Page 13 of Ruthless Heir

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Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Stefano splash amber liquid into a few glasses before he took a long drink. The black-haired one, Marco, took a glass too. Enzo, the only guy who seemed amused, motioned for Marco to hand him a whiskey. Marco rolled his eyes but complied.

I ignored them as much as I could, trying to understand why Max thought some fake sister would matter to me. “Let me get this straight. You drained my bank account to bring me here to meet someone to whom I have no ties? Or to give what you took from me to her?” That last one didn’t make sense. They were Mafia and therefore had more money than I would see in my lifetime. And I badly needed that money to help Breanna.

“It was to get you here. Your money will be returned after you agree to a few terms.”

I snorted. “No. There’s nothing you can offer me that would make me agree to anything.”

“I think there is.” Stefano stepped forward, drawing my attention as the dark intent of his demeanor shot ice through my veins. “Your birthright—you’re in line to be boss of the Brambilla family—and acceptance within the Five Families.”



Nicole linked her arm with mine and drew me through the monstrous house. My heart beat in a quick staccato, and I tracked possible exits as we headed toward a room filled with plants. She released me once we were inside then sat on one of the couches set around a natural edge coffee table.

“Sit, Sugar. I promise I don’t bite.”

I offered a closed-mouth smile as I took the seat next to her, my body stiff compared to her relaxed pose. My posture needed to change if I wanted to learn why Luc was there. I knew why I was there, unfortunately.

I relaxed and turned on the southern charm, softening my voice and letting my accent thicken. “I appreciate the invite into your home, but I shouldn’t be here. This is Luc’s business.”

“Oh, darlin’, nothing’s that simple, now is it?” She patted my thigh. “My daughter-in-law, Liliana, will be here shortly. Have something to drink and chat for a while. There’s no harm in getting to know each other better.”

There was, considering she was part of a crime syndicate that I was trying to avoid. Rather than protesting further, I gave in and accepted the glass she’d poured. And while I knew I needed to get far away from the place, my first reaction to Nicole was that I liked her. I felt recognized when she’d first laid eyes on me. And she’d extracted me from Luc’s insufferable grip. For that alone, I was grateful.

I took a small sip of wine, not wanting to dull my senses after the two glasses of champagne on the flight and the long nap that had cleared my head, thankfully. One of the staff arrived with a charcuterie board. Nicole handed me a small plate, and I helped myself to a selection of meat, cheese, and crackers, having skipped lunch. I felt better after I downed a couple of loaded bites.

“What’s the deal with you and Luc, Sugar?” Nicole popped a bite of cheddar into her mouth while she waited for my answer.

“Not much to tell.” Maybe if I told her, she would find a way to help me. “I met him at a bar last night then found out this morning he was my new boss. Someone drained his bank account—we now know it was Max—and Luc accused me of stealing his money. I’m not here by choice.”

Her brows raised just as a willowy platinum blonde entered the room—it must have been her daughter-in-law, Liliana. She bent and hugged Nicole then fell into a nearby seat before plucking a glass of wine from the table.

“The girls aren’t far behind. They should be here in about five minutes.” Her light eyes landed on me, and she paused. “I’m Lil. And you are?”

As if she didn’t know. I wanted to be irritated, but I wasn’t. I would rather have been with those two than with Luc and Max. Whatever discussion was going on between them, I wasn’t interested. It wasn’t my mess. I had one of my own that needed to stay buried.

“Summer.” I crossed my legs and leaned back against the back of the couch. “You’re married to Max?”

“Yep.” Before she could say anything else, a commotion sounded as laughter echoed somewhere in the house. “Guess they were closer than I thought,” Lil said.

I turned as three women waltzed into the sunroom. They were stunningly intimidating. Confidence radiated from them. My mouth went dry. I’d done my research well. They were the wives, and they were deadly in their own right.

Sofia Vitale, the fashion designer, was the shortest with long, wavy brown hair and an easy smile. Next to her was Emiliana Rossi, the capo’s wife. Eyes that were almost black and framed in spiky lashes observed me in silence. Her full red lips pursed before I jumped my gaze to Elena La Rosa, Marco’s wife. I didn’t know much about her, just that she’d returned to the family not long ago. A chill ran along my arms, which I ignored.

Nicole made introductions, and the girls found seats, making me feel like a mouse cornered by prey. Sofia sat closest to me. She leaned over and clinked her wineglass with the one I had a death grip on.

“Tell us what Luc’s like.” Sofia wiggled her eyebrows. “We peeked into the office where the guys were and caught a glimpse of him.”

I shrugged. “Other than being an overbearing jerk, I don’t know what to tell you. I just met him last night.”

“He seemed a bit possessive over Summer.” Nicole winked at me but directed her comment to the others.

“I shouldn’t be here. It’s a misunderstanding.” I wanted the couch to swallow me but had to play it cool and show no fear. Luc had put me in a bad situation, one that could cost me my life.

“Hm… maybe we’ll have to give him a hard time, then.” Em’s grin was pure evil, and I think I fell in love with her at that moment.

Some of the tension evaporated, and I laughed. “I’m on board with that plan.”
