Page 53 of Alpha Male

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His voice came out with a threatening growl. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

“Garth.” I spat out the name that tasted foul. If I could kill him myself, I would.

“And?” he snapped, having lost all patience with me.

“He killed my dad.”

“Why?” he demanded.

I spun from the mesmerizing flames to his hard expression. All tight angles, ruthless alpha energy, and unrelenting dominance.

“Does it matter why?” I tugged the blanket tighter around me.

His gaze flickered over my face. “What else did this Garth do?”

I glanced at the front door. To run again would end his questioning, but I was tired. And now I’d experienced what itwas like to mate with Titus, I found the need to run draining from me.

“Kara.” He grabbed my shoulders in a firm grip. “Stop running and tell me.”

“It was little things over the years.” I forced back my shoulders. “Nothing most people would consider bad.”

“But you did.” A muscle ticked in his jaw.

“He made me uncomfortable. He was always hanging around. Touching me when I didn’t want to be touched by him.” I shook my head. “Never by him. He always felt evil. Tainted.” The words tumbled out in a rush to this man. Titus. My mate. “He’d make snide remarks about me to other kids in the school. They all thought they were real. Later, when I was older, he coerced me into taking a job as his receptionist at his construction firm.” A shudder ran down my spine. “One night…”

“I’ll kill him.”

“He didn’t rape me, if that’s what you’re thinking.” I placed a hand on his forearm, experiencing the tightness of his muscles under my fingertips.

“Not that I’d put rape past him.” I dug my fingernails into his arm. “One night, he said something to me that made me wonder…”

“Wonder what?”

“My family died in an avalanche. All except me and Dad.” I scrubbed the back of my hand over my eyes. “It was a few years after Mom died, and they’d all helped Dad raise me. It was hard when they all died together like that.”

“I’m sure it was.” He rubbed my shoulders in a soothing caress.

“Garth made me wonder if he’d caused it.”

His dark brows dropped into a frown.

“For what reason?”




Her soft voice as she saidmewould have broken anyone’s heart with the amount of pain in that one word. But I was an alpha for a reason. I was harder. More powerful. Her mate. Her protector. Dangerous. Even more so to anyone wanting to harm what was mine.

“Is Garth who you are running from?”

I didn’t need her to answer to know, but I wanted her to say it. To admit she needed my help.

“Yes. Dad—” She swallowed. “After the avalanche, he lost himself in gambling. Luna, it hurts to say it, but he gambled me away to Garth.”

I let go of her before I crushed her bones with the intense rage lurching inside me at her dad and Garth. They both deserved an ass-whooping. I couldn’t give her dad one since he was dead, but I sure as fuck was going to give Garth what he had coming to him for terrorizing my mate for what sounded like most of her life.
