Page 11 of Below the Surface

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"Oh my God! You were telling me the truth." I give her a small smile hoping it shows her that I am glad she is starting to understand when I feel her small hand come up and smack my face so hard my head turns. "You bit me!"

Chapter Thirteen



I wake up to find Sofia sitting beside me in a big wingback chair. She's doing something like knitting or something. I move expecting to hurt in more places than I can count but everything is working fine and I'm not in any pain. I actually feel better than I do most mornings when I wake up. I wouldn't even know something was up if Sofia wasn't sitting beside me.

"What...what happened?"

Sofia gives me a smile that lights up her whole face. "You fell."

I touch my head and vaguely remember bits and pieces of what happened down in the dark. The sound of stone scraping against stone, something moving over me like inky black fog or shadows filled with things best left unsaid, pleasure...blinding pleasure. That part is a little embarrassing. Who actually thinks about sexy time when their laying on the ground dying - or even worrying about dying? I'm pretty sure that makes me a freak of some kind.

I turn my head away so I don't have to look at Sofia who would think I'm nothing more than a monster if she knew. " did you get me out? How did you find me down there?"

"Oh, I didn't. The Master did. He's come home!"

The door bangs open as soon as she says the words and in steps a man who is nothing short of breathtaking. Tall, dark with burning blue-gray eyes that take in so much I want to squirm under his gaze. This must be the Master Sofia keeps talking about. Looking at how happy she is to have him here also goes a long way in telling me this is the man she talks so highly of. And a curl of jealousy curdles up inside of me.

Flashes of memory also play in and out of my mind. I've seen this man before. I...think I remember him being with me in the crypt. No! I shake my head at the ridiculousness of it and push all of that down. I don't need the complication of coming up with fanciful images of this man saving me...and doing so much more to me while his lover is sitting right beside me. The first thing I have to do is find a way to get the hell out of here.

I have no idea why I feel the way I do but thinking about Sofia with this man - especially given the fact I feel so...familiar with him - makes me want to pull things off the walls in rage and anger. It makes me want to scream at both of them for...what? This sense of betrayal rushing through me? No! I have to leave. I have to distance myself from

His lips curl up into a smile that does nothing to put out the flames of jealousy burning inside of me.

"I have to go! I have to leave!"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible." His voice makes it hard to remember just why I would even want to try but his words leave me cold.

"Excuse me! Why is it not possible for me to leave?"

"You've just had a very traumatic fall. You need to be monitored, looked after, especially with a head injury."

"I feel fine. I don't need..."

He interrupts me before I can finish, "Of course no one ever does until it's too late. I'm afraid you will have to stay put."

"No, absolutely not. I can go to a hospital. I...," I sit up all the way and start getting out of bed...and quickly realize I'm naked. I let out a yelp and make a mad dash for the sheet that was covering me. I wrap it around myself and try to think my way out of this situation.

"I need to leave."

"I'm afraid I won't let you." He looks almost apologetic but at the same time totally unmoving.

"You can't keep me here!" I take off running. I make it out of the room and down the hall but when I come to the top of the stairs I run into the very man I am running from. He reaches for me and as soon as our skin makes contact images...memories flood my mind.

This man is between my legs. He's eating my pussy. And then he bites me but instead of it being painful it sends me into a hard orgasm. He takes my blood and yet I still cum all over him.

I pull away from him and cry out. I turn to run the other way as his voice trails after me. "You can't go - if you leave you'll grow sicker and sicker."

It slows me down but doesn't stop me.

"Why don't you sit and I'll explain everything."

"Why don't you fuck off!" I'm so caught up in looking behind me that I don't see him standing right in front of me until it is too late. I scream out and try to stop, falling back on my ass before turning and trying to run the other way. Arms reach around me and lift me off the floor but don't set me back down again.

Sofia is in front of me. "Please Sofia." I call out for her. If I can make her listen maybe she will help me find a way out. "Help me! Let me go! I can't stay here."

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