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Jane felt heat pierce her skin. It was a wonderful feeling. Her mind raced with the heady and sinfully sweet sensation. She felt incredibly lightheaded and unable to resist any longer; soshe sighed and melted into his strong body. He rubbed up and down her back,dippinghis fingers into her hair at her nape, pulling her down to meet the intensity of his kiss.

“Darach,” she whispered.

“I like the sound of my name on yer lips, Jane. ‘Tis surely the sweetest thing,” he murmured.

She sighed, exasperated at how easily he could control her with just a kiss.

“Ye must let me up,” she said firmly. “Yer brother and sister will be up any moment now. They’re most concerned about yer injury. I need tae look at the stitches tae ensure they’re holding, and if ye feel strong enough, ye should eat.”

“I’d rather kiss ye.”


She abandoned her gentle reproach and pushed against his chest. To her surprise, he laughed and relinquished his hold on her. Jane scrambled off his chest and smoothed her wrinkled clothing and disheveled hair. Her gaze kept creeping to his broad, naked chest. She’d seen more than her fair share of his chest in the past few days, but the sight of the man did not cease to take her breath away.

Her eyes devoured him. She’d rather have spent her morning in his arms, but Morven had come home two days ago, and unlike his sister, he’d not been entirely satisfied with having her with his brother at all times. He checked in as often as possible, insisting he’d rather be there when his brother woke up from sleep.

“I must look at yer wound,” she said, damning the husky catch to her voice.

He glanced down and then slowly rolled onto his good side so that his injured side was directed at her. “I must thank ye, Jane. I dinnae remember much about the day I was injured, only that the man had jumped at me from the shadows. Pray tell, was he caught?”

“Sorry tae disappoint ye,” she said lightly. “He wasnae. Wiley told me all tracks of him disappeared. According tae him, the intruder seemed very skilled in avoiding the trackers.”

“Aye,” he muttered. “Thank ye all the same for yer care for me.” He reached up and caught her hand when she moved closer, bringing her fingers to his lips. Jane felt the tingles shoot up her arm, and her chest pulled taut with pleasure. It was hard not to smile at the handsome man who wielded pretty smiles as surely as he did a broadsword.

She caught his wrist and gently nudged his arm over his head at an angle, and then she leaned in to focus on his newly stitched wound. It thrilled her to see the redness had waned and that it no longer looked quite so raw and incensed.

“What’s yer verdict? Will I live?” he asked in an amused tone.

“Aye, my laird. I'd like tae think ye’ll live a long, healthy life. Ye’re tough, and that will aid ye in a complete recovery.”

“Glad tae hear it.”

When she allowed him to lay his arm back down, he rubbed at his belly and grimaced.

A smile spread across her lips. “Hungry?”

“Aye. Fair tae say starving.”

“‘Tis a good sign,” she said with an approving nod. “I’ll ask for a trencher tae be brought up.”

“Dinnae leave.”

She raised her brow. Command was clearly in his voice.


At the lowered tone and plea, she all but melted again.

“Aye. I’ll stay.”

He gave her a bright smile even as his eyelids lowered. He blinked, clearly fighting the urge to sleep.

“Rest, Darach.” She laid her hand over his forehead. “I’ll have yer food tae ye in a moment.”

She rose from the bed and flattened her skirts, wishing she didn’t look so dreadful. She made it to the door and was about to pull it when it swung open. Jane scowled at the intruder, letting him know his bursting in wasn’t welcome.

Morven scowled back, his expression letting her know he wasn’t impressed with her ire.

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