Page 28 of Tricia’s Manster

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“But the spell…”

“What spell? If something magical was the push that got us together, then I’ll thank whatever forces had me walking into that massage clinic that day. What happened after that was purely us. Tricia, I love you and I hope that someday you feel the same.”

Hot tears fall from my eyes and I sniff them back the best I can while grabbing the front of his shirt and hauling his mouth down to mine. “I love you, Matt,” I say against his lips.

His arms wrap around my waist, crushing me against his big body. “Again,” he requests. “Say it again, please.”

“I love you.”

A shudder moves through him a moment before his mouth is on mine.

My pulse thunders in my ears as his lips ravish mine, his tongue delving deep within my mouth to tangle and tease. His hands grip my ass and haul me up. I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his hips, my pussy directly over the hot junction of his pants where the hard heat of his dick bucks against me.

“Bedroom,” I gasp, pulling away from his mouth.

His lips trail across my face to my ear, his teeth latching onto the fleshy lobe a moment before his tongue swipes along it. “Couch,” he counters, his hot breath a caress against my tingling skin.

Without releasing me, Matt walks over to the couch and lowers us, being careful to keep most of his weight on his arms.

“You’re not going to crush me,” I say, slipping my hand in-between our bodies and stroking along the prominent ridge of his cock straining the front of his pants.

His husky laugh flutters the fine hairs around my forehead. “I’d rather not take that chance. The couch is rather narrow.”

Working his zipper, my fingers dip inside the opening and tug his cock through the slit of his boxers. Rubbing along his slippery tip, I tease, “We could have gone upstairs.”

A low groan is his only answer, his hips pumping his hard length into my hand.

I drag my dress up and impatiently try to nudge my underwear down with one hand while the other grips Matt’s dick.

“We didn’t think this one through,” I mutter, forced to release him so I can yank my panties down. “Little help?”

Matt slips off the couch and grabs my panties, smoothly gliding them down my legs. He tosses them to the floor and slowly strokes his cock while staring down at me. “You are so perfect. I never want to hear you say otherwise again.”

Breathless, I gaze up at Matt, my heart in my throat at his husky words and the intensity of his gaze. This man loves me.

It hits me with all the force of a sledgehammer.

And he’s right, whatever magic brought us together was only the beginning. The rest is the magic of us, together for the rest of our lives.

“I love you,” I say, reaching out for his hand.

Linking fingers, Matt brings our joined hands to his lips, kissing my knuckles before releasing my hand. “I love you,” he says, climbing back on the couch, his big body lowering to mine, the jut of his cock hard against the mound of my pussy.

“It’s not just a spell making you love me? It goes both ways, right?” he teases.

“It’s definitely not just a spell,” I say, grasping his face and pulling him down for another kiss.

His mouth sucks at my bottom lip, applying a tiny bit of pressure as I thrust my hips upwards, desperate for the hard, driving heat of his dick. With a whimper, I wrap my legs around his waist, the heels of my feet digging into his tight ass.

“Matt, I want you,” I murmur against the soft hairs of his beard, flicking my tongue up to tease along the clean edge of his mustache.

“Don’t ever stop.” His husky plea is warm against my cheek. He pulls back enough to grip his cock and guide it to my opening.

With a shared moan, his cock sinks into me, his lean hips nestling into the welcoming cradle of mine.

Our movements are slow, his strokes long and deep as we kiss, taking pleasure in our newly declared love.

This isn’t the first time we’ve had sex, but it’s the first time we’ve made love and those shared feelings somehow make everything more sensitive and intense. The awe that this is the man I plan to spend forever with sends me higher and higher as his hips pick up speed, his dick pounding into me with ever-increasing force.

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