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“When would ye ask me tae wed ye, ye fool?” she muttered.

Darach closed his eyes and laughed helplessly. It was such a wonderful feeling to hear those words from her. Relief burst through his heart, and tears of relief welled in his eyes. He gently laid her on the bed and covered her up while he dashed outside, determined to find a way to get a message across to Blair, but he bumped into Morven just down the hall.

“Darach, what is it?” his brother demanded as he held his arm.

“She lives, Morven. She lives! Her fever has broken. Surely ‘tis a sign she's nae longer in danger of dying, aye?”

A broad smile split Morven's face. “Aye, ‘tis a good sign, tae be sure. Told ye the lass is strong enough. I’ll ger Blair right away. But I have news before that.”

Darach fixed his eyes on his brother as they walked through the hall back to the keep.

“Her faither arrived last night, and it had been hard keeping him calm. He thinks she has passed,” Morven whispered as if he didn’t want to mutter the word out loud. “Word had spread through the keep that ye mourn her, and ye'd brought her tae the chamber lifeless.”

Darach sighed. “She was truly dying, Morven. I could feel her dying in my arms. I held her through the night, and I talked to her endlessly. I went tae sleep, and when I awoke, her fever was gone. She was bathed in sweat. She’s still weak as a kitten, but the fever has left her. ‘Tis a miracle.”

“I’ll go get the healer tae look at her now,” Morven muttered. “And there is something else I have tae tell ye, brother.” He cleared his throat and saw an obvious look of worry appear on Darach’s face. “Kenn wasnae able to survive his wounds. The guards found him dead this morning. All the information we gathered from him, we kent. He was working with William and trying tae get tae Aileen, Jane’s sister.”

“I hope the bastard suffered.”

“And there is something else,” Morven proceeded. “We must address the issue of what is tae be done about the alliance with the MacThomas. The laird awaits our assurances about his daughter. We cannae hold his demands off any longer.”

Darach looked at his brother with all the clarity in his heart. Then he smiled, leaving the dark thoughts of Kenn and his betrayal behind him, and nodded, knowing he must face this issue. He knew what he wanted to do.

“As soon as Jane is settled, I’ll go with ye tae meet with the laird,” Darach said quietly. “I intend tae ask his daughter's hand in marriage.”

Darach smiled at the shock on his brother's face as he headed toward the chamber to see Jane again.


“Wake up, Jane! ‘Tis yer wedding day.”

Jane pried open her eyes and groaned at the sight of Lorna and Aileen crowding into her chamber with a few other women.

She was exhausted.

The last few days had been busy, with Darach and her father arriving with the other men from the first expedition in victory. They won the battle at Killiecrankie against William of Orange, and the excitement was still sensed among the people. She'd spent most of the days organizing the maids and preparing the keep alongside Lorna and Aileen, spending the last few nights conversing with Darach until she’d fall into deep sleep, and he'd bring her to her chambers.

One of the maids tossed aside the heavy window coverings, and the sunpierced Jane's eyes. Her moan was louder this time, and it set off soft peals of laughter throughout the room.

“My sister doesn’t sound so thrilled tae be a bride, I see,” Aileen chuckled.

“Of course, I am excited, Aileen,” Jane grunted out. Her sister had arrived soon after she had recovered from her encounter with Kenn because her father had thought she'd feel better in the protection of the Robertson castle while he rode off to war with Darach. Jane had enjoyed having her sister around, and she was a little sad that Aileen would be riding away with her father after the wedding that day.

“Aye, sister. I was just teasing her. We’ve prepared the tub with hot water for yer bath.”

“We’ll wash yer hair and rub some luscious oils that I made intae yer skin,” Lorna continued. “My brother will be most appreciative, I can tell.”

A smile spread across Jane's lips, and she opened her eyes. Today was the day, and she couldn't wait to be man and wife with the laird. She immediately rose to a sitting pose on her bed, and another giggle raced around the room. Jane realized that she’d given voice to her thoughts.

“Jane, we’ve brought ye the best gown tae be married in. Let us show ye,” Lorna continued.

Jane looked over at her sister-in-law to be, who was beaming excitedly at her.

“Lorna, I thank ye.” Jane grinned at her.

“We should thank ye for giving us this chance tae plan a beautiful wedding,” Lorna said cheerfully.

Aileen smiled and nodded. “Yes, sister. At least it’s something other than the gloomy war preparations of the men.”

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