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He blinks. “My things?”

“Yes, your possessions. You have items you own in your prior apartment, do you not?”

“Well, yes, but—”

“There is no need to sustain the expense of a commercial establishment, especially when you wouldn’t have anywhere to store any of your personal belongings. I have plenty of room and storage space.”

He stares at me, stricken. I reassess my words, trying to find the flaw, trying to think through what would have put that expression on his face. I suppose…

“If living on my floor makes you uncomfortable, I will pay for a room somewhere, since I offer all employees accommodations, and it’s not your fault the current dwellings are otherwise occupied.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t want to impose on you.”

Oh, for heaven’s sake. “You’d have your own kitchen, elevator, and stairwell. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Oh, my own private stairwell.” His voice is dryer than the Sahara. “How can I refuse?”

I scowl at him.

He sighs. “I’ll take it. Thank you, Oliver.” His voice is low and thick with indecipherable emotion.

Enough of this. I stalk into my office and try to focus on work. At nine, as per my normal routine, breakfast arrives on a tray placed on the table in the sitting area. I move out from my desk and sit to eat.

Has Piper had breakfast? Is she still here?

I call Brienne. “Is Miss Fox still here?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Has she eaten?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t had time to examine the contents of her stomach, sir.”

Everyone’s a comedian today.

The smile is apparent in her voice when she continues. “She hasn’t left the studio since she came down here around five thirty this morning.”

I press my lips together, thinking. I don’t want to bother Piper if she’s working, but I can’t stop trying to take care of her, either.

Brienne continues, oblivious to my inner monologue. “We can let her know there’s food upstairs and she can join you if she wishes.”

I release a slow breath. “That would be fine. Thank you.”

We hang up. What does Piper like to eat for breakfast? I stand up and pace.

“Carson,” I bark, and he’s at the door in a blink. “Have David bring more food.”

“What kind of food?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. Just… another serving of my usual is fine. And a smoothie. Maybe a doughnut.”

His head cocks, a smile threatening at the corners of his mouth. “We have doughnuts?”

“Figure it out,” I snap.

Now I can’t eat. What if she doesn’t come up? Maybe she’s not hungry. Maybe she’s busy. And if she does come up here to eat with me, how am I supposed to behave?

I pace some more. This is ridiculous. We ate together last night… oh, wait. We didn’t eat last night. I brought the food in and then got distracted by her naked body.
