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“Shall I wait up for you if you’re not back by this evening?”

She knew what he was asking: Did she wish him to come to her again?It was to have been a onetime thing, her mind cautioned. She was to have put her desire for him behind her now that her body’s urges had been sated, to get on with the very important business of finding him a wife. As well as to secure the money she required.

Her body, however, had other ideas. He had reawakened something in her that she was reluctant to put back in its neat little box again. She could not very well assist him today, she reasoned. Not with her being called to Swallowhill. And, as she could not resume her efforts until tomorrow at the earliest, there was no reason not to have one more night together. To make certain her need for him was well and truly behind her.

“Yes,” she whispered before, with a smile, she hurried away.


Daniel had not planned on dozing off. He’d purposely sat up in one of the chairs before the hearth in Margery’s room, had even brought a book to read.

But the lack of sleep the night before finally caught up to him. One minute he was trying to focus on the words in his hands, the next, there was the softest of caresses on his scarred cheek.

He froze, confusion momentarily scattering his wits, and instinctively he grabbed at the trailing fingers. It took him some seconds to make sense of what was happening, but when he finally did the breath left him entirely.

Margery kneeled before him, just as she had last night. Though now she was fully dressed, hair up but several bedraggled curls having escaped her coiffure. There were dark shadows beneath her eyes, proof of a difficult day, though a small smile played about her lips.

He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

“I’m sorry to startle you,” she murmured.

In answer he leaned forward and caught her lips in a kiss. She sighed into his mouth, melting against him, then just as quickly pulled away to yawn into her hand.

“You’re exhausted,” he said. “Let’s get you to bed.”

She didn’t fight as he took her elbow, guiding her to standing before lurching to his feet. Once more he was struck with the potent desire to sweep her up in his arms and carry her to the bed. Though this time the feelings were decidedly more tender, a wish to care for her. He fought down his bitterness at not being able to do so—so much stronger tonight than it had been last night—instead propelling her with a hand to the small of her back to the bed.

“Sit,” he ordered her.

She gave a huff of a laugh but did as she was bid, hiding another yawn behind her hand as she sank onto the mattress. “Truly, I’m fine.”

“So fine you can barely stand without swaying,” he muttered. As she gave another small laugh he went to work, removing her shoes, peeling down her stockings. When that was done, he helped her back to her feet and assisted her in removing her clothes. They were serviceable, securing where she could easily reach, worn but cared for. He frowned as he guided her back down to the bed and settled her against the pillows. Again the questions swirled about in his brain: Why did a viscount’s daughter and cousin of not one but two dukes wear such clothes? Why did she so desperately need money that she was willing to help him find a wife to get it?

But now was not the time, he told himself firmly as he carefully removed pins from her hair and gently spread it out over her pillow. Throughout his ministrations she lay quiet, not fighting him as he fussed. He thought for a moment she had fallen asleep. But as he turned away preparing to leave her to her rest, her soft voice called out to him.

“Don’t go, Daniel.”

There was nothing on earth that could have prevented him from returning to her. She gazed sleepily up at him, her eyes shining in the faint firelight. She held out a hand. “Lie with me.”

Heat shot through him as he remembered the previous night. He hastily doused it. “You need to sleep, Margery.”

“I will,” she promised, her hand still suspended in the air. “I just want you to hold me.”

He couldn’t have refused if he’d tried. Which he did not remotely wish to do. Sitting on the edge of her bed, he removed his boots, then slid in next to her. She curled against his side, as if she had always belonged there.

“Mmm, you feel wonderful,” she whispered, her cheek rubbing against his chest.

He tightened his arm about her, dropping a kiss into her mussed curls. “Everything went well?”

“Yes.” He could fairly hear the smile in her voice. “My dear cousin has a healthy baby boy. He’s so very beautiful, Daniel. I’m so happy for Clara and Quincy.”

“I’m glad,” he said. “Now, sleep. Your work is done; you need rest.”

She heaved a sigh. “My mind is too full to sleep. Won’t you talk to me?”

Stubborn minx. He smiled into the crown of her hair. “What would you have me talk about?”

“Anything. Everything. Tell me about what you were like as a child.”

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