Page 110 of Monsters Before Men

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"We might not let the courtier malesss take part thisss year." He seemed proud. "What have they done to help usss?" He really believed those in the royal line were the most important. He failed to see how those he looked down on kept our kingdom alive.

"Do shut up and let's get this ridiculous task over with." It wasn't until we exited into the sun and sand that I smelled it. The sweet berry scent of a Fae was clear, but this one was different. I flicked my tongue in the air, hoping to taste the tart berry scent further. Was that vanilla? I could imagine the juicy red fruit with floral hints coating my tongue. Hiding my arousal was difficult now as my cocks emerged from their slit and leaked thick, white fluid. My balls grew heavy, now visible under my scales.Fuck. I couldn't let Ganna know. He would hold whatever was on the beach against me, and was already in the mood to kill.

His head leaned up with his tongue out. His fangs dropped as he took a deep breath through his slitted nose. "Cool your anger, Niksha. I smell an injured Fae here. If I catch it first, I bet the king will let me enter the ball first and give me the chanceto create the largest brood of the year." Without looking back at me, he dropped his whole body to the ground and slithered onto the black beach at top speed. When fighting non-Nagas, we hid our legs. Then he glamoured himself to blend in with the sand for a surprise attack.

No sense wasting my energy on disguise. I had to protect whoever was on the beach. I couldn't think about the implications with my family, my conscious said I had to save them. Their scent told me they were important. I moved as quickly as I could, legs pumping as my tail slid behind. I launched my body forward with the might of my tail, catching up with Ganna. When I was close to the water's edge, I saw him, but most importantly, I saw her. I knew her from my dreams. She was beautiful. Her lithe bluish-green Faerie body covered in odd clothing was no match for a Naga's strength or Ganna's determination to kill. I wanted to scream at her to run, but didn't want Ganna to realize I'd gained on him. Thank the gods, she ran from him. Her little bit of magic pushed him back enough to buy her time.

His anger and injured pride stunned him long enough for me to pounce. Instinctually, I wound my body around his, beating his skull with my tail and using my fangs to rip and shred his flesh. Anger flooded me as it never had before. That little Faerie was worth protecting, worth dying to save. I had to ensure nothing in this realm hurt her.I wanted to comfort, protect, and… breed.She was surely goddess-sent; I needed to fill her with my cum and young.

As soon as I detached Ganna's neck from his body, I slid through the water to clean myself. I should have regretted his death, but I didn't. I'd loathed every rotten word and deed of my brother. I could say that I killed strictly out of protecting the weak, but the truth was I was happy one less wicked creature walked the realm. What sealed his fate was the moment he triedto hurt my mate. Her scent would have been evident the moment I laid eyes on her. He knew she belonged to me and didn't care. He wished for bloodshed more than the happiness of two souls.

After I was clean, I made my way to my sweet, wonderful, gods-sent mate. I would show her what it meant to be loved and adored. I would worship every inch of her perfect body, but I needed to get her quickly and quietly out and closer to her homelands. She would never know the harshness and hatred of my world.How the hell did she even get here?My lust was blending with my protective nature, wondering who I would need to thrash for letting her make it into our part of the world. Somebody would be punished for being so careless.

"Beautiful creature, forgive me. I needed you to go with me without a sound. Please, I swear on the mating bond I would never hurt you. I've only used a small amount of venom. It will wear off soon, and we will talk about and plan our lives. I needed to make sure you are safe. My people will come looking for me when they find Ganna's body." As I carried my mate to safety, I tried to sound brave and heroic. Her eyes widened as she stared at me.

I doubt she had ever seen one of my kind, and to be honest, I'd never seen her kind either, but I knew the signs. With all of our differences, what were the gods thinking, matching us together? I don't think there has ever been this kind of pairing in thousands of years. Nagas have been separated from the rest of civilized creatures, hunted down, and killed for our horrific nature, but maybe there was hope? Maybe. Could we go back to the days of free-spirited gods and nymphs, the days of Nagas having fated mates?

I ran swiftly. Soon, the sand gave way to forest. My mate's little face began twitching along with her fingers and toes. It was then I noticed the cut that hadn't healed on her leg. Further into the trees, I came to a clearing with warm sun and soft grass. Ididn't want to let her go or stop touching her. Holding her tight, I lifted her body to clean the wound. I sniffed, smelling the beach's sulfuric sand, then licked her clean. She shivered. "Does this hurt?" Her eyes went wide as she tried to speak, but couldn't yet. Instead, she was able to shake her head. I continued licking the flesh until there wasn't a grain left.

I wasn't sure if I should have been happy, or cursed her little wisp of a dress. Her strange clothing from earlier turned into Fae attire. Strong leathers could have prevented the injury, but I loved the access her skirt allowed. After tending to her, I would try talking to her again, hoping my venom wore off quickly. I longed to hear her sweet voice. I needed to clear the sounds of her screams from my mind. It hurt to remember the terror on her face and in her voice. However, along with the panic, there was a fierce determination that she wouldn't die. I was so proud of her for fighting to survive. I wanted a strong mate who could resist, even against impossible odds.

I checked her for any further injuries. I inspected her head, smelling for any more blood. She seemed to be well. Her scent was ripe. Fertile, ready to receive me. My body tightened, and my balls ached. I couldn't give in yet. Not until I made her comfortable. I felt her shoulders, arms, hips, and thighs. Then worked my way down her legs for any broken bones. I loved touching her. When I moved back up her thighs and hips, she gave a small groan. "Do you like that?" Her eyes dilated as she nodded. Iturned her on, thank the gods. I wasn't alone with my cocks out of their slit and leaking. Her sweet honey scented the air between us, and I moved my hands slightly under her dress to feel her damp thighs. First, I had to get her talking and hear her say she wanted me, not just a body asking me to claim her.

I'd never felt a hunger like this for anything in my life. I'd never felt a female before. I couldn't help but wonder what shewas used to. Had she been with other males? The thought made me hiss and hold her tighter.

"Oh! That hurt, big guy!" she spoke. She spoke for the first time, and it was to let me know I was causing her pain. I truly was a monster, hurting my mate. She must have seen the agony on my face. "It's okay, just a little too tight." I massaged her again, and she moaned.

I introduced myself, and she explained how she came to be here. All seemed to be going well until she did the most unexpected and dangerous thing. She kicked me and ran.Fuck. She had no idea she just evoked my inner beast, who was now going to hunt her down and make her his. She went from beloved mate to naughty mate, who needed a lesson, and I couldn't control myself. She was mine, and now I would make sure she understood what that meant.


I was frozen and being carried to safety by a rambling Naga. I had no idea they were intelligent, let alone kind.They had legs?I would bet nobody knew they could shift between forms. The one Naga I met on the beach matched all the stories of the murderous brute. But this creature, he was nothing like I expected, and I couldn't deny the feelings that were increasingly growing. I loved the heat from his skin seeping into my pores. I'd heard stories of fated mates. It's all the Faeries at court discussed, esp

ecially the royals. Mates strengthened your magic, but I didn't know how this walking serpent-creature could do that for me.Gods, how would we even… oh fuck.As the numbness dissipated, I became more aware of his skin, scales, and the stiff wet bulges leaking on my back.Bulges.Where did they comefrom?All I saw on the red Naga were skin and scales over his stomach. He slithered and coiled as I expected of his kind.

But my questions dissolved as I gave in to the sensation of his long black forked tongue that fluttered across my body. He removed every bit of pain, and my wound healed. His tenderness didn't match his appearance. He was a killer. He killed for me. Every time I doubted if this was real or possible, his tongue and fingers would pull me back into a lust-filled haze. Images bombarded me. I'd never truly been with a male. I'd kissed, been touched, and even brought to a pitiful climax with an unexperienced hand under my skirt, but never any further. Yet, I wanted to be cradled in his arms while he licked my pussy until I screamed.This would never work. My brain was all wrong. I surely wasn't scenting my mate.

Yet I continued to wonder what all he could do and make me feel.Gods, two cocks?I needed to see them. I needed to know what the two rigid hard-ons digging into my back looked like. If only my body would process the venom, I could reach down and feel. My body shivered with desire. I was so lost in thought, I barely registered that we'd stopped. I could tell we were getting closer to the Fae Kingdom from the trees and soft blue-green grass. We were still weeks away by foot, but if we kept moving, I had no doubt we would find a protected portal that could whisk us outside the palace.

I didn't want to go home. Gods, not only would I have to explain my disappearance, but they would kill my mate on the spot unless they scented him first. Which I doubt they would be searching for mating marks and scents as they readied to kill. They'd assume he took me. This was going to be a disaster.

One thing at a time, Tallulah.First, consider having a mate with two cocks. Gods, this was going to be interesting. Damn it, Faerie, get your shit together and run!My mind kept flipping about what it wanted.

Despite my fears and restless mind, I wanted uninterrupted time with my astonishing new mate.Get yourself together. There is no way he is your mate, it must be a trick.There was so much to explore and discuss. And I needed to know everything about him. I could already imagine us, living in a beautiful cottage on the outskirts, away from prying eyes. I wondered how I could become pregnant with his younglings, but the urge to fuck and breed coursed through my veins. His touch felt so good, it was hard to concentrate on any one fear. My body was ready as arousal took over. The way he moved and flicked his tongue in the air let me know.He knew. Then there was a distinct change in his features as he squeezed me tighter. That's when my voice started working. Thank the gods.

"I'm Niksha," he said smoothly. "I've never seen one of your kind, nor expected to find my mate. It's all I've wanted, but with my kind, it rarely ever happens. I don't know the last time it did. Most Nagas just fuck and die fighting. It's a cold and brief existence. How did you end up on my beach so far from home, little one?"

"Ah, I was being reckless one night with my friends and ended up in the human realm." I felt ashamed.

He looked astounded. "You survived there?"

"Yes, I glamoured into human form. Mostly, I blended into the background. Some humans are nice, but most want to be left to their own lives. My goal was to get back home."

"I'm sure your family must miss you greatly. A daughter, well, any child is a blessing." He seemed wistful. I could only imagine what kind of existence he'd had.

"Who attacked me on the beach?"

"Ah, that was my brother, Ganna." He didn't seem at all hurt or regretful of his actions.

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