Page 47 of Crash

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She steps in, halting, body swaying as she takes in all her abstract, morbid paintings hanging on the wall. One tiny word leaves her lips in a breathless whisper, “What?”

“Yep.” I’m never nervous but in this moment, my chest is tight with anxiety, swelling with pride over her amazing work. To release her demons through the stroke of a brush, I mean… look at them, they’re breathtaking and she—this beautiful woman standing before me—did that.

“No, seriously, how did you get my paintings? I haven’t seen these in years.” She walks up to them, a single finger tracing over the image of the woman with caged eyes and sewn-together lips.

“I broke into your house and stole them.” There, I said it. No point in lying.

She turns slowly, eyes glassed over as she takes me in. Really looks at me, tracing over every stitch of my suit, to the finer details of my shoes. To the hues of brown in my hair, to every shade of my eyes. Digging into the depths of my soul, seeing… me.

“Thank you,” she whispers.



It’s one thing to be featured in an art show, it’s another to be a part of this one. You have to be the best at whatever you do. No art is taken for granted, but only a few ever make it. I walk the hall, completely lost for words as I take in my work. Every single piece I did in high school. “I can’t believe you did this.” My voice is breathless, a slight tremble to it from the emotion swirling inside of me.

Easton is unpredictable. I never know what to expect from him. He’s either breaking my heart or bundling it back up. He is hard not to love, like taking a bite out of a poisonous apple. The poison spreads all over your body, no way to stop it until it completely consumes you. Feasting on you from the inside out. There was never a chance of escaping him once he set his eyes on me. I always knew that.

When I look him over, really study him, he lets his mask down. Allowing me to see his vulnerability, his love, longing, and his pride in me. He is proud… of me. My own parents have never looked at me like that. It is enough to snap my last restraint and run to him blindly. Instead, I turn around, and continue to look at my paintings. When I get to a round room at the end of the hall, I see it. His face above a single candlelit dinner for two.

A soft gasp leaves my lips. “Easton…”

His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me to his strong body. “Let’s eat and then we can talk.” I nod.


She watches the city pass, face almost smashed against the glass as if she’s never seen it before. The high skyscrapers, the hustle and bustle of people who live on a ticking clock time schedule. Never taking the time to stop and breathe. The concrete jungle of the buildings. The flashing neon lights. Her wide eyes capture it all. Wonder and a bit of disturbance paints her features. “Could you see yourself living here forever?” I ask.

She snorts. “No way. Far too many people and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been elbowed while walking here. It’s funny.” A small smile curves the edges of her lips. “The one place I always craved to escape to is the one place I long for. BurBay Falls is peaceful in its own way. I miss the Falls, the small amount of people. I especially miss the no elbows while walking down Main Street. BurBay Falls is my home, and even if I have to supply the town with drugs, help run the banks, I guess I’m okay with that now. I don’t want to, but I want to be home.” She shrugs.

I lick my bottom lip, turning into our apartment building’s parking lot. I park in front for the valet. Turning to her, I say, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, Jasmine. I’ve already told you, you’re free from that duty. Every generation gets to determine the course for the heirs.” I open my door, climbing out.

Walking around, I open her door. She stares up at me with her green eyes. “What am I supposed to do?” she asks, almost disparately.

“Whatever you want, baby. The world is yours, we’re just living in it.”

I walk her inside by the small of her back, nodding at Benny, the doorman. He narrows his eyes at my hand, before flashing back to me in a warning. I grin, taunting him, because I am a bastard like that. We take the elevator in silence, stepping off on her floor where her standard apartment is.

We walk down the hall, stopping at her door. She halts, turning to face me, eyes determined. “You took me on one date. Sure, we didn’t fight, but let’s not get carried away and start making marriage announcements, Easton.”

I chuckle, pushing a lock of hair out of her beautiful face. “Not yet, but soon, baby. Very soon.” I kiss her cheek, stepping back. She looks so confused, her eyes wide, mouth turning into a small frown, eyebrows bunched. She’s adorable. “I’ll see you around, Jasmine.” I walk off, leaving her stunned, and, hopefully, disappointed. I fight with myself not to go back to her. I tried being pushy and it hasn’t worked, so maybe I’ll just give her some space.

I hate fucking space.



I stand, leaning against Nixon’s SUV, staring at Jasmine as she talks with Ezra. We were going on our annual family summer vacation, which means we’re back in BurBay. She hasn’t spoken to me in weeks, not since our date, and my patience is thinning. She wears soft shorts and a huge t-shirt that oddly looks like it used to belong to another man. For her sake, I hope she purposely bought it that big. Because if I smell another man on her, I’m going to snap.

“All right, everyone, load up. Jasmine and Easton, you’re with me,” Nix calls out, throwing on his sunglasses.

Ezra stomps over to Nix. “Why do I have to ride with the troupe?” She tosses her thumb over her shoulder in the direction of Leslie, Wyatt, and Everett.

“Because they have an extra seat. Come on, Little Monster. Don’t be difficult,” Nix begs, the sucker having a weakness for Satan.

“All right.” Ezra nods. All right for Ezra is code for you fucked up.

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