Page 49 of Crash

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“I’m starting to think you never will be,” I mumble under my breath.

“I may not. So why don’t you save yourself another heartbreak and move on?”

“Fine, I will,” I say, throwing my bag on the bed.

I am not going to move on. Ever.

She throws her hands up. “Easton, you are not staying in my room.”

“Jasmine, yes I am.”

She turns, throwing the bathroom door open and slamming it behind her.


* * *

This is absolute torture. And it has Nix’s name written all over it.

We’re on the private beach, playing what we like to call sand Frisbee. One team tries to get the Frisbee down the beach, while jumping over sand obstacles, mainly castles, but Everett is known to dig random sand holes to make the other team fall into them, while the other team attempts to take the Frisbee, using as much force as possible.

Jasmine sits in the sand, a black bikini hugging her hips, tits basically spilling out of her top, and a white ball cap on her head with two braids hanging out the bottom of it. She wears seashell bracelets on her wrists to hide her scars today. We all know what happened and not one of us sees fit to bring it up. Why could we not play a game with clothes on? The longer I stare at her, the harder my dick gets. Which is a problem if I want to win.

“You guys remember the rules?” Nix grins. “That’s right, there is none! Get the Frisbee down the beach and win, or drink the pint of pain.”

I grimace at the mention of the pint of pain. It’s a concoction that started out as orange juice and toothpaste and progressively got worse as we got older. Now mixed with every liquor imaginable.

I’m not drinking that shit.

Monroe, Everett, Ezra, and Jasmine are on one team, already set up along the beach to try to get the Frisbee from point A to point B. Leslie, Nixon, Wyatt, and I are spread about between them, ready to take them down and stop them from getting the Frisbee down the beach at whatever cost.

Monroe starts with the Frisbee, leaping over a sandcastle as Nixon guns for her. Right before he grabs her, she flicks the Frisbee to Ezra, who avoids a hole in the ground by leaping over it. Wyatt charges after her, and Monroe is down for the count as Nixon pins her to the sand. Ezra is fast but not as fast as the star wide receiver. He tackles her, her body bouncing off the sand, holding the Frisbee for dear life. Everett swoops by, grabbing the Frisbee, jumping over a limbo set. Leslie jumps onto his back, not affecting him as he tosses the Frisbee to Jasmine, who barely catches it. Let’s be honest, my girl is not athletic. She freezes, eyes connecting with mine. I send her a wink that has her shaking herself out of her stupor and running. I hear a groan and see Everett getting taken down by his… I’m not sure what they like to be called. So, I usually call them his lovers. Which ends with my head getting smacked, but fuck it. He gets taken down by his lovers.

I charge Jasmine, sand flying behind my feet as I gain speed on her. My arms reach out as I snatch her up, turning us around to run to my goal. The opposite team realizes what’s going on and scrambles up. “You can’t do this,” Jasmine says, squirming to get out of my arms.

“No rules. Which means this isn’t against shit.” I hand her off to Wyatt, who apologizes to her but continues down the sand until he’s forced to hand her over to Nixon, who crosses the sand finish line and lets her down.He screams something in French that none of us understand as we line up again, the Frisbee being ours this time.

We usually play three rounds, but if we get the next point, we win the game. Nixon begins running when, out of nowhere, Ezra clotheslines him, sending him into a sand hole. Picking the Frisbee from his hand, she begins running. Leslie tackles her. Ezra’s footing is off, causing her to lose the Frisbee as she goes down. I’m on my way to retrieve it when a ball is launched toward me and lands at my feet, and I literally eat sand, my face sinking into the grains. I pop my head up, spitting sand out, wondering who the fuck is about to get their ass kicked, when Jasmine stops, a huge smile on her face. “I like you better down there.”

I smirk. “You just fucked up.”She screams as I lunge for her, grabbing her ankle and pulling until she’s on the sand. Crawling over her, I stare down at her, pinning her arms on either side of her head. Trying not to pay too much attention to how right she feels beneath me—because God, she does—I shift my weight on her, connecting our cores together. Her chest heaves but I train my eyes to stare at hers. “You’ll pay for that.”

Standing, I grab her ankle. She screams and kicks as I pull her over to the nearest hole, dropping her inside of it. I perch on the edge, watching the rest of the game and I push her back down every time she makes it to the top. Everett was not playing with this hole; it is fucking deep.

I watch as Leslie dashes with the Frisbee over the finish line, declaring us the winners. I look down at Jasmine one last time. Using my hand on her head, I send her back down the hole. Nodding, I say, “Good game, Jasmine. Enjoy the pint of pain.”

There is murder in her eyes. Promises of retaliation. I bask in it, knowing that at least she would have something to do with me this way.

* * *

“Pint of pain! Pint of pain! Pint of pain!” Nixon, Wyatt, Leslie, and I chant as the others stare in disgust at their pint glasses, wondering what the fuck we put in there. Spoiler alert: it’s Spirytus vodka, Everclear, Bruichladdich X4 whiskey, Hapsburg Gold Label Premium Reserve absinthe, John Crow Batty rum, pickle juice, and just a dash of lime and lemon juice.

It’s going to be seconds before they begin throwing up or have to go to the hospital for stomach poisoning. Shit is potent, and none of us are brave enough to try our own concoctions.

Ezra narrows her eyes at the drink, as if she can make it bend to her will and become her bitch. “And if I refuse? What can any of you do to me? I’ll have you dead before you can even blink,” Ezra says, looking each of us in the eye.

My dad walks by. Grabbing Ezra’s glass and sniffing, he grimaces. “Fuck that.” He hands it back to her. “But, angel, you need to play by the rules and not be a sore loser.”

She scoffs. “I never lose, they cheated.”

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