Page 15 of Break

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A date?The fuck. Who is taking her? Where are they going? Stop. You have a girlfriend. Ah, yes, Holly. Watching Monroe assault the air with her body earlier had an old feeling resurfacing. And my dick wanted to jump out of my pants and attach itself to her. Groaning at the image, I plaster my desperate ass to my window and watch her house. A red Camaro pulls up. I knew that Camaro. I’d slammed a motherfucker on top of it in the past. Fucking Drake steps out. With his stupid brown hair, stupid button-up shirt, and stupid dark jeans. He leans against his car with his feet crossed at the ankles.

Monroe walks out in olive green high-waisted shorts that have a bow at the waist. A tight white tank top is tucked in and she wears green jewelry to match her shorts. She finishes the look with brown saddle heels, or whatever the fuck they’re called, that make her legs look endless. All her curves on display. Her long brown hair is curled, and her lips are red.

I don’t notice my hands are in fists until my nails bite into the flesh of my palms. I uncurl my fists, looking up in time to see them hug. He even pats her ass and she laughs. I look up at her house and find Brylan glaring out the window. He looks at me, raising a brow as if to say, What are you going to do about this? I look down, shaking my head, and back away. I was going to do nothing. She wasn’t ma fille anymore. She’s just Monroe. Plus, I have Holly now. Monroe and I could go back to being just friends again.

* * *

A while later, I’m walking down the stairs when I hear my dad and Brylan talking. “And then he grabbed her ass and my little girl laughed. Fucking laughed. Can you believe that shit?” Brylan scoffs.

“So glad I don’t have girls.” My dad chuckles.

“What’s shaking, oldies?” They both glare at me as I make a drink. “Hey, Dad, I’m inviting Holly over. Can you please tell Mom to calm down on the hate glares? I really like her, you know?”

Brylan glares harder at me and my dad softens. “Yeah, son. I can do that. Just… if you’re going to fuck around, be quiet. I don’t want to hear that shit.”

I laugh, shaking my head, and take a drink. “Yeah, Dad, I’ll stuff her mouth or something.” I feel a shoe hit the side of my head. “The fuck, Dad?”

As I’m rubbing my head, he smirks. “Watch your mouth.”

“Yes, sir.” I pull my phone out and type away.

Holly walks in my room wearing a tight floral sundress. Her dirty blonde hair is straight, and she has on a lot of makeup. I don’t understand why. She’s pretty without it. “Hey, babe.” She smiles at me, crossing my room and kicking her flip-flops off.

I grab her, pulling her to my chest. “Ange.” I kiss her head.

“I love it when you say things to me in French.” She sighs dreamily. “So, we need to talk.” She begins to push away from me. “Now that Monroe is back, I don’t feel comfortable with you two being friends.”

Hold the front door. What? “Why?” I ask, trying to keep my annoyance in check.

“Because you two obviously use to have a thing for each other and this is still new. I don’t want anything messing it up before it begins.” I think it over, seeing where she’s coming from. I agree to not be friends with Monroe, but I couldn’t just not talk to her. Our families are close. And… she’s always been important to me, but Holly is right. I want to see where this goes too.

Bringing her in close, I stare into her eyes. She melts all my frustration with her presence. I spend the rest of the afternoon making out with my girlfriend. One girlfriend up, one best friend down.

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