Page 55 of Fabricated

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“It’s my baby sister, stupid,” Raiden snapped, his dad shushing him. There was something off about Rowan, Raiden’s dad, today. He was usually smiling, always happy, but today he looked like someone took a sledgehammer to his life.

Ignoring Raiden, I asked, “Why am I holding her?”

“She’s yours, sweetie,” Matilda said, peering down at me.

“I don’t want a baby.” I scrunched up my face, looking back at the sleeping baby.

“She’s going to be your wife one day,” my dad tossed out, writing something down on his paperwork.

“Ew. She’s a baby!” What was wrong with these people? You give kids toys not babies.

“She won’t always be. One day she’ll be big, and she’ll need someone to care for her. Protect her.”

“No, she won’t!” Raiden jumped off the couch, stomping his foot as his face turned red. “I will protect her. I will take care of her. She’s my sister! Why are you giving her to Branson?”

I had to agree with Raiden. He should protect his sister like I protect mine. A tiny hand wrapped around my finger, looking down I was met with sparkling light blue eyes. She cooed at me and I smiled.

But Matilda took her from me. I felt a need to snatch her back. “Where are you taking her?” I asked.

“Oh, Rayne here has a job to do for us, but don’t worry, you’ll be able to look after her until it’s time to bring her back.”

* * *

I stabbed the memory of seeing Rayne for the first time out of my mind. I sat outside one of her foster homes, she had so many I’d lost track over the years. I’d kept a close eye on her. Installing cameras in every room she had ever stayed in. Rayne had grown before my eyes. She was easily the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

I blew smoke out the window as I watched a man come out of the house. It was late, the street was dead and silent. Slowly, quietly, I climbed out of my car, not even shutting the door. I pulled my hood up as I followed the man. Jeff, who had a nasty habit of sampling what wasn’t his, a debt he wouldn’t be able to pay back in a lifetime, and an act for beating on his wife. He didn’t notice when I came up behind him, didn’t flinch when I stuck the needle in his neck and he crumbled at my feet, didn’t grunt when I tossed him in my trunk.

* * *

Naked and shivering, Jeff begged for his life. I didn’t have mercy for rapists, especially not child rapists. And that’s what she was. Rayne was only sixteen and although I’d torched many for touching her, none of them have ever stuck their dicks inside her, ass or pussy, but this fucker thought he was God.

“Bend over,” I said around a mouthful of smoke.

He began praying as he bent forward. His old ass pointed in the air. Smiling, I said, “God won’t fucking save you.”I shot a bullet into his ass.

He screamed, choking on a sob that was a fatal attempt to have some dignity. I wasn’t going to let him keep any of that and if I had more time, I would have tortured him. Strung him up and gutted him like a pig. Instead, I walked around him, smirking as he tried to back away from me. I kicked his feet from underneath him. Landing on his ass, he screamed, eyes rolling to the back of his head in an attempt to pass out from the pain. So, I shoved my gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Brain matter splattered against the brick wall, blood spilling from his ears and nose. His lifeless body fell back with a thump, landing on my tarp. I didn’t want blood in my car.

I rolled his body in the tarp and tossed it over my shoulder. I drove to his house, keeping the tarp so no evidence could be traced back. Then I dropped his body on the front porch.

On my drive back, I clicked open my live feed of Rayne I pulled from a stoplight camera. She was on a bench, her body shivering against the cold as she slept. Making an irrational decision, I turned my blinker on, heading to the park. I parked close to her, hoping not to wake her as I climbed out. Grabbing the blanket I kept in my car in case I was ever stuck out in bad weather, I walked to her.

Her clothes were torn, her shoes taped, no jacket to fight the weather. Her face was dirty, her hair greasy, but still… she was so beautiful. I would have given anything to bring her home with me, but I had a role to play. Soon, I would get her. Keep her safe and warm. She'll never sleep on a bench again or wear anything that wasn’t brand new. I laid the blanket on her, and she curled into it. And, fuck… I could just take her. What could they do? But my phone made the decision for me, ringing loudly from my pocket. Before her eyes opened, I was in my car. Driving away.

* * *


I follow Rayne into her brother's guest room. She stops short, turning to look at me. “What are you doing?”

I slowly tug my jacket off, tossing it to the floor, deliberately taking my time undoing the buttons of my shirt as she loses her battle and watches me. “We’re about to take a shower, then we’ll go to sleep.”

She shakes her head, looking up to me. “You held a gun to my head less than twenty-four hours ago. Or have you forgotten that?”

Fuck. I hadn’t, but it wasn’t at the forefront of my mind tonight. “I haven’t, but I was hoping you had.”

She scoffs, kicking off her shoes, pulling the zipper down the side of her dress. “I haven’t. And you’re not staying here.”

Walking up behind her, I let my body melt against hers. Her skin is soft and warm against mine. My dick stands to attention, rubbing between her ass cheeks. She groans, her head falling back against my chest. “Hate me tomorrow,” I whisper against her neck, gently biting down into her neck. “Let me make you feel good tonight.”

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