Page 111 of Monsters Before Men

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"Wait, you killed your brother?" I was shocked.

"Yes. He was a vicious, vile creature, ready to torture you and bring you back to the mountains for our father, the king to feast upon. He hoped this would gain him first entrance in the Mating Ball."

"Wow, there is a lot there." I couldn't stop the nervous laughter that bubbled out of me. "You're a prince. Your father is the king, and I was going to be dinner. That is supremely fucked up."

"I agree. I've never eaten anything besides wild animals. Never anything with a conscience."

"Same." At least, I think we were on the same page. I went to what I thought was a safer subject, to distract from my arousal. "Tell me about this ball. It sounds exciting." Shit. That was the wrong question. His explanation was horrifying, and shame heated his golden cheeks.

"I dread the Ball. I want more than what was expected and offered. Anytime I brought up the subject of a true fated mate, I was silenced and reminded that our kind wasn't blessed anymore. The gods had turned their back on us. Therefore, we should take what we want and do as we please. But I wanted my first mating to be out of love."

I felt my body relax and melt into him. "You've never been"—I wanted to use the right word and not sound like an inexperienced teenager—"intimate with anyone?"

Please say no.

"No, this Ball would have been my first." I didn't think he was much older than me, and by the way he blushed, I could tell this was embarrassing for him. It didn't matter because, at any moment, we would fuck. I'd imagined it would be in a cozy, faerie-lit room with a feather bed and warm oils. That's how my friend Farrah described her first time. I also remembered how she freaked out when something felt off and she thought she was pregnant, which turned out to be sour wine. At the momentpregnancy didn't scare me. I didn't fear that. I was the opposite in craving my mate to fill me with cum and young. "How about you?" I could feel his body tense.

I don't know why I panicked; we were doing great. My mate was kind, strong, and just as lust filled as me. Except for a god no one could trick the mating bond. I really belonged to him, and him to me, but it was too much.It was just the bond making me want babies, and to settle down.No, I was young, I had friends, and parties. I still had my coming out to court ball to attend. Those are silly things, but it's all I'd known. Then the thought of giving birth to snake babies started to freak me out. Would they slither out? Bite me? Kill me?

I know this male was promising to always protect me and love me, but as he admitted a union of our kind was unheard of. I was so torn, I wanted to tell him I was just as inexperienced as him, but I also wanted to run. So, before I said anything or he could get another word out, I kicked him as hard as possible and ran.

I didn't look back as I pushed myself hard into the forest away from him. I ducked under low-lying limbs, jumped over gnome mounds, and avoided little beasties that hid in the dark. He and I, we're too different. I tried to reason with myself. The gods would never put us together.Which god did I displease and cause to trick me?

"Stop this right now, my little mate. It's only going to make it worse the longer I chase you." I could hear the pounding of his feet as he yelled. He didn't sound angry, but as if he were restraining himself.

"No! I'm not hatching serpent eggs. This pairing is insane and will never work." I didn't slow down.

His rich dark laughter nearly made me stop. "No eggs involved, my love. You will take my cocks like a good girl and breed our younglings. You will carry them in your belly and birththem as any other creature.” He paused, probably checking to see if that would stop me. Then he sighed, “If I have to hold you down with my tail to prove who you belong to, then I will. I can smell your desire and ripe cunt, ready to take my seed. Quit running."

"No," I hissed back, pissed that he knew. My face scrunched in defiance as I ran. But he was correct. Arousal pumped through my veins, and slick trickled down my legs. My body wanted him, wanted to carry his young. Knowing that Naga youngling were made the same as Fae took most of my fears away.

"With each step I take to catch you, little mate, I am transforming into the serpent that I hate. Please; I don't want to punish you for defying me. We belong to each other, and you need to accept it. I'm a predator. By running, you've become prey. Stop."

"I'm not accepting anything," I huffed out. I realized how severely out of shape I was. "I don't care that you smell divine and that my pussy is clenching around the air wishing she had you. She's lost her damn mind." Yep, I just gave my pussy a place in this conversation. I'd lost it.

"No. Your body has accepted what your mind almost did. You were so close. I saw it in your eyes, then you got scared. Last chance to come to me. Last chance to give yourself to me. To allow me to be gentle while I love you. I'll still make you writhe and scream in pleasure, but with my blood hot, it won't be as I planned."

His voice was louder, which meant he was closer. I could stop. Sure, I wanted to stop, but something deep and dark inside me enjoyed the chase. I think he needed it. No wild creature should be so controlled. I wondered if he had been holding himself back his entire life. More than anything, I desperately wanted to please him. When he asked me to be hisgood girl, it took all my strength not to throw myself onto the ground, ruckup my dress, and spread my legs for him. My Naga mate was doing strange things to my body, and I loved it.

"If you want me, come and get me," I yelled out with a smirk. My arrogance got the better of me.

Two strong arms grabbed me by the stomach and flattened me against a hard, muscular chest. One hand splayed and ran down my belly to cup my pussy. "Thisss belongsss to me." I felt his tongue flick against my ear as he hissed the command.

Chapter 3


I captured her. Her body fell lax against mine. When I cupped her sweet cunt over her dress, I felt the fabric dissolve in my hand. She was soaked. She wanted me. Why wouldn't she give herself permission to accept the bond? So beautiful, sweet, and innocent. I knew what kind of monster I was, but she didn't. Of course, she was scared, but she still shouldn't have run.

I turned my mate around to look into her bright eyes. She was trying not to smile. The chase had been a game. She liked the threat. I wondered if anyone had ever disciplined her. Her parents failed to protect her, lost in the human world for weeks. Anger consumed me. How dare they let anything happen to her? Tallulah needed a monster devoted to her, and from now on, that would be me.

"Why, little mate, why did you do that? We were getting along so wonderfully. Now I must ensure you never do that again." I ripped the wisp of a dress straight off her body, exposing her entire beautiful body to me. Her smile vanished as her eyes widened in shock.

"Wait. No, I won't do it again." She thrashed a bit in my hold. It didn't matter. Of course, I was stronger. Spotting a fallen tree trunk in the clearing where our game ended, I walked over and deposited her on it.

"We will get to know each other when I'm finished teaching you who you belong to and how you will not put yourself in danger. My gods, running off into the human lands and thenrunning away from your mate." I playfully tsked at her as I whispered my threats into her ear. I sat us down on the trunk with her facing me on my lap. Her legs instinctively wrapped around my thick middle, right on top of my cocks escaping from their slit. Her sexy pout and warm body ebbed my predatory instinct.

"I'm being good now." She gave me a devious smile as she rubbed her cloth-covered cunt against me. As if I could read her mind, I purposefully loosened my grip. She nuzzled into my neck, nipped it, and chuckled before she tried to run.

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