Page 54 of Crash

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Makenna’s phone dings again and Everett lets out a string of curses. “It’s a fucking burner. I’m inventing something to hack those fucking things as soon as this is over.”

“It’s coordinates?” Makenna frowns.

“Who the fuck does that?” I snatch my joint back from my mom.

“Give it to me.” Everett snaps his fingers for the phone. Makenna hands it over, then wraps her arms around Jackson.

I can’t help but feel so much hatred toward Makenna and Jackson for never protecting their daughter. I understand that Makenna has a tragic past, but I don’t give a fuck. I only care about three things. That Jasmine is safe, protected, and with me. Everyone and everything else can go to hell.

“She’s in BurBay.” Everett pushes his chair back, grabbing his keys. Everyone follows after him.

“Get my jet ready in less the three fucking minutes,” my dad barks on his phone.

Everett, Jackson, Makenna, Mom, Dad, Ezra and I all file into the elevator. Makenna’s phone dings. She squeezes her eyes closed, opening them again to look down at the phone screen. A choking sound gets caught in her throat as she looks back up at me. “And bring a shovel.”

Everything around me fades as dread feasts on my insides.

Without Jasmine, I will burn this whole fucking world to the ground.

Because me without Jasmine, is chaos.



I scream as another nail breaks off from my finger, the blood leaking down my hands as I claw against the wooden lid of this coffin-like box. Splinters penetrate my fingertips; I can feel them embedding themselves in my exposed flesh. “Fuck,” I whisper. Trying to use my legs, I press against the wood, using all my strength, but it doesn’t budge.

I don’t know how long I’ve been down here. Could be minutes or hours. The only way I know what’s up or down is because I can feel the surrounding walls of the wooden box. Things I know: if I freak out, my air supply will reduce significantly, causing me to have a sooner death. I have at most forty-eight hours since this is a wooden box and not a coffin. Another thing I know: no one knows where I am.

I’m trying to see the positives in my situation, but it seems futile given the circumstances.

Why is it when you want to live, there is no way to do so? I spent most of my life wishing I could die and now that the time has arrived, my biological clock slowly ticking down, all I want is to live.

A chocked sob escapes past my cracked lips. I have to calm down. Calm down, Jasmine. It’s not over yet.

My breathing evens out. I’m not sure if my eyes are open or closed, it’s so dark. I lick my lips, my tongue feels like sandpaper it’s so dry.

I wonder what Easton’s doing. Freaking out, most likely. My chest tightens. Unless if she killed him after knocking me out? I can’t help it as my breathing increases, tears streaming down the sides of my face to my ears as the reality of everything sinks in. I sob, taking huge gulps of breaths as I do.

“Calm down.” I hiccup. “Calm down. He’s probably fine. She only wanted you.”

My chest hurts from the force of my cries. I try calming myself down, slowing my breathing. “It’s not over yet, keep fighting,” I whisper to myself.

My breathing calms once more, my mind numb as I listen to nothing. Complete silence. It’s hot in here, my clothes stuck to my skin, hair plastered to my neck and forehead.

A water drop hits my lips and I think it’s my imagination until it hits again. My tongue sweeps across it, my body singing in praise as another one hits my tongue. I open my mouth as a slow trickle of water explodes in my mouth. Sighing, I smile, until I realize…

We’re by a stream of water, which means this is ground water.

Which means… I shake my head in denial.

My time on earth just became shorter.




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