Page 40 of Break

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Nixonand I both took a hit to our sides. We lost lots of blood, but the doctors said we would be just fine. Everyone sits in my and Nixon’s clubhouse as we go over a plan as to what to do with Holly.

“I think that’s a little brutal.” Jasmine sighs, not agreeing with anyone.

“Says the fucking snitch,” Easton snaps. “Just sit over there and be quiet like you always are. Not like you’re any help anyways.” We all go silent as Jasmine's eyes swell with tears and she looks away. I look between her and Easton. Easton glares at Jasmine like he wishes he could strangle her. Jasmine refuses to make eye contact with anyone.

“Okay, so it’s settled.” I clap my hands. “Show no weakness, give no mercy.”

* * *

Holly sits in the middle of Easton’s basement, glaring at us. “Who sent you?” Everett asks with calculated movements as he walks around her.

“Go ahead and kill me because I’m not talking,” she spits at him. He chuckles.

Holly’s dirty blonde hair is matted and looks as if she hasn’t been taken care of. I don’t let that get to me as I glare down at her.

“Let’s strap her to the chair. I know thirty ways to cut her and keep her alive for days. She won’t bleed out either.” Ezra gets in Holly’s face. “You touched my family. Not only one, but two of them. Put them in the hospital. So, you better start praying to me like I’m your motherfucking Jesus because this won’t be an easy, painless death. You’re going to feel the wrath of the BurBay heirs.” Ezra smirks, rubbing the tip of her knife over Holly's lips. “And then, you’ll thank us.” Holly swallows as Ezra continues. “Because your miserable excuse of a life will finally be over.” She slams her knife into Holly's thigh and an ear-piercing scream rips through the air. Ezra looks at me and Nixon. “Your turn.”

I wish I could be personal like Ezra, but I just want to get it over with. “Look, if you want to torcher her, be my guest. I’m going to shoot her, point-blank,” I tell Ezra. Ezra shrugs and starts carving up Holly’s body.

Her screams will be on repeat in my nightmares for a long time.

Nixon grabs the gun, placing it in my hand, giving me a tiny shove toward her. Jasmine and I have the least body counts. I’m not a badass. But since I was hurt by her, it’s my kill.

I smile down sadly at Holly. She was my best friend for four years. She glares up at me with hatred. Even in her final moments, she’s provoking me. She is badass.

I hold the gun to her temple. My hands don’t shake like they did the first time. I pull the trigger with my eyes open. Just like my first kill, I feel nothing. The clean bullet hole looks back at me. Holly’s lifeless eyes staring holes into mine. “Show no weakness, give no mercy,” I whisper, using the tips of my fingers and closing her eyes.

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