Page 12 of Below the Surface

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"Oh Ms. Lillie...I can't."

"What? Why? Please..."

"The Master needs you to stay."

My eyes grow bigger at her words and I try to make sense of what she just told me.

"Sofia!" His words come out like a whip, fast and hard. It makes me go still in his arms. "I told you. Don't call me Master. It makes it sound like I own a sex dungeon."

Sofia titters behind her hands, her eyes sparkling with merriment.

"That you have, Dorin. That you have."

Dorin. That's his name. Dorin.

"I think we need to clear some things up for our little flower." I stiffen at his words and then go still except for a shiver that courses down my body when he whispers in my ear, "Me and Sofia are not lovers, little one."

I see Sofia's eyes round and a look of revulsion and confusion settle on her face. A part of me relaxes even if I am still upset a little. He keeps talking though.

"Me and you are."

Chapter Fourteen



"You bit me!" Damn my mate has a powerful smack when she's pissed.

"I had to. I had no way of making sure you were alright or not. I needed to find out what was going on in that mind of yours. I needed...the taste of you on my tongue." I stand and start pacing back and forth in front of her. "I've waited so many years, centuries to find you. I wasn't about to deprive myself of listening to your thoughts, hearing your voice, for another second. If that's wrong, then I'm wrong and I don't care. I needed you! I need you now!"

"Knock, knock, I brought scones."

I wheel away from Josephine -Josie- and turn to face the wall trying to bring my temper back under control. Minnie has horrible fucking timing.

"Stop steaming up the tapestries Drake and come have some tea and scones with your young lady."


I hear her voice making the sounds that make up my name and I have to stay turned around or else Minnie is going to get one more hell of a show.

"Your name is Drake."

"Drake, you didn't even tell her your name?" Minnie reprimands my lack in social skills, and I have to admit this time I do feel bad. Telling the girl I am meant to mate that I am a dragon should probably come after I tell her my name.

"I'm working on it, Minnie!" I turn and give her my most superior look that does nothing to the woman. I have had men pee their pants at the very sight of me and Minnie just cocks her hip out with her hand on it and gives me a heavy sigh like I am the slowest creature on Earth.

"You need to work faster. I swear, if I want grandbabies at all you two are going to have to get busy soon or I'll be dead." Josie starts choking and coughing on the sip of tea she just took at the mention of babies. Does she want children?

Minnie goes over to Josie and gives her back a good thump before sitting in the chair I just got up from. "Now dear, what did he tell you?"

Josie's eyes go to me as if she is waiting for my permission to tell someone my secret and the fire in my chest goes higher but this time not in anger. I give her a swift nod telling her it's alright to confide in Minnie.

"He said...that he's not like me. That he's a different species...a dragon."

Which is stupid because of all the books I read about dragons and sex and...oh my God!

Her eyes fly to mine, and I can't wipe the smile off my face long enough to hide the fact that I heard her thoughts.

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