Page 29 of Alpha Male

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“No, you can’t,” Silas says as we reach my front porch. “But you can show her that you’re not some dumb kid anymore.” Silas turns on his heel and strides down the path leading to the center of town.

“Why are you trying to help me, Silas?” I call after him. “This is driving Odette insane.”

Silas turns to me, sadness swimming in his gaze. “My sister will have to learn to deal with the choice she has made.You were always clear on where your relationship with her was headed.” Smiling sadly, he adds, “And it’s what a good beta should do,” before walking away, leaving me to ponder my predicament on my own.

Chapter Seven


My panther is riled up to the point of no return. After finally managing to shift back to my human form and getting dressed, I take a seat on the back steps. My panther prowls my mind, pushing at the edges and trying to get me to let her back out. But that isn’t really an option. She just wants to kill Odette.

My panther has always been a bloodthirsty little thing. Max says that’s what makes me a great fighter. The years of suppressing my nature, not defending myself, and allowing people to walk all over me has made me stronger and more resilient. One of the best fighters he has ever seen.

A noise draws my attention to the far side of the yard. Silas walks through the side gate with his hands in the air. “I come in peace,” he calls out with his hands raised.

“What do you want, Silas?” My voice sounds tired, frustration bleeding through from every word.

“I just want to talk,” Silas replies as he walks closer.

“Say your piece and leave.” Already my panther is on full alert again. I barely got her calmed down and now he’s here.

“Kira.” He sighs, stopping two feet from me. “I know it doesn’t mean much, but I want to apologize. Kids are assholes, and I was the biggest of them all.”

I try to interject, but he holds up a hand stopping me. “Please let me finish?” His eyes implore me to hear him out.

I nod lightly before Silas continues.

“I always knew what I was doing was wrong. The bullying, the name-calling, all of it. But it’s so easy to do the wrong thing when other people are doing it too.” He takes a deep breath before sitting beside me on the stairs. “I always thought that I would be able to apologize to your father for my actions, but now it’s too late. I don’t want it to be too late to apologize to you.”

Sincerity burns in the depths of his eyes, and I can feel the emotions pouring off him. I want to be a bitch and tell him to fuck off, but this is what I have always wanted. Someone to admit they were wrong.


“No, Kira,” he interrupts me again. “I know saying I’m sorry isn’t going to change anything. That it doesn’t fix what we all did to you. What I am asking for is a second chance, to prove I have changed.”

“Why?” I ask, genuinely confused. “What does my opinion matter?”

“Of course, it matters, Kira. I was a prick and helped to make your childhood a living nightmare. I want to prove that I have grown up to be a better man.”

“That’s great, Silas, but I don’t think I’m ready to be your friend.” I get up off the stairs to enter the house.

“That’s fine too, Kira. We can work toward that,” he says. “I just don’t want us at each other’s throats the entire time. It will rip Rowan apart.”

Pivoting on my heel, I stare down at Silas where he is still seated on the stairs. “So, that’s why you’re here. Rowan sent you.” Rage courses through my veins anew.

“No, Kira,” Silas says, hanging his head low. “Rowan didn’t send me. But he is my best friend. His entire life, all he’s ever wanted was to find his fated mate, to have what his parents had. I don’t want to be the part of the reason that you leave.”

“Believe me, there is more than your sorry ass that has me wanting to leave,” I say before walking into the house and slamming the door behind me.



My nerves are shot as I knock on the front door of Kira’sfather’s house. Surely it’s her house now? Will she want to live here or with me after we are mated? Shit, I’m getting ahead of myself again. I need her to accept me as her mate first.

The door opens, and my breath is taken away by the vision of her. Earlier today, she was dressed formally for the funeral. Black slacks with a black long-sleeve shirt, but now she is way more casual. Cut-off jean shorts and a white tank top with some sneakers. So much skin on display. My gaze traces the tattoos running the length of her arms, and I wonder where they stop. So much color and life are infused into the art she wears on her body.

“Are you ready to go?” she asks casually.
