Page 6 of Fabricated

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“She was embarrassed, dude. Plus, I really like her.”

“And that’s where you fucked up,” Branson growls.

“Dude, whatever. I'm going back to bed.” Tucker sighs.

“Is she there?”

“That’s none of your business,” Tucker replies easily.

It is quiet for a long while before the doorknob turns and I shut my eyes, evening out my breaths.

Tucker climbs back into bed but doesn’t touch me this time.

I wasn’t mad he hadn’t touched me again. It was just nice to have someone to care for me for once. To hold me. I do, however, wonder why Branson cared if Tucker helped me or not.

It felt like there was another game going on here. I was playing. I just didn’t know the rules.

Tucker falls asleep easily, and I sneak out.

* * *

@RayneMarshall: “Do you call them confessions if you don’t feel bad for thinking them?”

I send the tweet into the unknown of the internet for people to judge me without actually knowing me. I find that to be fun, you know. Strangers bullying me, me smiling and acting like words don’t cause deeper wounds than physical violence.I sit down, putting my phone under my bare leg, because God forbid I wore jeans. “Not the look we are going for,” Briggs had muttered when I asked about wearing pants. The early 19th century called, they want their fucked-up, men-dominating morals back.

Fresh makeup is painted on my face. I sit in front of the camera in a fluffy white chair. The backdrop is a green screen I assume would be placed back in medieval times before women and pants went hand and hand. I was salty about this and couldn’t find it in me to not throw a fit in my head.

“So, tell me about last night?”

The person asking the questions is hidden behind the spotlight facing me. I smile, readjusting myself. “I think when you come from nothing and no one, an opportunity like this is a game changer. I think most people expect me to be grateful, which I am, don’t get me wrong. They expect me to take it all lying down with a smile on my face. But the thing about people who come from nothing? We have nothing to lose. And if Tori wants to continue to bully me? Drag me down? I won’t go down without a fight. I’m not a dog. I won’t lay down.”

“So, you would have hit her is what you’re saying?”

My smile is real when I answer. “With my whole soul.”

* * *


God, I hated this stupid white chair. Fur is so out. Leather is in. Who is running this shitshow?

“Why did you throw a drink at Rayne last night?”

Even the girl's name sends anger simmering inside me.

I wear a serious look on my face as I answer, “Gosh, I’m so embarrassed by that. I should have thrown the entire tray at her instead. Not my best move. Honestly, it could have been better.”

The lady clears her throat at my honesty. I smile.

“So, you’re out to get Rayne?”

I laugh, what a joke.“The world I live in is for the privileged. Not some hood rat. There is a reason why only a few families are in this group. She doesn’t fit in. Doesn’t belong.” And I’ll keep pushing her until she realizes that.

* * *


Least favorite part of this show? Confession booth. That’s what I call this little act here. And a fuzzy white chair? The fuck. Leather all the way.

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