Page 35 of Claiming His Kiss

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“He started using needles, something we’d never discussed. I panicked and started crying. I tried to say my safeword, but I just started coughing. He'd pierced me with five needles before he stopped to check on me.”

Daniel’s face was pulled tight, and his fists were curled against the arms of his chair.

“I’d never been a fan of gags before then, but after that, I steered clear. Any time a Dom suggested using one in a scene, I would just back out of the scene and say I’d changed my mind and didn’t want to play anymore.”

“Was this a Dom at the club?”

Ali shook her head. “No.” She lowered her head, then looked up at him through lidded eyes. “He was the last man I played with before I joined Serpent’s Kiss. I wanted a place to play where I felt safe.”

He nodded and relaxed a little. She could tell he still wasn’t happy, but he seemed to be letting it go. At least for now. “I will want to select the clothing you wear at the club.”

She swallowed and lowered her gaze.

“This doesn’t work if you don’t talk to me.” He paused. “Or have you changed your mind about wanting me to be your Dom?”

“No,” she said. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

“Then explain your reaction.”

She met his gaze for a moment before lowering it again. “I dress pretty conservatively at the club.”

“I know.”

Ali figured she needed to come right out and say it. “I’m not comfortable being on the main floor of the club naked. Or nearly naked.”

“But you’re okay being naked upstairs.” It wasn’t a question.

“Upstairs is different.”

His eyebrows lifted a little, but other than that, he gave no reaction, but she knew he was waiting on more of an explanation.

“I just feel In a playroom I can focus on me and the Dom I’m playing with. On the main floor, it’s different.”

Daniel waited until she looked up again. “I will take that into consideration.”

Not exactly the assurance she was hoping for, but at least he hadn’t outright said he was going to make her prance around naked. Some Doms required that of their subs. Or, even if they allowed them to wear clothing, it was so see-through or skimpy, they might as well be naked.

Several moments passed before either of them spoke again. “Was there anything else you wanted to discuss regarding my list or yours?” he asked.

She glanced down again at his list. They really did have similar kinks. It was uncanny. “I don’t think so.”

He nodded. “We need to talk about the arrangement. Boundaries.”

“Boundaries?” Ali didn’t like the sound of that.

Daniel nodded. “I think it’s best if we keep it to playing at the club.”

Was he serious? One look at him told her he was. The thought of only being able to have that type of connection with him two nights a week—one really, given she worked one of the two nights the club was open, left her feeling hollow inside. Now that she’d gotten a taste of him, of how good it could be between them, she wasn’t willing to limit that to the club. “No.”


“No.” She placed his list on the couch cushion and came to stand in front of him. He looked up at her with wary eyes. “I want more than just playing at the club.” He held her gaze and she realized if she wanted a relationship with him—one that went beyond play and friendship—that she was going to have to fight for it. For him. “I want you. All of you.”


Ali crawled onto his lap,took his face between her hands, and kissed him.

She was expecting to encounter some reluctance, but it was the opposite. He gripped her hips, pulling her closer. His lips danced with hers as his fingers dug into her ass.
