Page 59 of Monsters Before Men

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The downside was none of us were brave enough to chew on raw fish or dead animals like them.

Luckily, the fruits and vegetables were neutrally shared territory.

But the most fantastic part came with those branch circles. I didn't realize what they were until Khaw rolled one towards the smaller Aviarids and suddenly everything came alive. They were makeshift balls! They ran, kicking them back and forth, flapping and squawking happily. Khaw rolled one towards the Canid pups, who sniffed it, then batted at it. When it rolled towards another, he batted it back. Before we knew it, three more balls hit the ground and then all three species of kids were playing with them. Within minutes, everyone was playing together. The humans were running, the Octocephs were swirling after the balls, the Aviarids were flapping after them, and the Canids were running and batting as balls rolled by.

I studied Grrr Ruff; his expressions were everything to me. Proud, wistful, joyous, curious. I also saw how much he cared for the other Canids, how much the younger ones looked up to him, crowded for his attention, and how loving he was with them.

Good parents raised him, and it shows,I thought to myself.His entire tribe trusts and respects him. He will be a good father one day.

The adults loved playing with the kids, carrying them while running, lifting and twirling them. Some things were universal. There was so much happiness.

But for me, the defining moment was a tiny Octoceph coming to rest on my blanket. He sat and stared at me, nestled in his tentacles. Tentatively, he reached out to touch my hand, curious. I smiled and let him examine me. He was beautiful, with five eyes in shades of green, and a sweet tiny mouth. I don't knowwhat I did, but before I knew it, he swirled himself into my lap and curled against me. I wrapped an arm around him and held back tears. This was amazing! A tiny Canid crawled onto my blanket to stare at me next. He examined my hands as well, but was fascinated by my hair and petting it. Suddenly, I had a Canid baby curled up with an Octoceph in my lap. Another Canid young, and one of the Aviarid young made their way to me next. Kaleidoscope eyes stared at me and he ruffled his feathers as the tiny Aviarid made himself comfortable on my lap. The Canid simply leapt after finding me worthy.

Is it rude to pet alien species that resemble animals on your home planet? Because there was no way I wasn't going to love on these tiny babies wanting my attention. I cuddled and hugged them as a group and they settled in for a nap.

Best. Day. EVER!

Chapter 15


My mate, resting with a nest of young, all from differentothers, was my life's greatest moment. She did not judge. She simply loved those who came to her. So gentle and kind, but with a fierce heart.

Even though we were in the round-in-light, this was the best day. When we became too hot, thewet-othersbrought us to the water, and we rested in it with them. They played there as well, chasing each other, but were also careful to watch the young.

One of the human birthers was teaching young how to rest in the water safely. We, and the loud ones, learned much from those teachings. And all threeothersliked our very tall greens to rest beneath. We forgot how nice it was to rest under them.

As round-in-light turned to round-in-dark, Luna went to her sleeping place. I followed.

She showed me the inside. She had a wet source! She filled a container and offered it to me. It was cool and fresh. I sat on her nest, which was the softest nest. A wonderful nest.

Luna took a new covering and showed her back. She removed her current covering and was going to put the new cover on. I could not help my whine. I wanted to see her. Explore her. She was mymate,and I had not seen her flesh yet.

She stopped and remained still for a moment. Then she turned her front to me.

Chapter 16


I'm so gonna get fired.

I knew he was as curious about me as I was about him, so I turned around, topless. It's a sociological experiment, right?

His eyes stroked over my neck, arms, stomach, raising up to my breasts. I stared down, wondering what he saw. Two fair, medium-sized breasts with pink nipples. Not quite the six flat ones he was used to seeing.

I stepped closer so he could examine me.

A low whimper sounded, his paws fisting at his sides as he stared at my exposed skin. He was visibly trying not to touch me. What gave his thoughts away was the flash of dark pink poking from his pouch.

That really shouldn't turn me on the way it does, I chided myself.

His eyes met mine and the longing I saw stole my breath. I used a band to tie my hair into a ponytail, and stepped in front of him, the view unobstructed.

I stared down, watching more pinkness push out, but much thicker.How big was he down there?

He followed my gaze downwards, then eyed my pants. Okay, fair enough. I toed off my shoes, tugged my pants and underwear down, and stepped out of them.

I expected him to look, but he closed his eyes and inhaled close to my skin instead. Suddenly, there was a lengthening pink rod protruding from his pouch. From the heavily tapered darkpink tip, he widened at the middle, changing to a pink the color of my own nipples. At his base was some sort of swelling of flesh, like a deflated ball. He was as thick as my wrist and still growing as he smelled me.

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