Page 42 of Her Protector

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The onlythingI can think of is what he’s done to me, and I know he’s not sharing that around. Especially with Frank.

“What’s happened?” I hear Harry ask. My curiosity way past the point of feeling guilty for eavesdropping by now.

Plus, I might get to hear Harry talk about me again. It sounds so sweet to hear him say stuff about me to other people. Even just little things.

Okay, okay. It was one thing but it means he’s thinking of me as much as I am of him.

Frank blows air out through his teeth and I can picture him running a thick hand through what’s left of his hair.

“The three so-called ‘victims’ from the night you bought that ticket?” he asks Harry, sounding like he can’t believe what he has to say.

“Frank, just fucking tell me,” Harry clips impatiently.

Sounding like he hasn’t pre-empted anything himself for once.

He’s as in the dark about everything as I am right now by the sounds of it and I share his impatience, wanting Frank to tell all.

“The feds got involved, Harry… And I thought it was because they thought you were in on it all somehow. But I was wrong.”

“The Feds?” Harry asks.

“They took over the whole case not long after I dropped you off. But I know the agent in charge and he’s pretty keen to work closely with us on this one.”

“Frank….,” Harry growls. His get to the point voice is unmistakable.

“Alright alright, keep your hair on. What is it with you anyway, Harry? You look…different.”

That makes me smile. I know I’m not the only one who’s feeling different and for the better this morning.

“Anyway. The convenience store clerk? They went to his house and snooped around like they do….,” I hear Frank sigh bitterly.

“I won’t go into details, Harry. But they lifted his prints at the morgue and then took his hard drive before sealing off the whole house as evidence…That piece of shit— Anyway. Suffice it to say that he’s one guy anyone with kids won’t be missing anytime soon.”

I make a face, grateful Frank’s not a details kinda guy this time around.

“And the guy who shot him?” Harry asks, making Frank clear his throat before he continues.

“Lionel Darville Jones,” Frank announces, making me frown because I’ve never heard of him.

Harry goes quiet though. The name means something to him at least.

“Small time thief who graduated to full-time asshole when he killed that family in another botched robbery….,” he says to himself, trailing off.

“It wasn’t your case, Harry. Stop beating yourself up over it,” Frank consoles him before finishing his update.

“But the biggest rat in the nest, Harry… Contestant number three?” he says, pausing for effect.

“The homeless guy,huntedyou said?” Harry says.

“They’re working on his real identity as we speak, Harry. But again, with the DNA lifted it looks like he’s the box cutter killer. Wanted in over fifteen states. Been active for twenty fucking years.”

I feel my jaw drop.

If these are the ‘victims’ I’d hate to meet the one who killed them all.

“And the ticket?” Harry asks, not sounding surprised anymore.

“DNA confirms the feds ID’s. As to ownership? That’s up to you whether you wanna pursue it, but I think Megan would have a strong case. Like you said yourself, Harry. Finders keepers….”

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