his brows and frowned. Then he licked his tusks, and it hit me. They were sensitive! An erogenous zone. That licking them and kissing them turned him on so hard made my heart skip a beat. I wanted to turn him on. To be the only woman he wanted, the only woman who could get that reaction from him. Unfortunately, that squeeze to my ribs showed me I couldn’t take that level of lust. My body wasn’t strong enough to withstand him.

“Come here...”

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