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Morven snorted. “A wee cut? Ye nearly died. Ye’ll rest and do as the healer and the lass instruct, even if I have tae tie ye down meself.”

Darach scowled. “This cut will nae deter me from giving ye a spanking.”

Morven laughed, and Darach joined in. His laughter became a groan when a flash of pain soared through his midsection.

“‘Tis obvious ye’ll need tae measure yerself carefully the next days, brother,” Morven said grimly.

Darach blew out his breath. “I’ve nae need of yer coddling. Leave off. I'd nae longer be a laird on the bed. Jane has given the best care I'd ever get, and I could heal while still working.”

Morven shook his head. “Perhaps it's right tae give the lass some rest. She has attended ye for the last days without sleep. Even I’m worrying about her health.”

Darach nodded. His mind was on Jane and her beautiful presence. He'd told her about his curse, but she still hadn't shied off. She'd kissed him instead and made him feel better about himself than he had ever felt.

“I hope ye ken what yer doing with the lass,” Morven said quietly. “I'm nae blind. I've seen the way ye stare at each other.”

Darach sobered. “I will have tae send her back tae her faither. It's the only fair exchange since Kenn is home.”

It wasn't just about that, and he was confident Morven understood. His brother was everything but blind to what was going on around him. Darach appreciated the fact that he shielded Jane during the conversation with Kenn for Morven never put in a good word for someone unless they truly deserved it.

Nothing could explain Darach's irrational attraction to Jane. She made him feel passionate in a thrilling, dangerous way, and that passion would undoubtedly awaken the beast. That was why he'd been hesitant to commit to another woman since Maira's death, but Jane had broken through his defenses to reach his heart.

He must see her as a distraction, nothing more, because his odd fascination with her would only bring doom.


Jane walked down the corridor, past the guards who saluted her as she passed. She was getting more nervous by the minute about meeting Darach this morning. She was ready to beg him to let her go home now that his man was back by his side. After hearing everything she had to say, the laird couldn't possibly refuse to let her go, which made her heart sink.

She knew she'd miss him, his devilish smile, their heated private moments, and so much more. She'd grown accustomed to the keep's walls and the people who lived within. It had begun to feel more like home than a prison, which terrified her more than anything else. Her heart was racing as she approached the study door.

Before she could reach it, Kenn appeared from around the corner and stopped her.

“I'm here tae see the laird,” she told him.

“I’m afraid the laird is nae available this morning,” he said smoothly. “He’s in a private meeting at the moment, and he'd be unable tae speak with ye as ye probably hoped.”

Jane shook her head in disbelief. “I cannae see him?”

“Nay, my lady. I'm sorry I cannae help ye, but I can be useful tae tender the matter before him if ye'd prefer tae tell me.”

Jane's heart raced as she shifted her stance in discomfort. Her hands shook slightly, and she hid them in the folds of her skirts to hide her worry. Shehad the feeling that something was out of place—something was wrong.

“I do hope the laird's ailment is completely gone,” she said politely. “I had looked forward tae making sure he is well since I am in charge of his recovery.”

“That’s nae entirely accurate. We have some of the best physicians in the keep that make the laird's health well-looked after.”

“Aye, of course,” she murmured. “I would only ask that he kens I’m waiting at the door.”

Kenn's eyebrows raised. “I wouldnae ask that ye wait here, my lady. Ye can retire tae yer chambers until ye are summoned tae the great hall. I will, of course, tell them tae provide breakfast, as I can see ye've wanted for naething during yer confinement here. I guess that should be coming tae an end soon.”

The way he'd said it, with his casual reference to confinement, made the hairs on her nape prickle. He stared at her interestingly, but the concern in his eyes seemed far from genuine worry over her well-being.

Jane’s lips parted in an artificial smile, “Very thoughtful of ye, thank ye.”

“Now, if ye will excuse me, I must make my way tae the study tae discuss the laird’s matters. I will, of course, call for yer meal.”

Jane nodded and clenched her hands in her lap as she turned away, still covered in goosebumps. She was almost back to her chambers, gazing out the window in the keep's western wing, when she was stopped. When she turned around, she was surprised to see Wiley standing a few steps away, beaming brightly.

“My lady!”

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