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To her shock, outrage flared deep in her stomach. She didn’t anger easily, after all. But there it was, hot and bitter and impossible to ignore. She ached to invite his confidence—not only to offer him comfort, but also to secretly curse the person responsible, much to her chagrin—and though she knew instinctively he would refuse, she said, “You can tell me anything you wish, you know. I’m a very good listener.”

She kept her tone light and easy. Yet his reaction was almost violent. He drew back, a sound close to a hiss escaping his lips. “No. That is,” he amended when she unconsciously shrunk into herself, “I would not soil your ears. But I do hope you understand the importance of complete honesty in this matter. I need to know that you will tell me immediately should you become offended by my appearance.”

She could see that there was no amount of placating that would ease his mind on this. And so instead she slid from her seat and sank to her knees before him.

His eyes flared wide with shock, desire once more replacing the guarded hurt there. His hand was still fisted over his thigh and she laid hers over it. “I don’t see a need for it, for I know I shan’t change my mind about wanting you. But I swear I will tell you should I experience any distress.”

He sagged with relief. Leaning forward, he cupped her cheek with his free hand. “Margery.”

Anticipation rose up in her again. He was going to kiss her. And then there would be no turning back, for there was nothing she wanted more in that moment than to lose herself in him. Her eyes fluttered closed and she raised her face for his kiss.

But it never came. Confused, she opened her eyes and looked up at him once more. Again, uncertainty clouded his face. But this time it was not a painful one. Rather, he appeared utterly sheepish.


He smiled, though there was no humor in it. “There is one very important thing I think you should know before we continue. And I really don’t know how to say it in a delicate way.”

She blinked in confusion. “Yes?”

He laughed, a harsh sound. “Ah, God. All right then. I need you to know…I’ve never done this before.”

Relief filled her. “You’ve never had an affair? I haven’t either.”

But already he was shaking his head. “No, that’s not it. Well, it is it, but it goes beyond—far beyond—that.”

And then he did the very last thing she expected him to do: he colored. And not just a faint blush, but a raging red that stained his cheeks. “I’ve never donethisbefore,” he managed.

A ghost of an idea formed in her fog-enshrouded brain. She frowned. But no, surely he didn’t mean—

In the next minute he dashed that faint thought to pieces.

“I’m a virgin.”

Chapter 13


He winced. It sounded even more ludicrous when she said it. “Yes.”

She settled back to sit on the floor. Rather, it was more of a jarring drop, her bottom hitting the rug with a muffled thud. Regardless of how you framed it, however, she moved beyond his reach. For a horrible moment his hand hung suspended like a leaf caught on the thinnest spiderweb before dropping awkwardly to his lap.

Damn it, he should have kept his mouth shut. He needn’t have told her. Surely he could have faked knowledge enough to make her believe he wasn’t completely without experience. He had seen enough with the engravings in the books his brother had secreted into the house when they’d been young, after all; had heard enough ribald comments from schoolmates and fellow soldiers to be able to be quite creative should the need arise.

But no, he told himself a moment later. He had promised respect and honesty with this woman. He was not going to disregard that vow before they’d even begun.

“Yes,” he replied.

“I see.”

But she made no move to rise. Her gaze went unfocused, flitting about the room, as if it didn’t know where to settle.

Ah, God, this had been a colossal mistake. Gathering his cane with stiff fingers, he braced himself to rise, praying he would be able to maneuver about her without falling flat on his face. Truly, the evening only needed that embarrassment.

“I can see I’ve distressed you,” he mumbled. “I’ll leave you now.”


Her answer was swift and unexpected. More unexpected, however, was her body as she lurched toward him. He reared back, losing what little ground he had made in rising. And then she settled between his thighs, her full hips pushing into that sensitive space with aching intimacy. His breath left him on a harsh, ragged exhale.

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