Page 35 of Crash

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Mark puts a finger to his lips, eyes cold and dead as he swings them away from me. He pulls out a gun, the metal gleaming in the small amount of light seeping in the hallway. My eyes widen as he aims the gun, flicking the safety off. Before I can stop him, he fires a silent bullet through the air. It pierces his dad straight between the eyes. Mark's dad's eyes widen in shock before rolling back. His body slumps, head cracking into the desk as the last bit of life leaves him twitching in his chair.

I gasp as another bullet rips through his brother's skull. “Mark, why did you do that?”

He looks at me, his blue eyes cold. Colder than I’d ever seen them. “Because. Now I’m in charge. You’re free, Jasmine.” I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

Did he just kill for me? I should feel bad. Haunted, even, but instead I wrap my arms around him, giving him a huge kiss. “Thank you,” I whisper into his lips, and he grips my head, kissing me again, prolonging it with a slip of his tongue against mine before he pulls back.

“Had to get one in before Easton murders me.” He laughs but it’s sad.

I am not going to let anyone touch Mark.

* * *

“You all set?” Mark asks as I set my last suitcase down.

I smile at him. “I am. Are you going to be okay?” We have long since cleaned up and I am preparing to go back home.

“Don’t worry about me, Jasmine. I was born for this.” The door bursts open and a whole lot of BurBay Elites walk in, guns raised, in full-on attack mode. A little late, guys. Mark stays perfectly calm, as I clutch my beating heart through my chest. They had to slaughter an entire security team to get to this point.

“Holy crap,” I breathe. My mom steps out, rushing to me. “Mom?” I croak.

She wraps me up, squeezing me as a tear falls down the curve of her cheek. “Oh, my God, honey, are you okay?”

I wipe my tears. “I’m fine, Mom. Are you?” She looks me over before turning her glare to Mark. It’s like Mark knows this is his ending. His head slightly bows in defeat as he welcomes his punishment. He had saved me from this life, just to die hours later. Easton raises his gun, walking forward. I jump in front of Mark, screaming, “No!”

Easton’s jaw tics, eyes narrowing, fingers white as they grip the gun. “Move,” he barks.

I raise my chin in a challenge, refusing to step any farther away from Mark. “It’s okay, Jasmine,” Mark says, trying to scoot me aside.

“I said, no! Mark saved me. He freed me, so put your guns down. Now!” Everyone lowers their guns. Shock and confusion etched on their faces at my outburst. “Now, take me home and leave him alone. He’s not the bad guy.”

“Where’s Felix?” my mom asks, murder in her eyes. And I wonder the same thing, because Mark and I had a deal.

“And your father?” my dad asks, looking the place over.

“Dead,” Mark responds. “I’m in charge now. And we have no problems.” My dad nods, wrapping his arms around me.

I turn to Mark. “We had a deal.”

“Bigger fish want him, Jasmine. He has many enemies.” He walks over, planting a kiss to my forehead. “He will die, Jasmine. I promise,” Mark whispers into my ear.

“Thank you.” I kiss his cheek.

Easton growls, body moving forward, but Everett pulls him back by the collar of his shirt while Monroe talks in low, soothing tones in an attempt to calm him down. I don’t care. He has made his bed. He can lie in it.

We all walk out as my mom and Eliza fuss over me. Vincent is calling me a loose cannon while giving me smiles of approval. Maddox is making sure I don’t have any injuries, as well as Emerson. Jessica is silently crying with tears of joy as Brylan fist bumps me.

Strange family dynamic, but it works.

They are my family, and I couldn’t have asked for better.


I sit the paint can on the concrete floor in the abandoned building owned by the Rebel MC. I nod to Axel who stands against the wall, smoking a cigarette. He rolls his eyes, stomping his cancer stick out, walking toward me. I pull the wad of cash out, handing it over to him. He begins counting it, slowly. “Really?” My unamused voice makes his lips tip up.

“I don’t trust you, McKnight.”

I laugh. “You have an entire lifetime to get used to this face, King.”

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