Page 32 of Fabricated

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“Tails. Tucker, you go first.” Justin pats his back, walking over to the line.

Tucker rubs his hands together, smiling.

“Rayne.” He looks over to Branson and smirks.

My team includes Tucker, me, Justin, Kalisha, and Dante.

The opposing team is Branson, Josefina, Tori, Kyler, and Emerald.

The course is full of trees, dirt, falling limbs, bushes, and bunkers covered in vines. It isn’t a large course, which I guess adds to the challenge. Each team starts on different sides. The view is shrouded from the tinted face shields, black clothing making everyone almost unrecognizable, if it wasn’t for their hair.

“Stick with me, Rayne. Especially if winning is in your nature,” Tucker whispers. I nod, completely in my zone. I’ve never played but I am competitive, a fast learner, and I hate to lose. We have cameras on our vests to capture everything the crew would miss.

The horn sounds off and everyone splits besides Tucker and me. We go up the side of the course.

A paint ball flies fast past my head, and I make a muffled scream sound. Tucker points up ahead and takes off. I follow, paint balls still sailing by me. We duck behind a tree that has steps to climb into a tree bunker. Hurrying up the steps, Tucker taps on my shoulder. I look over as he points to his eyes and then out the small window. Looking out the window, I see Tori. She is searching for us. Being the one who obviously is trying to take me out. Tucker taps my shoulder again. When I look back at him he removes his shield, mouthing, ‘take the shot.’

I grin behind my shield, aiming my gun and rapidly firing off paint balls. One hits her shoulder, and one hits her arm. The rest missed but she is out. She screams on impact, clutching her arm.

I want to feel bad, but I don’t. She deserved it.

The game moves at a rapid pace. Tucker taking Kyler out. Looking up at the board, I see it is two to one.

Tucker tugs my shirt, pulling me behind a rock. Removing his shield, he puts his lips by my ear. “If it’s Branson, and it will be, I want you to seduce him so we can win. Got it?” I nod and he slips his shield back on.

We search around the course before we spot him. Braced up against a bunker, looking the other way. Tucker pushes me. I begin walking up to him. My foot crutches over the leaves. Branson’s head snaps my way, his gun aiming at me. I throw my hands up, dropping my gun. He relaxes, pulling his shield off.

“Hey,” I say after taking the shield off.

“Hey, Darling.” He smiles, his eyes roaming over my body.His slightly narrowed eyes narrow more when my hands run up his chest, his going to my waist.

“Wanna know what would be hot?” I whisper against his cheek.

“What?” I hear the smirk in his voice and hold back my giggles.

I bring my lips close to his.

“If I sucked you off right now. Open for anyone to see.”

“Yeah?” he whispers, his tongue sneaking out to flick over my lip.

I nod, dropping to my knees in front of him.My hands grip his belt buckle. I look up to him, licking my lips. I look back down, undoing his buckle.I feel the wind zoom over my head. Branson grunts and I look up, seeing the paint scattered across his stomach.

I jump up. My hands are flying to the air.“We won!” I scream as someone picks me up over their shoulder.

My teammates emerge, screaming in victory, as Tucker bounces me up and down. I look over to Branson who is glaring at me.I blow a kiss to him as Tucker starts dancing under me. Throwing my head back, I laugh.Feeling free.

* * *

I don’t want to watch this week's episode but apparently, according to Tucker, it is a tradition.

I’m snuggled on the couch with my blanket.Branson walks in, swaggering toward me. He stops in front of me, lifting me and adjusting me on his lap. Something he seems to take great pleasure in.His hot breath blows over my ear, causing goosebumps to spread across my skin.

“I’m still very fucking pissed over the little stunt you pulled, Darling.”His voice is laced with dark promise, and I shiver at the thought. I go to reply, when the lights are cut off.“You know that is the first game I have ever lost? You should feel victorious at the notion of knocking me off my game.” He bites down on my neck, leaving his mark.

I rest my head between his shoulder and neck, choosing to ignore him, and instead I begin to watch the opening credits.

It rolls through the footage of the camping trip.Leaving out the talk between Kalisha and I. Showing us meditating instead.Branson tenses beneath me. I hide my face in his neck as I hear my screams before water splashing.I look up in time to see Branson dive into the water, emerging with me. He lays me on the ground. Pushing my hair out of my face.My body is limp and still.My lips are blue.

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