Page 43 of Rivals

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The door closed behind him, the audible click of the lock loud in the pregnant silence. I held my tongue, refusing to say another word, waiting him out. I couldn’t understand why he wanted to speak to me. He’d made his disdain clear in our last meeting. And there was no way the marriage would be annulled, so I couldn’t understand what he hoped to gain.

Ricco remained by the island as my father strolled toward me as if there on a Sunday visit. He stopped in front of me then moved almost as quickly as Ricco had. Pain exploded a second time across my cheek from his backhanded strike.

I righted myself, swallowing the whimper that begged for voice. There was no way I would give him the satisfaction. Still, I said nothing more.

“Get up.” He barked his order, and I obeyed, unwilling to take another hit to the same spot.

We stood before one another, my back to the window and his to Ricco. Foolish move on his part, as if he didn’t know that Ricco would stab him in the back if the slightest chance of taking over the family without repercussions presented itself. I had no doubt that was already in the works. Guido had a similar goal, only that idiot had been found out, stripped of his title of underboss, and banished from the Amato family. Ricco, however, was much more cunning, and I had no doubt that he would accomplish his goal… if I didn’t kill him first. That was very much on the table.

“What I have to say to you will be the last time we’ll speak.” My father drew himself to his full height and looked down his nose as he delivered his speech. “You want to know about your mother and what happened?”

I couldn’t help it. I was desperate for any little detail about the woman I’d lost when I was young. “Yes.”

“She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I met her not long after I’d taken over as boss for the family. I hadn’t planned to take a wife so early. I wanted to wait, but I couldn’t get her out of my mind. She consumed my thoughts to the point of distraction. So I married her and gave her everything she ever could have wanted.”

Really?Knowing him, I found that hard to believe. “Even the freedom to come and go? To do things that she wanted?”

His upper lip curled into a sneer. “You’re an ungrateful child. I should have beaten you more often to curb that unflattering stubborn streak you have. It’s from her, you know.”

“Good.” Satisfaction swelled despite the pain I knew would follow. And it did, in the form of another backhand to the same fucking spot on my face. I barely refrained from touching my lip. Warmth trickled down my chin from the split lip that was swelling badly. “I see you wanted me to look my best for what’s coming? Would that be polygamy? Because you know I’m already married in the eyes of the church, God, and the capo—who’syour boss.”

There was a knock at the door, and once Joey gave a slight nod, Ricco opened it, letting Guido in with several brown bags that smelled like greasy fast food. My father notched his head toward the table, and Guido took a seat. I could tell he wanted to dig in, but that would have been foolish before my father gave him the go-ahead. He didn’t have any grounds to stand on, and we all knew he was lucky to be there.

“I change my mind, daughter. I was going to allow you to marry Guido. I thought it was the least I could do, considering he would be taking over the Amato family. And to keep the alliances in New York where they should be. But your insolence is too great.”

Guido began to protest but wisely shut his trap when Joey held up a hand.

“Let’s continue with the story, shall we?” His brows rose, and I kept my mouth shut. “Your mother should have been happy. I gave her everything her heart could desire. But she was young and foolish. She betrayed me and had an affair with Arturo Verretti.”

Dante’s father? Holy shit. I couldn’t help but wonder if Dante knew about it.

“Of course, I found out. It was the ultimate betrayal. So I did what I had to, despite how she’d broken my heart.”

You don’t have a heart. I pressed my lips together so I didn’t spew my thoughts.

“I ordered my captain to shoot her. And”—he moved toward the door, opening it to leave as he cast a heated glance at Ricco, who straightened—“you know the rest of the story, which brings us to your fate. You, too, have betrayed me, and you will suffer a similar fate. As history repeats itself, it’s fitting that the captain’s son should carry out my order to kill you.”

* * *


Icursed the traffic as we pulled off the highway and onto the exit that would take us to the address where Ricco had lived with his parents when he was young. It’d been about fourteen years since he had resided there. Adriano Verretti had shown us that the house had been registered in his mother’s name, and I couldn’t believe we’d missed it until almost two hours ago.

The closer we came, the more I drove like an asshole, weaving around cars and speeding along the shoulder. But every minute counted. I’d told Sof to make sure our brother stayed until he got word from me. I would have preferred he was along for the ride, but Tony needed Trey there. I only hoped that we wouldn’t too.

I was blind to the scenery, only concerned with the next turn and the one after that. My nerves were shot. Stefano and Em understood and maintained their silence. It wasn’t much farther.

Not even ten minutes later, the white stucco house came into view. Two cars were in the driveway, and I eased my foot off the accelerator, pulling to the curb a few houses down so they wouldn’t spot us. We needed the element of surprise.

We got out, not bothering to close the doors. We flew to the closest window on silent feet, our guns leading the way. Without discussing it, we split up. Em took the side, Stefano had the front door, and I went around back.

Loud voices volleyed back and forth, increasing in volume the closer I got to the screen door. Hunched down, I neared a window that didn’t have any blinds to block my view. It was the one above the sink. Mia was at the other end of the room, her back to the bay windows.

Everything in me froze. Ricco stood before her, pointing a gun at her chest. But he was looking at Guido, who stood near the back door, gesturing wildly with his arms. I didn’t have time to figure out what was going on. Ricco could squeeze the trigger at any moment, and then I would be too late.

I rushed forward, ripped the screen door open, slammed my shoulder into the back door, and launched myself at Ricco. I gripped his wrist, squeezing as I wrenched the barrel down and away from Mia. A bullet discharged, and my worst nightmare came true.

Mia jerked back then stumbled to the floor right as I landed on top of Ricco, a sickening crack sounding when his head hit the wood. The gun clattered across the floor, and Mia lunged forward as I realized mine had also fallen when I’d tackled him.
