Page 37 of Bound to Him

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“Oh God, I would never hurt our kids.” The words rushed out of me so quickly that I didn’t really hear what I’d said, but Marco did. And whatever it was he heard made his face soften some.

When Marco stood and picked up the receiver, I rushed to get one more question in before he switched it back on. I knew the answer before I even asked. “He’s watching me, isn’t he?”

Marco shot me a knowing look. “What do you think?”

Of course, he was. I think I’d known for some time now. After all, mirrors rarely hummed and whirred.

As Marco moved to leave, he stilled just inside the doorframe. “I’ve known Ettore a long time. When I asked him what you were like, he told me you were a foolish little girl.” Not entirely untrue, butouch. “He also said you were the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.” Okay. Less ouch. “Part of me wonders whether he’s keeping you here just so he doesn’t have to share you.” I thought about that as he added, “Look, he’s an asshole. Putting yourself in a position to be humiliated will please him immensely. Make a gesture so grand he can’t ignore it. But be prepared, it might take a few attempts before he responds.”

He patted the wooden doorway twice, reached behind him and fitted his receiver, replaced his earpiece then lifted his brows deliberately, leaving me alone to consider what he’d said.

After some time, I made a quiet realization. I wasn’t getting anywhere with anger and tears.

I needed to change tactics.

* * *


Interfering was notsomething I was paid to do, but somehow, I couldn’t stop myself. There was a reason I was here. Ettore Scala was my best friend and he trusted me implicitly. So, when I stepped outside, gently closing the front door behind me, I put my finger to the earpiece and held the button down. “I know you’re listening, Tor. You’re always listening. You happen to get all that?”

He was there. It was just taking him a moment to answer, and when he did, I heard exactly what I planned to. I heard a man who was questioning himself. “I did.”


I would never hurt our kids.

Hell, I couldn’t have set it up better. I hadn’t planned on her saying what she said, but I hoped it would ease some of the disquiet between them. People might have asked me whose side I was on here, the Scala’s or the Vero’s. But the answer would always remain the same.

I was on Ettore’s side.

He was my best friend and after everything he’d been through, he deserved happiness.

And maybe – just maybe – soft-hearted Vittoria would be the one to give it to him.


Everyone had something


It wasdifficult to bargain without a bargaining chip, but everyone had something of value.

My stomach tensed as I stepped out of the walk-in closet wearing the floor length pale satin, cream-colored robe. It felt wonderful against my skin, like a gentle fingers caress on my legs with every step I took. And when I approached the bed, I peered down at it, clutching the ends of robe together tightly before closing my eyes, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly.

Everyone had something.

Maybe Marco was right. Maybe there was no way to fix what I broke. But I still had something Ettore desired.


That night in the hotel, he called my toxic beauty a weapon and, as it so happened, right now, I needed one.

My hands loosened and the sides of the robe parted in the middle, revealing my softened belly and the small dark triangle of curls down below. I needed his attention and words were not working. I gently shrugged and the smooth material fell from my shoulders, down to my middle, leaving my breasts bared. I let the robe fall to the ground. The material gathered around my feet and then, I was left standing utterly nude and bared to him in the gentle warmth of lamplight.

Was he watching me?

I pulled away the covers and slipped onto the sheets, laying back with my heartbeat steadily throbbing at my throat. I blinked and swallowed hard, nerves attacking my stomach in a way that made me feel lightheaded. But it didn’t matter.

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