Page 42 of Rivals

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“Where is she?” All family dynamics evaporated as I demanded answers. I didn’t care about anything but finding Mia.

“I’m not positive, but it’s the best shot we’ve got.” Adriano’s mercurial eyes bore into me. “Ricco lived near the Jersey Shore with his parents before he moved into the Tucci household with his mom.” He turned the screen so that I could see an image from Google Maps of a modern stucco one-story home on the shore.

I memorized the address then headed toward the door.

“Hold on, Nico.” Stefano grabbed my arm, but I yanked it free. “We’re going with you.” When Dante and Adriano stood, Stefano shook his head. “It’s better with only Nico, Em, and me. You need to stay in case Trey needs anything else for Tony.”

We raced to the underground parking, where we’d left the cars. I had to drive. If I didn’t, I would go crazy with worry. When the elevator doors opened with a quiet whoosh, we rushed into the garage and to the closest car.

Stefano tossed me a set of keys before opening the back door for Em. She slid across the seat and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze as Stefano settled into the passenger seat. He barely had his door closed before I slammed my foot on the accelerator and tore out of the garage, my only concern that I make it there while she was still alive.



After Ricco informed me that my father was en route and had approved my marriage to Guido, he went back to waterboarding—“for fun.” His words. As for me, I would enjoy shooting him, also “for fun.”

Guido had gone out to pick up lunch and was due back soon. He’d had his fill of watching me suffer at my sadistic stepbrother’s hands. Dark intent had etched itself in the sadistic curve of his thin lips.

Ricco leaned back on his heels, finally removing the washcloth from my face and watching me struggle to take a full breath without coughing. There were worse tortures to withstand, but it wasn’t a walk in the park.

“Are you done with me?” I wanted to know when Joey would be there and whether he’d sanctioned the playtime session for his favorite adopted son. Ricco’s reaction told me what I hadn’t asked. The slow smile and unhurried way he stood was enough to know that Joey was livid. A wave of fear wormed its way into my psyche. I knew what he was capable of, and I worried that being his daughter wasn’t enough to still his hand.

“For now.” He left my line of sight, and seconds later, the rope holding my arms went slack. I jerked them over my head and down to my waist, leaning to the side so I could push myself into a sitting position.

Ricco grabbed my wrists and dragged me closer. There was a flash of a blade, and my heart skipped a beat. The rope tightened, biting into my flesh, then I was free as the severed ends fell away. He bent and did the same to my ankles. I scrambled back before gaining my feet.

I eyed the door, but there was no way I could get past him. Instead, I scanned the area, looking for weapons. I made a silent note to get my deadly pants back before I left that hellhole, preferably with Ricco in a pool of blood and long gone from this lifetime.

“We should talk before Dad gets here and Guido returns with lunch.” Ricco leaned against the island, his arms crossed over his chest.

Not good.I didn’t like the way he spoke or how he was eyeing me. I was prey. Nothing new, but it unsettled me more than it used to because of how differently Nico and his family treated me.

“What?” I mirrored his posture.

“You need to go with Guido. It’s the best move for you. If you stay…” He shrugged, lowered his chin, then ran his tongue over his teeth while holding my gaze. A flash of cruelty darkened his eyes, and I had to fight the shiver that threatened to give away how he affected me.

“Can’t do that.” I raised my chin, defying him. “I’m married to Nico. The capo bore witness, and Dad has a signed copy of the marriage license.”

“Doesn’t matter. He’ll get it annulled. And we don’t answer to Stefano.”

My mouth fell open, and I had to work to close it.Wow.“You do realize he is the boss ofallbosses.”

“Not in New York.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“And you’re nothing but a bargaining chip. Have a nice life as Guido’s bitch.”

I was no one’s pawn. I’d proven that when I left and forged my own destiny. I launched myself at him, beyond disgusted. My fist slammed into his face, and he laughed. Pain exploded along my cheek from his return strike, and my head whipped to the side, my body helpless but to follow the trajectory of the punch. My hip hit the hideous couch, and I half fell onto it and the floor before recovering.

I got to my feet to go after him again, despite what he had done to me, when the door slammed against the wall. My father stood framed in the opening, red infusing his cheeks, his eyes narrowed to slits. His right hand was bandaged from where he’d been shot, and a trill of satisfaction went through me upon seeing it.

“Sit down!” he boomed.

My legs buckled, and I fell onto the couch then scowled. Years of ingrained habits were hard to break. But break them, I would. I already had—I’d left. I had to keep reminding myself so he wouldn’t get the best of me.

“Why are you here?” I asked, wanting him to get whatever he had to say to me over with. Just being in his presence made me want to vomit.
