Page 41 of Monsters Before Men

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A chill ran through her, and she stared at theusveis. It was hard to see any details in the dark, as the wand was equally dark. She could make out the frightening length and girth thicker than both her wrists together, and that it wasn’t smooth at all, butcovered in ridges and bumps that she’d never have imagined on a male appendage. And he implied he was larger? That this was just to make herready? Her eyes strayed down, but his back was to the window, hiding the front of his body in shadows.

He yanked her legs to him so one hung over the side of the bed, then pressed the wand to her entrance.

Grabbing her face, he forced her to look at him as he teased the head of the unexpectedly warmusveisup and down her slit, coating it with her arousal. Her brows furrowed as its tip slid inside, her teeth gritted in uncertainty and anticipation. Drastos grinned at her reaction.

“It’s difficult, this restraint,” he whispered, “when every instinct of mine is to bury myself into you, regardless of your pain or anger. You’re the only woman to see my gentle side.”

Her mouth opened to remark on his “gentleness” but as if to prove her point, he pushed the wand deeper, giving her a feel of the first hard ridge at the top of the shaft. She released a soft sound. The sensation wasn’t terrible, but unexpected.

She stared into his dark gaze and imagined a human Drastos looking back at her. She loved his mahogany eyes and thick, ever-serious brows. While at work, he always had a look of severe concentration. Over the years, she’d prided herself on breaking him down and making him smile and laugh.

The shaft slipped out before plunging farther in, another ridge notching against the top of her opening and reminding her of how long it had been since she’d been with a man. She was wet and aroused, but still too tight.

He pulled the wand back and pushed it in with more force. Her body opened to it, and this time the ridges were a textured glide that felt divine. Her lips parted, and she moaned softly.

Pleasure and the full sensation of theusveissinking deeper and deeper worked her into a heady trance. Drastos worked theusveisslow and then fast and then slow again, his expressiontight as he kept his eyes on her face the entire time. The pressure of the girthy wand against her walls wasn’t unpleasant, and even the keen stretch became bliss as her body adjusted. Theusveisworked like magic.

“Now we begin,” he said.

She blinked at him. Begin? Her body was taking the full length of the wand and it felt like a perfect fit. Unless he meant to begin with the actual sex? She couldn’t ask, as her climax loomed just out of reach and she grasped desperately for it.

Theusveisundulated within her, and she froze.

“What’s happening?” she squeaked.

He thrust the wand deeper inside, burying it until the round handle pressed against her opening. Theusveispulsated and trembled against her walls. The sensation transformed; starting pleasant, becoming strange and mildly uncomfortable, then reaching the brink of pain.

“No-no-no,” she moaned. “No more!”

Her arms shook, and she yanked at the satin tethering her against her bedpost. She groaned and squirmed, which only made it worse. Her stomach cramped, and she kicked in panic, nearly causing herself to slide from the bed.

Drastos pressed the hilt of theusveisupward, and it molded against the top of her mound like warm wax. He kissed her, and though she was trembling with fear and pain, the taste of him still dazed her. The kiss regulated her breathing, and she tried to calm her limbs, which still wanted to thrash and seek a means of escape.

He spoke against her lips, “This is for your own good. Let it happen. Allow the pain to become pleasure.”

The doubt must have been clear on her face, because he cupped her chin and kissed her again, his tongue gently sweeping against hers. Between her legs, the hilt of theusveistingled against her clit. Drastos groaned and twisted the handle,causing the shaft to cease its wild movements and slow into a firm undulation that was easier to bear. Her body still cramped, but as his reassurance sank in, a wave of relief swept over her.

Gradually, the pressure against her inner walls lost its harsh edge and became not only bearable but gratifying.

“Oh my… f-fuck,” she cried out as she convulsed around the squirming wand.

Spasms struck her inner walls, tugging loose her ability to think straight. Pleasure unlike anything she’d known churned through her, and she begged through lips dry from panting.

“Please, please, yes…”

“Not yet.”

Chapter 4

She grunted in frustration. He was controlling her climax. She didn’t know or care how, but sheknewit was his doing that kept her wound tight and unable to find release.

The hilt of theusveisloosened from her body, no longer molded to fit perfectly against her mound. Drastos eased the wand out slowly, moving in the tiniest, most tormenting increments as her walls clutched to hold it in. Alyssa could make out a teasing expression on his faintly moonlit face, as if he felt exactly how her body reacted.

The tip of the wand left her, immediately flooding her with an empty ache. Drastos gestured, and theusveisdisappeared. If she weren’t on the edge of madness from craving her orgasm, she may have questioned him.

Her chest rose and fell with her heavy breathing. He swept a heated touch up her thigh and let out a primal rumble.

A sense of urgency hung in the air, a buzzing awareness that prickled at her skin; yet somehow, time had slowed, prolonging the moment as he moved closer. Between the passing seconds, she pictured how the next part of the night would go. She was ready for him physically, but his earlier threat still lingered in the back of her mind. He hadn’t promised she’d be safe.

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