Page 64 of Mine to Take

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“You will return Kasia to me immediately,” he demanded.

“And if I don’t?”

“I kill your man. Simple,” he replied.

I wasn’t about to hand Kasia over to a monster like him, not over my dead body.

“If you want money, all you need to do is name your price,” I offered. I didn’t care what he wanted in terms of cost. I’d level New York City just to keep Kasia at my side.

“It’s not about the money. It’s about my family’s name,” he spat.

Kasia had told me that he was a monster, and she was right. There would be no buying him off. I’d have to deal with him another way.

“I’ll send you a time and place in twenty-four hours,” I stated. I had no intention of handing over Kasia to him, but I needed at least half of that to start calling in favors.

“Make it twelve. And I’ll let you know the place,” he demanded.

If only I could reach through the phone and snap his neck myself.

“I can reach you at this number?” I asked, keeping my interest level.

“Sure. Don’t do anything stupid or I’ll break his kneecaps,” Piotrek warned.

Not before I break yours, asshole.

“Got it. Talk soon,” I replied, hanging up.

I’d get my man out of there, but not at Kasia’s expense.

I immediately dialed Cyrus Holt and Jon Moretti. I apprised them of the situation as quickly as I could. Jon offered to call in his men and Cyrus promised the same. I started calling in a thousand other favors, from a phone triangulation to a full workup on Piotrek Poplawski’s activities for the past month. I didn’t leave a single stone unturned. My cyber team got to work immediately. By the time I finished calling in favors and paying in advance for more, I had what felt like half the city of New York working for me.

Piotrek would be lucky if he survived the night.

With a shaky breath, I quickly poured myself two fingers of bourbon and a full glass of wine for Kasia. I balanced both in one hand and carried the bottle back to her. By the time I returned to her, I felt much calmer. I didn’t want to scare her.

“We’re going to have some company tonight,” I announced. Her eyes opened wide, glancing down to look at her naked thighs and her cheeks pinkened.

“May I get dressed, please?” she asked, and I drew it out for a moment, my eyes sparkling yet contemplative.

“I suppose I could allow that. It is a shame to cover up that beautiful body though,” I mused, and she blushed beautifully, just as I knew she would. “Stand up for me.”

She obeyed, moving in front of me as I reached for her. I slid my fingertips along her waist.

“Turn around and show me that gorgeous little ass, angel,” I demanded.

I sucked in a breath as she spun slowly for me. I caressed her soft warm flesh, remarking on the pinkness still staining those pert cheeks from my hand. She whimpered at my touch.

“You will wear my seed between those pretty thighs though. Do you understand me? I’ll be checking later and if you defy me, then I’ll put you to bed with a much sorer bottom than you can imagine,” I promised, and she shivered hard.

“I understand, sir,” she replied breathily. I grabbed her hand and jerked her forward. She caught herself on my thighs.

“Kiss me first,” I demanded.

“Gladly,” she grinned.

Her soft lips pressed against mine. Her kiss was delicate and sweet, but I quickly turned it into something much rougher. I’d kissed her hard enough to leave her mouth sensitive for a good long while. I smiled knowingly, glancing down at her erect nipples as she pressed her fingers to her sore lips.

“Go ahead now,” I smirked.

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