Page 23 of Pop and Pour

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“Right in Kitchi Falls.”

“Downtown, hmmm. The only apartment I can think of is the general store.”

“That’s the one. The listing said something about a store downstairs.”

“The owner’s name is Owen Smith. Nice guy. His family owns half of Kitchi Falls. Including the store. You’ll like him. Tell him I said hello.”

“Will do.”

Not knowing what parking was like downtown, I said goodbye and left Neo to his Wednesday-night gathering. I couldn’t help but feel a stab of...maybe jealousy? I hated being jealous. It was a waste of time. But with my dad out of the picture since I was five, my mother on husband number three in North Carolina, and no siblings to speak of, the closest I could get to family life was an aunt and uncle in Lake Shohola, where I grew up.


I was halfway to the parking lot but stopped dead when I heard my name. Cursing myself for being excited at the sound, I took a deep breath and tried to pretend I was not affected. Didn’t work, of course.

I turned to see my other boss, the big boss, jogging toward me.

“Did I forget to punch out?” I asked, still annoyed at his presumptuousness in the barrel room.

“Neo told me you’re renting a place from Owen Smith?”

Apparently he only answered the questions he liked.

“We’ll see.” I tried to keep my annoyance out of my tone. Aside from having to deal with him, I actually really liked working at GVV. It was like a big extended family, and even when I was working, it felt like hanging out. I’d tasted all of the wines by now and was even finding some I liked that I wouldn’t usually drink. If I could get the apartment situation settled and get my stuff, this adventure could really get started.

“Potentially,” I added. “I’m headed there now to check out a place.”

No, he did not just clench his jaw. If there was one thing I couldn’t resist, it was that. Not quite thePride & Prejudicehand flex, but on a guy like Cosimo with a more defined jawline than Daniel Sharman...just no.

“Tell him you’re not coming.”

“Oh,” I said. “I see.” He was firing me. To be honest, I probably deserved it after the way I’d lashed out at him. Still, it took some effort not to lash out yet again. I worried my lip, fighting back my worst impulses. “But even if I don’t work at Grado—”

“I’m not firing you, Brooke.”

He sighed as if I was the biggest pain in the ass. Well, guess what, buddy? That honor goes to you.

“Text him to say you’re not coming and meet me in the courtyard in five minutes.”

“Cosimo,” I started, about to put him in his place. “I need a place to stay by Friday.”

“You’ll stay at the cottages,” he called back, already halfway back to the estate.

What in the ever-loving hell was that all about? I stood there, undecided. On one hand, a cottage rental would be ideal. They were right on the property and very much in line with this whole Finger Lakes experience, living on a vineyard and all. On the other, I’d honestly never met a more arrogant, high-handed man in all my life, and doing something because he asked—no, told me to? It stuck in my craw.

My phone buzzed in my hand.

You coming?

The unknown number could only have been Cosimo’s. He must have gotten it from my application. I texted back.

I don’t typically take orders from men.

For a moment, there was nothing in response. And then...

too bad

What in the world did that mean? For a hot second I thought he was flirting with me. Until I remembered Cosimo Grado didn’t flirt. Especially with employees. Or me.

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