Page 57 of Monsters Before Men

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Grrr Ruff repeated the names, making eye contact with the other aliens. They each met his eyes and replied with his name. I can't explain why, but this meeting felt significant.

Both of her partners were tall and wide, while she was shorter and more slender. Not so different from my creature and myself. Her bird-guy, Khaw, had down and feathers, but his back looked like colored razor blades. But it was her squid-guy that felt more dangerous. It was his alertness; absolutely nothing got past this being.

"Do you want us to walk you back to your bungalow?" I looked at Grrr Ruff and then his parents, uncertain.

"It would give you a break to gather your thoughts about today as well as document everything you have discovered." She was right about my needs, on both counts. "Plus, we have an idea for tomorrow."

A rumbling began, loud screeching noises echoing through the cavernous cave. Huge gusts of dirt and debris flooded the space. The creatures yowled, clutching their ears, coughing and running deeper into the cave. His mother tugged my arm, fearful, as his father tried to protect us both.

"What the fuck is that?!" I stared outside in horror, covering my nose and mouth with my shirt. Was... was that a craft taking off?? Was it like this each time? This had to be torture for these beings!

I motioned to his father to take his mother and go, nodding my assurance I would be okay. However, my creature refused to go.

I shook my head at him. "Go with them." I pointed, but knew it would not work. I took his arm and walked him back into the cave to where the others were.

"You... stay." I pointed at him then used both hands to motion he needed to stay put. I then motioned to myself and pointed towards the exit. He whined, and I rested a hand to his mouth. "I will go. I will return. I promise." I pointed and made my fingers look like they were walking. Walking out... then pointing at the sky and drawing a circle... then pointed at myself... then walking fingers returning. I finished by pointing to where he stood.

Did he understand? I hoped so... but right now, I needed to confirm what that was and find out how to stop it. I put on my meanest face, growled towards the outside, clenched my fists,and stomped out. All for show, but I hoped they understood intent, otherwise my theatrics were all for nothing.

Dayzee was talking to her mates when I returned, all of them upset.

"Let's get out of here," I said to her. "If that is what I think it is, we need to do something about that A.S.A.P." She nodded in agreement, fury on her face.

The four of us trudged back towards base on a mission.

Behind us, one low, sorrowful howl pierced the night.

Chapter 12


Boy, did I need that rest!

I'd needed to gather my thoughts and jot a million notes.

But you know what I needed most? The sight of Dayzee and her mates putting the fear of God into every grunt that made the mistake of arriving at the mess hall for breakfast.


"Dog food. Are my notes right? I want to make sure it's all accurate. And..." Dayzee checked an official-looking pile of paperwork. "Humping, howling, denigrating names, ridicule... Then, of course, the attempted attack on a Species Specialist. Did I leave anything out?"

She and her mates were holding court in the cafeteria. Two silent, imposing guardians, and a confrontational Species Specialist Lead.

"Luckily, I also have a wonderful list of names to go with that. Would anyone else like to be court-martialed over an interstellar incident? Anyone at all?" She looked around expectantly. You could hear a pin drop.

"I have a list of over a dozen names. Those of you involved will want to pack your bags and tell Mommy and Daddy to fetch you at return drop-off. If you cannot behave civilly to a Species Specialist, on a base meant to meet other species,you do not belong here." She barked the next part, "Are we clear?!"

"Sir, yes Sir!" arose the chorus of response.

"Okay, that was totally worth getting up at the ass-crack of dawn for runny eggs." I walked up to them, smiling.

"I wasn't like this before I mated." She grinned. "You take things seriously pretty fast when you realize how important your job is, and how much you need to protect your mates." She studied my face. "You know what I mean?"

"I get it." I nodded. "But no mate for me yet. I am boringly single."

"Yah, I wouldn't bet on that, Sweetie. Give it a day or so, then see what you think."

That was odd to say. What can happen in a day?

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