Page 21 of Fabricated

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“Never have I ever snorted coke,” Justin says, grinning when everyone but him and I take a drink.

“You’ve never done coke?” Tucker asks.

I furrow my brow. “The hell? No. Why would you think that?”

“Because you came from poverty.”

I sigh before punching his calf. “Don’t ever stereotype me again. Ass.”

“Never have I ever given a blow job.” Kyler smirks as all the girls take a drink, except Kalisha.

“Cheap shot,” Josefina mumbles under her breath.

“Never have I ever liked the new girl.” Tori smiles at me smugly. Everyone but her and Josefina take a drink.

“Try being less miserable, Tori,” I snap. Why is she targeting me?

“How can I be miserable when I still have parents? I was good enough to keep, unlike you. So, tell me, how miserable I am?”

That is it. I’ve had it.

My feet move across the campfire until I am in front of her, gripping her shirt. Her nails bite into my cheek, scraping down with a stinging pain. I grin, my fist connecting with her nose. I feel the crunch of bone beneath my knuckles. I shouldn’t feel victorious, but I have reached my limit with her shitty attitude toward me.

She falls back, covering her nose as tears swell up in her eyes.

I don’t know why she cares when Daddy will just buy her a new one. I honestly expected more of a fight, but she just stays on the ground, staring in shock at the blood covering her fingers from her nose. More bark than bite, I see.

Turning, I stalk back to my tent, a camera silently following me as I go.

I am drunk. Tired. And hurt. I need to sleep before I accidentally hurt her badly. Accident is a strong lie there. I’d mean every hit she felt.

* * *

Branson stands in the tent, looking at me.

“What?” I snap, climbing into bed and snuggling up with my blanket. It is super chilly here at night. They are not playing.

He pulls an alcohol wipe out of his pocket. Sitting next to me, he cups my face. “Gotta stop meeting like this, Darling.” I laugh as he smiles, cleaning the scratches on my face.

“She deserved it,” I say defensively.

“I agree.” He blows on my skin. My eyes close.

“She’s really mean.” I pout.

“She’s threatened by you.” He stands, kicking off his jeans and putting on some sweats, tossing his shirt after. He climbs into bed next to me. “And she has reason to be. The show wanted her and me to be a couple. That’s obviously not happening. But you and I…” he trails off.

“Are what?”

He sighs, raking his hands through his hair. His eyes connect with mine. So much is being said through the dark irises. Frustration. Hunger. Compassion. And something a little sinister. “We’re complicated.”

“I barely know you,” I whisper huskily.

“Says the girl who lets me kiss her and hold her hand.”

I swallow as his fingers slip through my hair. It is true, I barely know him… but every time I am around him, I feel safe. I feel like I’ve known him all my life.

“Get to know me, Rayne,” he whispers over my lips. Kissing gently.

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