Page 16 of Break

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Drake is beautiful. His dark brown hair is short on the sides and long up top. He has a killer body. Muscles on muscles. Football treats him well. He has eyes similar to mine, but two shades darker. His smile, bright and beautiful, wrecks my stomach with butterflies every time he directs it at me.

He took me to dinner and then we came home and sat out on my porch swing. My mom had to take my dad away for the rest of the weekend to let him cool off. We talked about what we wanted out of senior year and where we’d like to go for college. I loved how much he paid attention to me. I didn’t know how much I was missing out on by not having a boyfriend. Not that Drake was my boyfriend, but you know… maybe.

“You’re so beautiful, Monroe,” Drake whispers in my ear, pressing a light kiss beneath it.

“Thank you.” I smile up at him.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about our almost kiss for the past two years. I’d like to rectify that.” He cups the back of my neck and pulls me in closer. Not giving me a chance to think, my eyes close as his lips touch mine. It’s gentle, sweet, and toe-curling. I melt into him, his hand slides from my neck to my hair, positioning my head up for a deeper kiss. My arms wrap around his neck as his tongue strokes mine. When we break apart, I breathe out a sigh. Wow. I’ve only kissed three guys and each kiss was so different.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long,” he confesses, resting his forehead against mine.

We say our goodbyes and instead of going to bed, I slip on my swimsuit and make my way to the pool. When I enter the big cave, I see Nixon resting his head against the wall. He opens his eyes, instantly connecting with mine. It’s like time stands still as we absorb each other. We haven’t talked in days, much less found ourselves alone. I feel the pull to go to him, but I keep my distance. I’m still hurt. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone would be here. I’ll go,” I say, about to turn and leave, when he stops me.

“Monroe, stay. It’s a huge-ass pool, not only one person needs to swim at a time.”

Dropping my towel, I feel his heated stare burning a path up my body. I slowly sink in, resting my head against the opposite wall facing Nixon. And we stare at each other. Eyes locked. How did we get to this? It was my fault, wasn’t it? I did this to us by leaving. “How was Africa?” He breaks the silence.

“It was a real eye-opener. I knew I was lucky, but I never really grasped at how lucky I truly am, you know? It was heartbreaking.” A tiny smile makes its way to my lips as I think of all the lives I changed while I was there.

Closing my eyes, I sink under, all the way to the bottom. Releasing all the air in my lungs so I could sit at the floor of the pool. My lungs start squeezing, so I kick off, emerging my way to the top. When I break through the water, I take in a huge breath. Nixon latches onto my waist, pulling me to his chest. When had he gotten so close? Or have I gravitated toward him?

“Ma fille, we need to talk.” He gently brushes my wet locks out of my face as I take in his chest. It’s strong. Ripped and golden. He positions one finger under my chin, bringing my gaze to his.

“What is it, Nix?”I whisper.

He sighs, pulling me closer so our chests are touching. “We can’t… we can’t be friends anymore.”

“What?” I ask, shocked. “Why?”

“Holly doesn’t—” he begins. I push at his chest as he captures my wrist. “Stop,” he says with pleading eyes, but I couldn’t.

“You’re going to let some girl come between us?” I ask.

“She’s not just some girl,” he growls.

“Rule number one, Nixon. Us over everything. What the hell happened to that?” I ask. He groans, eyes squeezing shut. “Let go of my wrist, I can’t even be near you right now.”

“Monroe, please.”

“No! It’s me and you. Monroe and Nixon against the world!”

“Monroe, just listen.” He grips my wrist harder. Tears sting my eyes as I stare him down, forcing him to see my inner turmoil without giving him the pleasure of seeing my tears.

“You promised,” I whisper harshly. “Fuck you, Nixon.” My voice is low and cracking. God, I can feel myself breaking. I had forgiven him for dating my best friend, and then he just lets her come between us anyway. “I hope she’s worth it.” I try pulling away, but he won’t budge. His eyes are as broken as my heart. “Let me go or I’ll use all that fancy sleeper agent training our parents had us learn and drown you.”

He releases me and the hurt only pierces me deeper. I’m not worth the fight. I swim to the other side and climb out.

“For what it’s worth, Monroe, you broke us first.”

Tears run down my cheeks as I turn around to look at his beautiful face one last time.

My best friend.

My everything.

“For what it’s worth, Nixy, You’re the one who put the nail in the coffin of our friendship. I hope she doesn’t dump you in a week and you see how stupid you are, because I won’t ever take you back.” With that, I leave as half the person I was before arriving.

Because half of me… she’s drowning in that pool.

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