Page 34 of Fabricated

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“Fine, if I must.” I sigh dramatically, walking to my closet to grab some yoga pants and a matching top.Fuck a bra. But, oh, I would need these. Grabbing some undies from my drawer, I stroll into the bathroom.

* * *

“This is for children.” I frown at Tucker as I take in the trampolines around us. There is a small Ninja Warrior obstacle course off to the right, a dodgeball section to the left, and a playground behind us. The rest is literally trampolines.

Tucker grins, kicking off his shoes. “Learn to love the small things, Strawberry.”

I roll my eyes, and take off my shoes as the camera gets a little too close. “Back up,” I snap. The cameraman slowly backs up a few inches.

The place is empty, so I assume Tucker has rented it out. Probably for my sake. He is used to this life. The people, the flashing cameras. I, however, am not.

Last week, I went to the bookstore. Briggs signed off on that, saying it was too utterly boring to send a camera crew with me. I was in blissful heaven knowing I would be alone to browse books for hours. I even put my hair up into a cap, pulling it low over my eyes. I had just checked out when it began. The screaming. Crowds of people surrounded me, ripping and tugging my clothes. One even got strands of my hair with a victory roar. I managed to get my phone out and call Branson to come save me. It wasn’t long until he showed up with an army of bodyguards who successfully pushed everyone back as they snapped pictures screaming, “Rayson.” And that was the day I learned to never go without my bodyguards.

Tucker screams, bringing me out of my memory as he jumps around from trampoline to trampoline.I laugh as I begin following suit. Waiting until he isn’t looking, I tackle him. He lets out a groan as my body lands on his, a laugh spilling past my lips as I roll off him. We lay next to one another, catching our breaths.

“So, Emerson, huh?”

He looks over to me with his signature look of mischief in his eyes. “So, Branson, huh?”

I laugh. “Sure.”

Tucker sighs. “Well, if they break our hearts, we can always run away together.”

I smile. “That’s pointless. This won’t last past this season of the show. I’ll be out of this world and nothing but a memory soon enough.”

Tucker swallows, looking to the ceiling. “What makes you think this world will let you go?”

I laugh. “They can’t hold me captive.”

Tucker doesn’t laugh. Instead, he whispers so only I can hear, “If there is ever a time you need to escape, tell me. I’ll get you out of here.”

Taken aback and completely confused, I raise my eyebrows at him.

“The safe word is green bean.”

I frown, and scrunch my nose up in disgust. “Why? I hate green beans.”

He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Me too. That’s why it’s perfect.” With that, he gets up and begins jumping again. I follow suit but can’t get, what I consider, the warning out of my head.

* * *

Laughing as we get out of the car, I feel the first drop of rain hit my face. Smiling, I look up as Tucker ducks around me, running to the door. Some people feel close to the moon. I feel a gravitational pull to the rain.Maybe a bit cliché, considering my name, but who cares? Maybe the thousands of people who watch you once a week on TV. Well, I don’t care, and that’s what matters.

My smile grows as the clouds open and rain begins beating down on me at a rapid pace. I lift my hands above my head as I spin.

“Tucker, it’s raining!” I shout as my body twists around in a circle.

“Yeah, I can see that! Crazy ass! Get inside,” he yells from the doorframe. “Have you ever seen The Wizard of Oz? The witch melted! People like us melt in this rain!”

I laugh, dropping to the grass and laying down, looking toward the rain. The earth feels like it is hugging me as my body sinks into the wet ground. “Good thing I’m not like you guys!” I scream to the sky, smiling.

I shut my eyes as the rain dances over my skin.

I hear people talking before the door shuts.

The rain stops hitting my face and my eyes fly open. Connecting with ones half open as he looks down at me with intensity. His body shields me from the rain. Usually, I’d be having a mega tantrum, but how could I when such a beautiful creation is above me?

He smirks as he leans down, his lips doing a gentle sweep over mine.

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