Page 12 of Break

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Vincent and Everett are wrestling. Ezra is frowning at everyone like she couldn’t possibly understand why she must be here. Same, girl, same. Nixon is talking to my dad and Uncle Jacks, who is flipping burgers. My mom and the other aunts are drinking wine, giggling. Jasmine is tucked under a tree, sketch pad in her lap as she draws. And Easton and I are playing Go Fish. It’s our thing. Don’t ask.

“Got a six?” Looking my cards over, I sigh, plucking the six from my hand and slapping it down. He is smug when he dips his head in acceptance. If someone told me I would miss Easton, I’d say they were crazy. But here I am, so happy to see him.

“Ma fille.” Nixon's voice is close to my ear, causing tiny goosebumps to prickle along my skin.

“Man. The gnats are bad tonight, East. One keeps buzzing in my ear.” Easton barks out a laugh.

“Careful, ma fille. I’m itching to punish you.” I shiver. Jesus.

Throwing my cards down, I stand, marching toward the McKnights’ house. “Monroe!” Nixon yells after me.

“Masterson, get the fuck away from my daughter,” my dad yells, and everyone laughs.

Everyone except me. I couldn’t be around him after what he did. What they did. “Hey, wait, Roe.” Easton is by my side in a flash. “What’s going on?” he asks.

I look into his hazel eyes, a tear sliding down my cheek.

“Fuck.” He pulls me into his chest, hugging me tight. We walk to his room, and he sits me down on his bed.

I tell him everything. From the end of my junior year kissing Nix to how I found my best friends when I returned.

“Well, fuck, Roe. There’s only one thing to do.”

“What’s that?” I say, sniffing.

“Why, get even, of course.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

Get even.

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