Page 53 of Fabricated

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He captures my wrists, bringing one to his lips. “Of course, I did. I’ve known your whole life.”

“So, all of this—us—it was fake?” It hurts to say out loud. Hurts more when all I wanted was to wrap myself around him.

“No.” He pulls me against his chest. His hand locks my arms behind my back as my chest is pushed up against his. “Were we destined? Yes. But what I feel for you? It’s too raw, too consuming for it to ever be fake.”

“Maybe. But you had a part in all of this. What was it? And don’t lie to me. I may not escape this life, but I can escape you in the form of other lovers.”

A deep growl works in his chest, his hands tightening, jaw ticking. “My job was to make the transition smoother. They thought for a girl who had never been loved, you’d follow me blindly into this life. I told them it wouldn’t work.”

They thought because I had no love that they would use it against me. They thought I was weak. That this was a fucking Hallmark movie, and I was Candace Cameron Bure. “And yet, you still did as you were told, knowing it wouldn’t work.”

“I don’t think you’re understanding. The goal was for you to fall in love with me. For you to follow me. But it was I who fell in love with you, I who will follow you blindly.” He places a kiss on my nose.

“Please,” I whisper brokenly. I don’t know if we are still playing a game, or if this is how he truly felt. To hear him speak of loving me shouldn’t feel like a knife penetrating my heart and breathing at the same time.

He releases my arms. His strong hands frame my face, the cool metal of the rings seeping into me. “I know you’re confused and that my words mean nothing, but I will find a way to make you see what I’m saying is true.” He places a soft kiss to my lips that I am too helpless to refuse.

My hands rest on his chest as I break the kiss. “I cannot deal with this right now.”

“That’s fine. But just know, whether you trust me or not, I’m not going anywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you go, I’m one step behind.”

Taking my hand, he leads me out of Raiden’s guest room and into the living room. “Raiden, Tucker,” I say as we approach them, both of them in all-black attire.

Raiden's face softens as he looks at me. “You ready?”

I nod, not feeling confident in this at all. My body shakes as Tucker wraps an arm around my shoulder, pushing Branson and I apart.

“All right, Strawberry, let’s see what kind of trouble we could get into.”

A smile cracks my face as I walk out of Raiden’s house.

* * *

We’re parked out front of Pinnacle, the sex club Branson brought me to.

“Are you ready?” I look over to Tucker and Raiden as they watch video footage of the activities taking place inside.

Tucker laughs. “I thought you'd take the easy route and shoplift a candy bar.” Tucker pushes his blond hair out of his eyes. “So, you want to blow up Pinnacle? You realize not everyone in there is guilty?”

I light a joint as I watch men in suits walk in along with well-dressed women, smiling.Politicians, priests, businessmen. Woman’s rights activists. Public figures. Actors.

Sinister doesn’t have a type. Anyone can be evil.

Blowing the smoke through my nose, I say, “A few innocent people to save hundreds of children? I’ll say my Hail Marys tonight.”

“This is one small group. This doesn’t stop evil.” Tucker squeezes my hand.

“It stops this one.”

Raiden looks up from the footage, worry etching every line and curve of his face. “Be careful. I just got you back, I’m not ready to lose you again.” A sad smile graces my lips as I nod.

Branson opens the door, holding out a hand to help me out. We cross quickly over to a limo and climb in. Branson sits next to me, snatching the joint from my lips, inhaling as he leans closer, his thumb tugging on my bottom lip. Opening for him, his lips touch mine as the hot smoke diffuses past my lips. He captures my lips with his, then tugs harshly on my bottom lip as his hand traces over his name on my thigh.

Pulling back, he watches me. “I think what you're doing is risky.” I nod, not denying it. “But,” he sighs, “given the chance, I’d do the same.”

Tucker's voice filters into my ear, “The buses the children are in are five miles out, you need to hurry.”

The limo door swings open, and I pause. “How are we doing this?”

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