Page 22 of Monsters Before Men

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Clarity slams through me. With a broad neck and wide shoulders, more strength and cunning than a pack of velociraptors, and the masculine aura emanating from the monster, he proves to be an omega’s worst nightmare.

He is alpha.

And he ishungry.

His curved talon trails down my throat and over my breasts, pushing between my outstretched arms and continuing down tomy stomach. Stepping forward, he places his terrifyingly sharp hind claws on either side of my knees and drops to his haunches.

A rumble rolls from his chest. My bones soften and organs melt, the vibration wrecking my sanity. Heat bursts through my veins and sets me on fire with the lust of an omega entranced by an alpha’s purr, my body no match for his call.

His claw dips lower while evil glee emanates from his otherworldly eyes.

White-hot agony spears into my thigh as he sinks his curved talon deep into the muscle. A scream rips from my throat as I arch against the pain, my fists filling with dead leaves and dirt as I writhe on the jungle floor.


Horrible, wonderful ice seeps into my thigh, spreading through my veins and extinguishing the inferno begun by his purr. For several confusing moments, nothing hurts. Nothing matters. Neither pain nor terror break through the odd numbness.

Hunger replaces the void, a raging beast gnawing at my insides and demanding satiation. Lust more intense than the mindless heat of estrous pours through me, pebbling my nipples and morphing my core to a pool of magma. Slick floods my pants as salty tears pour from my eyes, the sudden changes too much for my already overburdened mind.

Expecting the worst, lost to the wildfire eating away at my body, I fight and grapple with my tormentor as he lifts me from the ground and cradles me in his arms.

Such an intimate embrace shouldn’t be possible from a creature so full of menace, but he gathers me closer to his chest and rips apart my will to fight by rumbling out a decadent note. My muscles go lax even as my brain scrambles for an escape, the situation so much worse than anything I imagined.

Heat emanates from his scales, scorching my arms and sinking deeper to fan the flames of desire ravaging my insides as he stalks through the underbrush. My ragged breaths, pounding heart, and broken whimpers ruin his otherwise silent passage, broadcasting our whereabouts to all creatures nearby.

He doesn’t falter when my core cramps without warning, sending a gush of fluids through my pants and onto his bare stomach. I clap my disgusting hands over my mouth, stifling my cries of misery as best I can, not wanting to incite the beast so gently holding me.

His elongated muzzle tilts, pointing a green and yellow speckled eye down at me, the intensity of his glance worsening the flames consuming my nerve endings. As gore drips from his long, sharp teeth, his cheeks tighten in a terrifying grin.

My fear of the foreign planet coalesces and redirects toward the monster ferrying me to god knows where. Primal senses lodged deep within my marrow conclude him to be the most terrifying beast on the planet, so my attempts to quiet my breathing have no purpose. I could scream until my voice died and nothing would dare approach him.

Which makes his silent stalking all the more terrifying.

The trees disappear, revealing the dark purple sky and twinkling stars. My mind grasps at the most inane topics between full body convulsions. The hunger spreads to my connective tissues and bones, infecting me on a molecular level until every cell within my body pulses for relief.

His spicy pheromones and deep rumble are the only reason I survive the all-consuming desire.

Cool stone replaces the solid warmth of him. My arms reach of their own accord, grabbing a wrist so thick my fingers barely touch despite me wrapping both hands around him. I snatch my palms away, horrified and confused.

“What did you do to me?”

My words emerge raw and uneven, my throat tight from abuse and my teeth gritted together as my hands immediately start roaming my curves, seeking to relieve my hungry flesh. I try to pull them away, but can only redirect them to less erogenous zones, embarrassment warring with need.

“I save.”

His rich, sharp voice hisses through a mouth with too many teeth, scrambling my senses and sending my torso through another convulsion. His use of the common human language sends my mind whirling.

“I mark.”

Tears soak my face as he caresses the oozing hole in my thigh with the back of the same talon he used to pierce me, fear and a dark joy thrumming through my veins. I blink and hold back a sob, noting how little blood seeps from my wound. Expecting it to spurt crimson, the slow leak makes no sense.

“Now mate.”

I freeze. Knowing what he intended and hearing the declaration prove to be two completely different experiences. My diaphragm refuses to relax, panic creeping into my lust-riddled body. Darkness hovers on the edge of my vision.

“Nest, omega. Now.”

The syllables make no sense, and his decadent voice seems too far away from my fleeing mind. Slitted eyes narrow and talons clack against stone, the impatient rhythm menacing in its own right.

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