Page 43 of Pretty Little Lies

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“I’ll be there,” I promise quickly, determined to ignore her slight. Hopefully, joining them for Danza will help ease some of the tension over my new arrangement with Nicolo.

“All right, cool.”

We fall silent as Professor Moriari flings the studio door open in the same flashy style he always enters a room with as he strides to the front of the class.

“Morning,” he greets formally in his sharp outfit and a checkered scarf wrapped around his neck. “I hope you all had a nice weekend. Let’s get started. Anya, since your showcase partner will only be able to practice with you outside of class, I expect you to be working on your individual choreography.”

His eyes find me, and I nod my understanding.

“Good. Then, everyone, let’s get started.”

Rising from our positions on the mat, everyone finds their partner, and I make my way to a far corner of the room, prepared to stay out of everyone’s way since I won’t need as much space.

Guilt tightens my chest as I think about Fin and what he’s missing because of me. I hope he’ll be able to come back by next semester and recover from his injury. I miss my partner and how well we worked together. Bitter anger turns my mouth sour when I think of Nicolo. He’s done so much to hurt me. I hate him for what he did to Fin, for how he’s using me. And I hate him even more for how he controls my body, proving to me that he is even the master of my pleasure.

For the hundredth time, my mind recalls his taunting words,You little tease, you clearly wanted me to fuck you all along. No one comes this many times if they don’t want it.It makes me sick to know that I crave Nicolo’s touch despite how much he’s hurt me. I can’t make sense of it.

Taking position, I start to practice my choreographed piece, determined to work out my pain and frustration through dance. I want nothing more than to forget about Nicolo, to have a moment of peace now that he’s not here, but my body won’t let me. Every motion reminds me of him as my raw core aches and my muscles protest. And worst of all, the constant reminder brings a flicker of anticipation into my gut as I think about the next time.



The sun hangs low in the sky through the studio window as Robbie and I call it quits for the evening. My new partner is proving to be a quick learner with boundless energy, which I think might be the only reason my choreographed showcase piece might be salvageable without Fin. We’ve spent grueling hours trying to catch up on lost time every day after school this week, and finally, I think we’re making some solid progress.

“You’re really getting good at spotting,” I say, thinking of how far Robbie’s come from our first day of practice as I wipe my sweaty brow with a towel.

Robbie’s considerably taller than Fin at six foot one and more gangly than muscular as of yet, which made our coordination and lifts quite challenging at first. I’ve had to learn to jump higher to help with momentum. Robbie’s worked relentlessly on smoothing out the transitions, so I don’t get jostled or come down hard on every dismount.


Robbie flashes me his toothy smile that makes the dimples pop on his baby face. That smile, combined with the sandy-blond hair that flops over his brow, reminds me of a golden retriever, and I can’t help but think the two have a lot of the same attributes.

“You have plans for the weekend?” he asks as he trades out his dance shoes for black Puma sneakers.

“Some friends and I are going to Danza tomorrow night. Otherwise, I’m hoping to have an easygoing weekend.”

Not likely since I’m at Nicolo’s beck and call, but so far, he hasn’t made any demands of me for the weekend. I can only hope that means he’s starting to lose interest in me. My gut clenches, and I shove away the unexpected hint of disappointment at the possibility. It’s pathetic that I might feel rejection from Nicolo losing interest. Not only do I anticipate its inevitability, but I should also welcome it.

But I’m looking forward to clubbing with my friends. The week’s been stressful, what with having to find my rhythm with a new dance partner and learning Nicolo’s expectations of me. He’s proven more reasonable about stalking me in class now that he can make me spend time with him whenever he wants. Still, I’m glad Paige invited me to Danza. Letting loose with friends will help relieve some of my stress.

“What about you? Any plans?” I ask as I swing my book bag over my shoulder and walk with Robbie to the studio door.

“My mom’s coming to town, so I’ll be taking her around the city, doing all the touristy stuff.”

“Oh, that sounds fun.” I glance up at Robbie from the corner of my eye and catch his indulgent smile. “You excited to see her?”

“Very,” Robbie admits. He pulls open the front door of the dance building and gestures for me to go first.

The sky has turned a dusky purple, casting long shadows on the sidewalk, and the crisp wind makes me pull my jacket tighter around me.

“You’re sure you don’t want me to walk you to the bus stop?” Robbie offers like he does every time our practice runs late.

“No, I’m fine,” I promise. “I’ll see you after school on Monday. Have a fun weekend with your mom!”

Robbie and I part ways, and I pull my phone out of my pocket to check if I’ve missed any messages from Aunt Patritsiya. Noting a text from Nicolo, I open it, and my heart sinks.

Be outside your house at five tomorrow evening, so I can pick you up. And wear the blue sequin dress I bought you. I’m taking you out.

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