Page 15 of Dark Stranger

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“Is this about the goddamn woman?” Edwardo asked. “She should be off limits. She’s not a part of what happened four years ago. I checked her out, remember?”

I didn’t give a shit what he’d discovered about her. Sierra Wynters would endure the brunt of my anger my way.

Needing Edwardo’s assistance had allowed him to believe that he held some level of importance in my world. When I jammed my arm under his throat, pinning him to the plush leather seats, his eyes opened wide out of fear as well as respect.

“You will not mention her again. Not to me. Not to anyone. Do I make myself clear or should I demand Matteo pull over so I’m able to accentuate my order?”

Edwardo’s face paled and he managed to shake his head even with my crushing hold.

“Good, because I’m not in the mood to get my hands dirty. At least not today. You should consider it your lucky day.” No, today was about getting my shit together, removing my brother from the helm then laying claim to what already belonged to me. However, that would take time.

At some point I’d need to handle the two men who’d helped the treacherous son of a bitch. I would enjoy every single minute of exacting revenge.

My cock twitched as I returned my sadistic thoughts to Sierra. Very few people had ever surprised me during my thirty-five years of existence. Not a single woman. While I’d enjoyed several females in my life on a temporary basis, none had brought me a sense of peace from unleashing my sadistic side.

Strangely enough, a few conversations on the phone with a stranger had proven to keep the darkness hovering just under the surface, my mouth watering at the thought of all the vile things I’d do once I had her in captivity. My balls were tight as drums and my visions of shackling her hands and feet were a delicious temptation.

Only I hungered to do far worse.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, rubbing my index finger across my lips as I tried to turn my attention to how I’d handle my brother. Cruz had always been difficult, making everything a competition between us. He’d assumed rule over the Montenegro syndicate before I’d been convicted, which had solidified the divide.

He wouldn’t leave the helm without being shoved aside.

God help him if he dared attempt to fight me.

“Where to, boss?” Matteo asked.

“Cruz’s house.”

He eyed me again in the rearview mirror, lifting his eyebrows. At least he knew better than to question me.

“However, we’ll drop Edwardo off at his office.”

“You want me there when you speak to Cruz,” Edwardo insisted.

“And why would that be?” I didn’t give a shit what had transpired over the past four years. I’d been kept abreast of every business deal, including the ones my brother had fucked up. I didn’t need a play by play of a goddamn thing. That would likely anger me enough I’d be forced to garner some relief.

Very little calmed the rage inside of me.

Blood and brutal sex.

Often, they came together depending on the situation. I yanked the duffle bag of weapons Matteo had brought, selecting my favorite Sig Sauer and easing it into the interior pocket of my jacket. I continued to have a target on my back, enemies assuming I remained vulnerable. Edwardo watched my every move, cursing under his breath.

“He’s handling things… differently than you are. I’ve already told you that,” he insisted.

“Differently.” I laughed, tossing him another vengeful look. “I’m curious, Edwardo. Why didn’t you stop him?” He was uncomfortable with my question.

“Because your father wouldn’t allow it.”

“I find that interesting, Edwardo, since my father hasn’t been in control for almost eight years.”

It would seem he had a stranglehold around his neck. If he wasn’t careful, I’d use it as a noose.

“No, but he has influence, more power than Cruz ever could. It was necessary that he intervene.”

“Fascinating, including the fact I’m just now being told.”

“You didn’t need to face additional difficulties. You had enough of your own.”

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