Page 52 of Fabricated

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“What the fuck does that mean?” My patience is thin, one small breeze away from snapping it.

“It means, we did a sort of social experiment. How would your upbringing come to play in leading this society? We’re hoping your hardship has made you resilient. Made you stronger than these weak, pathetic heirs that have been raised in the last four decades. It’s all for the greater good, I assure you.”

“It’s sick,” I spit.

“Ah, to you, maybe. You were not raised in this world, so you do not understand the way we work.” Her eyes sparkle for the first time when she whispers, “But you will.”

I swallow, my eyes trailing over the many faces that peer at me. Stopping on Branson’s who squeezes my hand. When I look back at Matilda, she continues, “So, here’s what happens next. You will prove your loyalty. By committing a crime.” I go to speak but she cuts me off, “You are not privy to knowing why yet. Then we will begin the ritual to our gods and, finally, you will complete the pledge and join us.”

“And if I refuse?”

I hear a click to my right. My eyes swing over to Branson as he smiles sadly. “Sorry, Darling. You won’t be leaving me that quickly.”

I stare at him, my body running cold as I whisper, “Do it.” He licks his lips, a hint of pleading hiding in his dark depths.

“That will not be necessary. Failure to comply is punishable by death. A death you would not enjoy as much as a bullet to the head. We will set you on fire.”

Staring at Branson, I say, “Then get it over with.”

Matilda laughs, her voice pulling me toward her as a video screen slides from the ceiling. The screen is blank before it clicks on. My heart sinks. Two sets of hands on a very round stomach. The couple are sat on the couch, peering down at her stomach. Jordan laughs and my heart squeezes as I look at the face of the only person who means anything to me. The camera slowly turns and zooms in across the street. A man in all black is set up as a rifle is aimed straight at her. No… fuck.

Jerking my hand out of Branson’s, because nothing feels safe in this moment, especially not him, I run my hands through my hair. “Fine. Whatever you want.”

Matilda smiles, pulling pins from her hair as the strawberry locks fall to frame around her face. “Good. You have twenty-four hours to complete the first step. Branson will join you. He is your fiancé, after all.”

Rowan cusses. “Seriously, Matilda? You’ve thrown enough at her today.” But Matilda smiles as she takes great pleasure in my pain.

“Anything else?” I ask.

Her brow furrows. “Excuse me?”

“Is there anything else I should know before I get up and walk out of here? Maybe a secret twin you had me eat at birth?”

“A smartass, I do quite like that about you.”

I sneer, “I would prefer it if you didn’t.”

Branson rises to his feet, holding out a hand for me to take, but Raiden pushes him out of the way. “You can stay with me tonight if that makes you feel safer.”

I laugh. “Nothing can make me feel safer, but sure. Why the fuck not.”

Taking his hand, he leads me past the sinister room and back to the ballroom. When we exit, the paparazzi are gone and I sink into the cool leather of the limo as I close my eyes.

And then, I scream.

Chapter 21


I stand before the mirror. My eyes are not sparkling like they used to, instead replaced with frozen pools of empty depths. The sheer black dress leaves little to the imagination, only covering my breasts and in between my legs. My deep mauve lips are in a permanent scowl. A hand covered in rings lifts my hair, exposing the back of my neck to his sinister lips. The kiss burns into my skin as I fight the need to melt into him.

My hair falls as he stares at me through the mirror. His lips kick up on one side. “You look beautiful.”

“I don’t trust you,” I whisper, staring into his eyes. They grow darker. I curl my lip.

“That’s okay, Darling,” he rasps, “we have a lifetime for me to change your mind.”

Spinning to face him, I push at his suit-covered chest. Hard muscle meets my palms and I want to scream at the ache it causes me. “So, you knew?”

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