Page 64 of Pretty Little Lies

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And when the beat drops, it’s me who stops her. Our chests collide, and my hands find her slender waist to steady her as she remains poised on her toes, her arms curved gracefully above her head. Like a moment suspended in time, we stand frozen, our eyes locked as Anya’s warm breaths burst from her lips to tickle my face and neck.

The fire in her eyes is something I’ve never seen before. It’s not the anger or resentment I’ve come to consider my constant companion but rather a yearning, a hunger I never thought I would find in her. Instantly, I’m rock-hard in my jeans. I’ve never wanted to taste Anya more than I do at this moment.

I don’t hesitate. Snaking my arms firmly around her waist, I pull Anya to me as I kiss her. And the kiss she returns sets my soul on fire. Her arms fall around my shoulders as her tongue strokes hungrily between my lips, exploring me like never before. I groan with the intensity of my arousal and pull her closer still until I’m lifting her off her toes.

Her legs wrap around my waist as Anya grinds into me with vigor. I fucking have to have her. Right here. Right now. Sinking onto the studio’s mats, I lower Anya to the floor without breaking our kiss. The taste of her honey lips is driving me crazy, and she seems to have lost all sense of restraint as she licks and nips me in return.

I yank her ballet skirt down over her hips and growl with frustration when I find her leotard blocking my path to her heavenly pussy. But that doesn’t deter me. Rocking back onto my knees, I run my hands up over Anya’s heaving breasts until I reach the top of her sleeves. She doesn’t object when I pull her leotard down forcefully, exposing her perfect nipples as I strip her of her top and bottoms all at once. The leggings go next, and then she’s lying fully exposed in the middle of the dance studio.

Anya’s hands reach for my shirt as he rises up off the mats just enough so she can grab the hem of it and haul it over my head. Several buttons break free, pinging across the floor from the assertive maneuver. Fucking Christ, she’s sexy when she wants me.

I don’t wait for her to take off my jeans. Instead, as she flings my shirt aside, I dip my shoulders between her thighs, spreading them as my lips find her pussy. Tangy juices coat my tongue as I stroke between her folds, and Anya gasps, making my balls tighten almost painfully.

She slumps back onto the studio mats with a thump, and when I raise my gaze to look across the flat planes of her body, her pert breasts swell, arching upward as she breathes heavily. The sight of her enthusiasm, the taste of her arousal, drives me mad with need. I love this new side of Anya. More than watching her break beneath my punishments, I find her wild abandon intoxicating. Exhilarating.

Stroking my tongue up over her clit, I start to circle it and relish the way her legs shudder around me. Her hips rise up off the mats in response, and I grip them firmly, massaging her soft flesh as I repeat the pattern, licking her pussy lips and then circling her clit with my tongue.

“Oh, fuck,” Anya gasps breathlessly. Though I doubt anyone can hear us over the music, I can tell she’s fighting to stay quiet.

I hum with amusement as I suck her clit into my mouth and flick my tongue across the tiny bundle of nerves. Anya’s hips jerk and her fingers comb into my hair as she grabs it. I can feel her clit throb every time I increase my suction.

Wanting to taste Anya’s cum before I fuck her, I slide two fingers into her wet pussy and start to finger her even as I keep my lips locked around her clit. Anya mewls, her fingers spasming in my hair and making my cock pulse against the zipper of my jeans.

Curling my fingers to press against her G-spot before each withdrawal, I egg her on. I can tell she’s close as her walls tighten around me, restricting my movement. I finger fuck her harder in response, thrusting forcefully forward into that hidden spot I know will send her over the edge.

Anya’s back arches up off the mats, and her lips part in a silent cry of ecstasy as her pussy clamps down around my fingers and starts to pulse. Her clit twitches against my tongue as she orgasms hard, and I feel fresh cum slick my fingers.

Withdrawing them, I replace my fingers with my tongue, stroking it inside her tight pussy as I lap up her juices. Anya shudders as she collapses back onto the mats, and when I rise to look at her, her eyes are glazed with lust. Her chest heaves, beckoning to me as her legs go limp, spreading her knees further.

Unbuttoning my pants, I shove them down quickly, letting my erection spring free, and I fall between her thighs. Anya’s so wet that I slide inside her easily, and she gasps from the sudden penetration. Then her head rises from the mat until her lips meet mine. The thought of her tasting her own arousal on my tongue excites me, and I thrust more forcefully as my balls throb.

Anya’s groan of pleasure zings down my spine, making me tingle with anticipation, and I know I’m not going to last long at this rate.

“You feel so fucking good,” I grit between my teeth.

“Nico!” she moans as her walls tighten around my cock.

Fucking Christ. The sound of my name on her lips is like a bolt of lightning through my chest. Her fingers press into the flesh of my back as I crush her beneath me, feeling every inch of her soft skin sliding against mine as I move on top of her, rocking deep within her wet depths.

“Come for me,mia bella,” I rasp as I feel my own orgasm building at the base of my spine.

Anya cries out, burying her face in my shoulder to muffle the sound, and as her walls clamp down around my hard length, I shove deep inside her, filling her with my seed. Shuddering together, we gasp as we collapse onto the black mats.



Something’s shifted. Over the last week, Nicolo has skipped his grueling punishments altogether, instead opting for late-night sex that has somehow led to conversations in which he’s shown genuine interest in me. He’s opening up, too, telling me innocuous details about his life that somehow have given me glimpses deep into his soul, even though they never touch on his family’s business or his responsibilities within it.

I think the fear of losing his sister shook Nicolo more than he’s willing to admit, and for some reason, that has made him call on me far more frequently than before. And at the same time, it’s like his whole motivation for being with me has changed. Like he doesn’t want to torment or punish me but rather seek some form of relief from my presence. And while he still fucks me every time we’re together, that seems to be some form of outlet rather than a game in which he can torment me.

I’m still conflicted about the whole arrangement–selling my body to ensure my loved ones’ safety. And yet, with this new, more vulnerable side of Nicolo, I find myself drawn to him more and more. Without reason and against my better judgment, I have found myself succumbing to my attraction.

The memory of Nicolo commanding me to dance for him sends a shiver down my spine. The way his eyes followed me, the lust burning within them. I couldn’t hold onto my anger at him for treating Robbie like shit once I started to dance. In that studio, as I danced for Nicolo, I felt the connection crackling between us. Iwantedto dance for him, to understand his sudden obsessive need for me to date him that started at the autumn showcase. And when our eyes met, as I used Nicolo for my spot to ground me to the earth as I spun, it rocked me to my core.

As though all my passion for ballet had somehow fused with my undeniable attraction toward Nicolo, I couldn’t stop myself. I wanted him. And fuck did it feel good. No one’s ever gone down on me like that before, and the sex was something else entirely. As though he was turned on by my need for him, he had fucked me with a passionate kind of tenderness he’s never shown before. And for the first time, I wanted him to come inside me. The feel of our simultaneous orgasms had made me lightheaded; it was so overwhelming.

I don’t know what we’re doing for our date tonight, but as I slip into my green silk dress–the halter-top one with a small train that Nicolo bought for me–I find I’m actually excited. Pinning my hair up into a loose bun that allows a few golden curls to fall casually around my face, I turn in the mirror to admire the cut of the dress. It scoops low enough in the back to reveal my dimples there. While I might usually be shy about the amount of exposed skin, this dress is so elegant, I hardly mind.

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